Command Reference > types > readTypeDefs
Get all type definitions in Atlas in bulk.
pv types readTypeDefs [--includeTermTemplate --type=<val>]
Whether to include termtemplatedef when returning all typedefs. Default: false.
Restrict results to a specific type of type definition (classification | entity | enum | relationship | struct | term_template).
Catalog Data Plane > Types > Get All Type Definitions
GET https://{accountName}
Get all type definitions for a particular type.
pv types readTypeDefs --type "enum"
Sample response.
"classificationDefs": [],
"entityDefs": [],
"enumDefs": [
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787943686,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "glossary_term_status_value",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "Approved"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "Alert"
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "Expired"
"ordinal": 3,
"value": "Draft"
"guid": "6e30d01e-f5d0-9799-08e7-09b4f276c09c",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "glossary_term_status_value",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787943686,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787943608,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "TermRelationshipStatus defines how reliable the relationship is between two glossary terms",
"elementDefs": [
"description": "DRAFT means the relationship is under development.",
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "DRAFT"
"description": "ACTIVE means the relationship is validated and in use.",
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "ACTIVE"
"description": "DEPRECATED means the the relationship is being phased out.",
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "DEPRECATED"
"description": "OBSOLETE means that the relationship should not be used anymore.",
"ordinal": 3,
"value": "OBSOLETE"
"description": "OTHER means that there is another status.",
"ordinal": 99,
"value": "OTHER"
"guid": "42185ddb-29be-e911-ea52-890154eb07c0",
"lastModifiedTS": "2",
"name": "AtlasGlossaryTermRelationshipStatus",
"serviceType": "atlas_core",
"typeVersion": "1.1",
"updateTime": 1615787943973,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 2
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787945788,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "storage_account_sku",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "Standard_LRS"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "Standard_GRS"
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "Standard_RAGRS"
"ordinal": 3,
"value": "Standard_ZRS"
"ordinal": 4,
"value": "Premium_LRS"
"guid": "fc65fc32-3596-56ea-f430-99f0cb71debd",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "storage_account_sku",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787945788,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787945788,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "blob_access_tier",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "Unknown"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "Hot"
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "Cool"
"ordinal": 3,
"value": "Archive"
"guid": "edce5d5f-699b-f36f-e4d8-8e18bb4b10f5",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "blob_access_tier",
"serviceType": "Azure Blob Storage",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787945788,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787946620,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "ads_snapshot_status",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "Succeeded"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "Failed"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "Cancelled"
"guid": "ef90949b-3711-9a46-ba1e-5137abfe2b26",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "ads_snapshot_status",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787946620,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787945788,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "container_public_access_level",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "Off"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "Container"
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "Blob"
"ordinal": 3,
"value": "Unknown"
"guid": "eb9f089d-d8b1-068d-bfbf-84bd267f5904",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "container_public_access_level",
"serviceType": "Azure Blob Storage",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787945788,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787944125,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "file_action",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "NONE"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "EXECUTE"
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "WRITE"
"ordinal": 3,
"value": "WRITE_EXECUTE"
"ordinal": 4,
"value": "READ"
"ordinal": 5,
"value": "READ_EXECUTE"
"ordinal": 6,
"value": "READ_WRITE"
"ordinal": 7,
"value": "ALL"
"guid": "a8681e87-f59c-78e0-7fc1-9c0bcc4553f7",
"lastModifiedTS": "2",
"name": "file_action",
"serviceType": "file_system",
"typeVersion": "1.1",
"updateTime": 1615787944505,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 2
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787945788,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "blob_type",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "Unspecified"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "PageBlob"
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "BlockBlob"
"ordinal": 3,
"value": "AppendBlob"
"guid": "171bba26-3a17-3f5c-50f2-1e313c87d473",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "blob_type",
"serviceType": "Azure Blob Storage",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787945788,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787945788,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "storage_account_kind",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "StorageClassic"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "StorageV2"
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "BlobStorage"
"guid": "ad3d7a83-08c3-9717-1305-e18408e10308",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "storage_account_kind",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787945788,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787943608,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "TermAssignmentStatus defines how much the semantic assignment should be trusted.",
"elementDefs": [
"description": "DISCOVERED means that the semantic assignment was added by a discovery engine.",
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "DISCOVERED"
"description": "PROPOSED means that the semantic assignment was proposed by person - they may be a subject matter expert, or consumer of the Referenceable asset",
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "PROPOSED"
"description": "IMPORTED means that the semantic assignment has been imported from outside of the open metadata cluster",
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "IMPORTED"
"description": "VALIDATED means that the semantic assignment has been reviewed and is highly trusted.",
"ordinal": 3,
"value": "VALIDATED"
"description": "DEPRECATED means that the semantic assignment is being phased out. There may be another semantic assignment to the Referenceable that will ultimately replace this one.",
"ordinal": 4,
"value": "DEPRECATED"
"description": "OBSOLETE means that the semantic assignment is no longer in use,",
"ordinal": 5,
"value": "OBSOLETE"
"description": "OTHER means that the semantic assignment value does not match any of the other Term Assignment Status values",
"ordinal": 6,
"value": "OTHER"
"guid": "b9aaf55f-2689-8680-cad4-7bea87aa51f2",
"lastModifiedTS": "2",
"name": "AtlasGlossaryTermAssignmentStatus",
"serviceType": "atlas_core",
"typeVersion": "1.1",
"updateTime": 1615787943973,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 2
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787946118,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "cosmosdb_account_api",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "SQL"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "MongoDb"
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "Cassandra"
"ordinal": 3,
"value": "Table"
"ordinal": 4,
"value": "Gremlin"
"guid": "494eb577-0c4e-b781-4c8e-e6a7e3b5f404",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "cosmosdb_account_api",
"serviceType": "Azure Cosmos DB",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787946118,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787944156,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "hive_principal_type",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "USER"
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "ROLE"
"ordinal": 3,
"value": "GROUP"
"guid": "bb326328-3a0c-46f6-8d43-2d96abc35cc4",
"lastModifiedTS": "2",
"name": "hive_principal_type",
"serviceType": "hive",
"typeVersion": "1.1",
"updateTime": 1615787944573,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 2
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787946620,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "ads_share_type",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "Snapshot"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "InPlace"
"guid": "24fafa85-6344-c42c-ea38-1db696e65123",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "ads_share_type",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787946620,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787946620,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "ads_snapshot_type",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "Incremental"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "FullCopy"
"guid": "f3a24724-e47f-7f77-339b-67153b6274bf",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "ads_snapshot_type",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787946620,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787948145,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "powerbi_endorsement_status",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "Promoted"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "Certified"
"guid": "32f31348-5c77-5e27-1198-19c2cfc24499",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "powerbi_endorsement_status",
"serviceType": "Power BI",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787948145,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"category": "ENUM",
"createTime": 1615787948493,
"createdBy": "admin",
"description": "parquet_field_repetition_type",
"elementDefs": [
"ordinal": 0,
"value": "optional"
"ordinal": 1,
"value": "required"
"ordinal": 2,
"value": "repeated"
"guid": "d100c837-68c7-283a-764e-ea86be31c0b4",
"lastModifiedTS": "1",
"name": "parquet_field_repetition_type",
"typeVersion": "1.0",
"updateTime": 1615787948493,
"updatedBy": "admin",
"version": 1
"relationshipDefs": [],
"structDefs": []
Get all type definitions (not including term templates).
pv types readTypeDefs
Get all type definitions (including term templates).
pv types readTypeDefs --includeTermTemplate