- Bratton, Benjamin H. and Jeremijenko, Natalie. Suspicious images, latent interfaces. Architectural League of New York, 2008.
- Morton, Timothy. The Ecological Thought. Harvard University Press, 2010.
- Muecke, Stephen. What the cassowary does not need to know. Australian Humanities Review, 2006.
- Stone, Christopher D. Should Trees Have Standing--Toward Legal Rights for Natural Objects. 1972.
- Purdy, Jedediah. Anthropocene Fever. 2015.
- Potter, Emily. Climate Change and the Problem of Representation, 2009.
- Franklin, Ursula M. The real world of technology. House of Anansi, 1999. Chapter 1.
###Design Practices:
- Unpleasant Design for ex: Hostile Urban Architecture.
- Critical Design Dunne & Raby
- On the boundary between critical and speculative design James Auger
- Ivan Illich and the telephone as the perfect tool
- From Critical Design to Critical Infrastructure:Lessons from Turkopticon
- Solving the wrong problems
###On design and activisim:
- Bruno Latour, Where are the missing masses. Run down on actor network theory and some positions from which to think about technology.)
- Latour, Bruno. We have never been modern. Harvard University Press, 2012.
- Morton, Timothy. The ecological thought. Harvard University Press, 2010.
####Environmental Art
###The creative process
- Ira Glass on creative work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbC4gqZGPSY