CoBEVT, 100ms Delay, no compression
python opencood/tools/ --perception_model_name corpbevtlidar_delay_1_frame_aug
CoBEVT, 100ms Delay, 256x compression
python opencood/tools/ --perception_model_name corpbevtlidar_delay_1_frame_aug_c256
V2VNet, 100ms Delay, no compression
python opencood/tools/ --perception_model_name point_pillar_v2vnet_multiego
No Cooperation
python opencood/tools/ --perception_model_name point_pillar_sinbevt --no_coop
This will save the detection and tracking results in the preprocessed_data
folder. This script caches intermediate results in the preprocessed_data
folder as well, so if you want to re-run, you need to delete the cache. This script also saves the fused features in the preprocessed_data
folder. Our intermediate results can be accessed HERE.
The overall evaluation results will be saved in the checkpoint folder eval.yaml
CoBEVT, 100ms Delay, no compression
python opencood/tools/ --perception_model_name point_pillar_cobevt_multiego_1x
CoBEVT, 100ms Delay, 256x compression
python opencood/tools/ --perception_model_name point_pillar_cobevt_multiego_256x
V2VNet, 100ms Delay, no compression
python opencood/tools/ --perception_model_name point_pillar_v2vnet_multiego
No Cooperation
python opencood/tools/ --perception_model_name point_pillar_sinbevt --no_coop
CoBEVT, 100ms Delay, no compression
python AB3Dmot/scripts/KITTI/ --perception_model_name corpbevtlidar_delay_1_frame_aug --dataset opv2v
CoBEVT, 100ms Delay, 256x compression
python AB3Dmot/scripts/KITTI/ --perception_model_name corpbevtlidar_delay_1_frame_aug_c256 --dataset opv2v
No Cooperation
python AB3Dmot/scripts/KITTI/ --perception_model_name point_pillar_sinbevt --dataset opv2v
CoBEVT, 100ms Delay, no compression
python AB3Dmot/scripts/KITTI/ --perception_model_name point_pillar_cobevt_multiego_1x --dataset v2v4real
CoBEVT, 100ms Delay, 256x compression
python AB3Dmot/scripts/KITTI/ --perception_model_name point_pillar_cobevt_multiego_256x --dataset v2v4real
No Cooperation
python AB3Dmot/scripts/KITTI/ --perception_model_name point_pillar_sinbevt --dataset v2v4real