Note: tf_cnn_benchmarks is no longer maintained.
tf_cnn_benchmarks contains TensorFlow 1 implementations of several popular convolutional models, and is designed to be as fast as possible. tf_cnn_benchmarks supports both running on a single machine or running in distributed mode across multiple hosts.
tf_cnn_benchmarks is no longer maintained. Although it will run with TensorFlow 2, it was written and optimized for TensorFlow 1, and has not been maintained since TensorFlow 2 was released. For clean and easy-to-read TensorFlow 2 models, please see the TensorFlow Official Models.
To run ResNet50 with synthetic data without distortions with a single GPU, run
python --num_gpus=1 --batch_size=32 --model=resnet50 --variable_update=parameter_server
Note that the master branch of tf_cnn_benchmarks occasionally requires the
latest nightly version of TensorFlow. You can install the nightly version by
running pip install tf-nightly-gpu
in a clean environment, or by installing
TensorFlow from source. We sometimes will create a branch of tf_cnn_benchmarks,
in the form of cnn_tf_vX.Y_compatible, that is compatible with TensorFlow
version X.Y. For example, branch
works with TensorFlow 1.9. However, as tf_cnn_benchmarks is no longer
maintained, we will likely no longer create new branches.
Some important flags are
- model: Model to use, e.g. resnet50, inception3, vgg16, and alexnet.
- num_gpus: Number of GPUs to use.
- data_dir: Path to data to process. If not set, synthetic data is used. To use Imagenet data use these instructions as a starting point.
- batch_size: Batch size for each GPU.
- variable_update: The method for managing variables: parameter_server ,replicated, distributed_replicated, independent
- local_parameter_device: Device to use as parameter server: cpu or gpu.
To see the full list of flags, run python --help
To run ResNet50 with real data with 8 GPUs, run:
python --data_format=NCHW --batch_size=256 \
--model=resnet50 --optimizer=momentum --variable_update=replicated \
--nodistortions --gradient_repacking=8 --num_gpus=8 \
--num_epochs=90 --weight_decay=1e-4 --data_dir=${DATA_DIR} --use_fp16 \
This will train a ResNet-50 model on ImageNet with 2048 batch size on 8 GPUs. The model should train to around 76% accuracy.
To run the tests, run
pip install portpicker
python && python --run_distributed_tests
Note the tests require portpicker.
The command above runs a subset of tests that is both fast and fairly comprehensive. Alternatively, all the tests can be run, but this will take a long time:
python --full_tests && python --full_tests --run_distributed_tests
We will run all tests on every PR before merging them, so it is not necessary
to pass --full_tests
when running tests yourself.
To run an individual test, such as method testParameterServer
of test class
of module benchmark_cnn_test
, run
python -m unittest -v benchmark_cnn_test.TfCnnBenchmarksTest.testParameterServer