The event flow rule processor (EFRuP) is a special rule processor that operates alongside all the other rule processors and enables operational control over the normal Tazama system functioning, for example, to be able to block a customer from transacting from any account or to override an interdiction and allow a transaction where it would otherwise have been blocked.
The EFRuP can be configured to block or allow a transaction based on the evaluation of conditions against one of the transaction attributes. There are two types of conditions that can control event flow in the Tazama system. These conditions can be created on a debtor or creditor:
- Blocking conditions
- non-overridable-block conditions (red)
- overridable-block conditions (amber)
- Override conditions (green)
The following configuration steps are required to enable event flow processing
- Update network map configuration
- Update typology configuration
- Add conditions
By adding the EFRuP processor to the network map, the event director will route transactions to the event flow rule processor in addition to the other rules specified in the typologies array.
"active": true,
"cfg": "1.0.0",
"messages": [
"id": "[email protected]",
"cfg": "1.0.0",
"txTp": "pacs.002.001.12",
"typologies": [
"id": "[email protected]",
"cfg": "[email protected]",
"rules": [
"id": "[email protected]",
"cfg": "1.0.0"
"id": "[email protected]",
"cfg": "none"
If the event flow processor is applicable to a typology, the EFRuP rule must be added to the list of rules in the typology configuration and EFRuP "flowProcessor": "[email protected]"
should be added to the workflow object.
may be omitted from the workflow object and the rules list in which case a particular typology is not affected by EFRuP results.
"_key": "[email protected]",
"desc": "Rule-901 Typology",
"id": "[email protected]",
"cfg": "[email protected]",
"workflow": {
"alertThreshold": 200,
"interdictionThreshold": 400,
"flowProcessor": "[email protected]"
"rules": [
"id": "[email protected]",
"cfg": "1.0.0",
"termId": "v901at100at100",
"wghts": [
"ref": ".err",
"wght": "0"
"ref": ".x00",
"wght": "100"
"ref": ".01",
"wght": "100"
"ref": ".02",
"wght": "200"
"ref": ".03",
"wght": "400"
"id": "[email protected]",
"cfg": "none",
"termId": "vEFRuPat100atnone",
"wghts": [
"ref": ".err",
"wght": "0"
"ref": "override",
"wght": "0"
"ref": "non-overridable-block",
"wght": "0"
"ref": "overridable-block",
"wght": "0"
"ref": "none",
"wght": "0"
"expression": [
Conditions can be created against an entity or account and multiple conditions can exist at the same time, in which case the hierarchy of conditions will be evaluated as follows:
- Prevailing non-overridable-block conditions (red) are always applied to transactions
- Prevailing override conditions (green) trump overridable-blocking conditions (amber)
- If an overridable condition (amber) is not over-ridden (i.e. it is a prevailing overridable condition) it will still be applied to transactions
- Override conditions (green) can also override a typology interdiction result and suppress an interdiction alert on a transaction event (if the EFRuP and/or interdiction workflows are configured in the Typology configuration)
Admin APIs exist for
- Create a condition for an entity
- Create a contition for an account
- Retrieve a condition for an entity
- Retrieve a condition for an account
- Expire a condition
Technical documentation for the implementation of the Admin API is covered in the Admin service repository.
The event director will route a transaction event to EFRuP, if it is configured in the network map.
The Event flow Rule processor (EFRuP) sends a single result to the typology processor. The subRuleRef
will be one of block
, override
or none
. If the evaluation of conditions results in subRuleRef
= block
then the EFRuP will generate an interdiction alert immediately ALRT
(interdiction alert). The EFRuP will publish an interdiction alert message to the NATS subject defined in the EFRuP's environment variables.
Sequence diagram
participant ed as Event Director
participant efrup as Event Flow<BR>Rule Processor
participant relay as Relay Service<BR> (Interdiction)
participant typologyproc as Typology<BR> Processor
ed->>efrup: Route to EFRuP
alt Blocking condition detected
efrup->>relay: SendInterdiction()
efrup->>typologyproc: sendResult()
If a typology score is equal to or greater than the threshold value and there is an override in place, the Typology Processor will not trigger an interdiction workflow to instruct the client system to block the transaction event.
Note The event flow rule processor result does not have a weight wght
and will not be added to the typology score.
If the event flow processor is applicable to a typology, the EFRuP rule must be added to the list of rules in the typology configuration and EFRuP "flowProcessor": "[email protected]"
will be added to the workflow object.
may be omitted from the workflow object and the rules list in which case a particular typology is not affected by EFRuP results.
Sample output
"report": {
"evaluationID": "ecbd6990-09d6-4010-9f1c-2baddbd2bc73",
"metaData": {
"prcgTmDP": 5829672,
"prcgTmED": 3375241
"status": "NALT",
"timestamp": "2024-05-22T14:24:20.373Z",
"tadpResult": {
"id": "[email protected]",
"cfg": "1.0.0",
"typologyResult": [
"id": "[email protected]",
"cfg": "[email protected]",
"result": 100,
"ruleResults": [
"id": "[email protected]",
"cfg": "1.0.0",
"subRuleRef": ".01",
"prcgTm": 11024622,
"wght": 400
"id": "[email protected]",
"cfg": "none",
"subRuleRef": "override",
"prcgTm": 11024622
"prcgTm": 1532599,
"review": true,
"workflow": {
"alertThreshold": 200,
"interdictionThreshold": 400,
"flowProcessor": "[email protected]"
"prcgTm": 7142981
Sequence diagram (end-to-end)
participant dsfp as Client System
participant tms as TMS API
participant ed as Event Director
participant efrup as Event Flow<BR> Rule Processor
participant tp as Typology Processor
participant relay_interdict as Relay Service<BR> (interdiction)
participant tadproc as TADProc
participant relay_alert as Relay Service <BR> (alert)
dsfp->>tms: evaluateTransaction()
tms->>ed: routeTransaction()
tms->>dsfp: 200 Ok
ed->>efrup: evaluateTransaction()
alt Block
efrup->>relay_interdict: sendInterdiction()
efrup->>tp: sendResult(block, override, none)
tp->>tp: aggregateRuleResults
tp->>tp: scoreTypologyResults
alt no thresholds configured or breached
tp->>tp: set review = false
alt Alert threshold configured and breached
tp->>tp: set review = true
alt Interdiction threshold configured and breached
alt EFRuP configured and status block
tp->>tp: set review = true
alt EFRuP configured and status override
tp->>tp: set review = true
alt EFRUP configured and status none
tp->>tp: set review = true
tp->>relay_interdict: sendInterdiction()
alt EFRuP not configured
tp->>tp: set review = true
tp->>relay_interdict: sendInterdiction()
tp->>tadproc: sendTypologyResult()
alt any typology status = review
tadproc->>relay_alert: sendAlert()