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File metadata and controls

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Tracing setup

This sections shows how to enable tracing for tekton reconcilers and capture traces in Jaeger


Jaeger should be installed and accessible from the cluster. The easiest way to set it up is using helm as below

the following command installs Jaeger in jaeger namespace

helm repo add jaegertracing
helm upgrade -i jaeger jaegertracing/jaeger -n jaeger --create-namespace

Use port-forwarding to open the jaeger query UI or adjust the service type to Loadbalancer for accessing the service directly

kubectl port-forward svc/jaeger-query -n jaeger 8080:80

Check the official Jaeger docs on how to work with Jaeger

Enabling tracing

The configmap config/config-tracing.yaml contains the configuration for tracing. It contains the following fields:

  • enabled: Set this to true to enable tracing
  • endpoint: API endpoint for jaeger collector to send the traces. By default the endpoint is configured to be http://jaeger-collector.jaeger.svc.cluster.local:14268/api/traces.
  • credentialsSecret: Name of the secret which contains username and password to authenticate against the endpoint