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Database in the middle of a restore Repro

ℹ️ This issue occurs when running inside or outside of docker, in Azure and outside of Azure and when one instance of SQL Server is outside of Azure and another inside of Azure. The repro below uses Docker in order to simplify steps to reproduce but Docker is not required to reproduce the issue.

ℹ️ This issue occurs when both SQL Server instances are running 2019, both instances are running 2017 and when one is 2017 and the other is 2019. All instances tested are stock configuration, right out of the box as demonstrated in repro below.

In the situation where an existing database has been dropped and a restored database renamed to the name of the previsouly existing database, if another database is created and in the "restoring" state, linked server queries fail to execute encountering the error "Database <nameofrestoringdatabase> cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.", however the query is targeting the database that is NOT in the middle of a restore.

For example, the following query is targeting the database Northwind_live but the error message indicates Northwind_next_inprogress:


SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Employees];


Msg 927, Level 14, State 2, Line 1
Database 'Northwind_next_inprogress' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create SQL_DB_HOST - Will host the Northwind Database
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=yourStrong(!)Password' -p 1433:1433 --name sql_db_host -d 
  1. Create SQL_DB_CLIENT - Will access SQL_DB_HOST via linked server
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=yourStrong(!)Password' -p 1434:1433 --name sql_db_client -d
  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  2. Connect to SQL_DB_HOST (localhost,1433)
  3. Create Northwind Database on SQL_DB_HOST
  4. Backup Northwind Database
USE [master]
BACKUP DATABASE [Northwind] TO  DISK = N'/var/opt/mssql/data/Northwind_Full.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'Northwind-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10
  1. Drop Northwind Database
USE [master]
  1. Restore Northwind Backup to Northwind_live database
USE [master]
RESTORE DATABASE [Northwind_live] FROM  DISK = N'/var/opt/mssql/data/Northwind_Full.bak' WITH  FILE = 1,  MOVE N'Northwind' TO N'/var/opt/mssql/data/Northwind_live.mdf',  MOVE N'Northwind_log' TO N'/var/opt/mssql/data/Northwind_live.ldf',  NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 5
  1. Obtain IP Address of SQL_DB_HOST
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' sql_db_host
  1. Connect to SQL_DB_CLIENT (localhost, 1434)
  2. Create Linked Server on SQL_DB_CLIENT to SQL_DB_HOST replacing <SQL_DB_HOST_IP_ADDRESS> with the IP address obtained in Step #9
USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'sql_db_host', @srvproduct=N'', @provider=N'SQLNCLI', @provstr=N'Library=DMBSSOCN;Server=<SQL_DB_HOST_IP_ADDRESS>;Database=master;'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'sql_db_host',@useself=N'False',@locallogin=NULL,@rmtuser=N'sa',@rmtpassword='yourStrong(!)Password'
  1. Execute linked server queries from SQL_DB_CLIENT to verify (can all be executed in one batch)
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Employees];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Employees];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Categories];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Categories];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Customers];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Customers];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Shippers];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Shippers];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Suppliers];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Suppliers];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Orders];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Orders];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Products];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Products];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Order Details];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Order Details];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[CustomerCustomerDemo];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[CustomerCustomerDemo];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[CustomerDemographics];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[CustomerDemographics];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Region];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Region];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Territories];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Territories];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[EmployeeTerritories];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[EmployeeTerritories];
  1. Create Northwind_next database on SQL_DB_HOST
DECLARE @BackupFileName nVarchar(1000) = 'Northwind_Full.bak',
	@DatabaseName nVarchar(1000) = 'Northwind_next',
	@DataPath nVarchar(100) = '/var/opt/mssql/data/',
	@Command_Full_REC nVarchar(4000)
SET @Command_Full_REC = 'RESTORE DATABASE [' + @DatabaseName + '] FROM DISK = N''' + @DataPath + @BackupFileName + '''' + ' WITH  FILE = 1 ,' + 'MOVE N''Northwind''  TO N''' + @DataPath + @DatabaseName + '.mdf'',MOVE N''Northwind_log'' TO N''' + @DataPath + @DatabaseName + '.ldf'',RECOVERY'
EXEC (@Command_Full_REC);
  1. Rename Northwind_live database to Northwind_tmp on SQL_DB_HOST
DECLARE @DatabaseNameLive NVARCHAR(100) = 'Northwind_live',
	@DatabaseNamePrevTemp NVARCHAR(100) = 'Northwind_tmp',
	@Command_full_live_rename nVarchar(4000)
SET @Command_full_live_rename = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DatabaseNameLive + '] MODIFY NAME = [' + @DatabaseNamePrevTemp + '];'
EXEC (@Command_full_live_rename);
  1. Rename Northwind_next database to Northwind_live on SQL_DB_HOST
DECLARE @DatabaseNameNext nVarchar(1000) = 'Northwind_next', 
	@DatabaseNameLive NVARCHAR(100) = 'Northwind_live',
	@Command_full_Rec_rename nVarchar(4000)
SET @Command_full_Rec_rename = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DatabaseNameNext + '] MODIFY NAME = [' + @DatabaseNameLive + '];'
EXEC (@Command_full_Rec_rename);
  1. Drop Northwind_tmp on SQL_DB_HOST
DECLARE @DatabaseNamePrevTemp NVARCHAR(100) = 'Northwind_tmp',
		@Command_Bkp_Drop nVarchar(4000)
SET @Command_Bkp_Drop = 'DROP DATABASE [' + @DatabaseNamePrevTemp + ']';
EXEC (@Command_Bkp_Drop);
  1. Create Northwind_next_inprogress database on SQL_DB_HOST
DECLARE @BackupFileName nVarchar(1000) = 'Northwind_Full.bak',
	@DatabaseNameNext nVarchar(1000) = 'Northwind_next_inprogress', 
	@DataPath nVarchar(100) = '/var/opt/mssql/data/',
	@Command_Full_concurdb nVarchar(4000)
SET @Command_Full_concurdb = 'RESTORE DATABASE [' + @DatabaseNameNext + '] FROM DISK = N''' + @DataPath + @BackupFileName+'''' + ' WITH  FILE = 1 ,' + 'MOVE N''Northwind''  TO N''' + @DataPath + @DatabaseNameNext + '.mdf'',MOVE N''Northwind_log'' TO N''' + @DataPath + @DatabaseNameNext + '.ldf'',NORECOVERY, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 5'
EXEC (@Command_Full_concurdb);
  1. Execute linked server queries from SQL_DB_CLIENT to verify (can all be executed in one batch)
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Employees];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Employees];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Categories];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Categories];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Customers];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Customers];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Shippers];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Shippers];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Suppliers];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Suppliers];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Orders];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Orders];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Products];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Products];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Order Details];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Order Details];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[CustomerCustomerDemo];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[CustomerCustomerDemo];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[CustomerDemographics];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[CustomerDemographics];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Region];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Region];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Territories];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[Territories];
SELECT * FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[EmployeeTerritories];SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sql_db_host].[Northwind_live].[dbo].[EmployeeTerritories];

Expected Result

All queries execute successfully and have identical behavior to Step #12

Actual Result

Queries fail with following error message indicating Northwind_next_inprogress cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore., however Northwind_live is the database being accessed, not Northwind_next_inprogress.