This file contains the tasks that you need to perform to practise the concepts learned from the course. Please spend some time practising; otherwise, all the time you spend learning something will be a complete waste.
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Please Note: These tasks are for your practice. If you are stuck, go back to the videos and get the clarifications. If you are still stuck, feel free to start a conversation on tapaScript Discord.
- T-001: Create an array of 5 elements using the Array Constructor.
- T-002: Create an array of 3 empty slots.
- T-003: Create an array of 6 elements using the Array literals and access the fourth element in the array using its
property. - T-004: Use the
loop on the above array to print elements in the odd index. - T-005: Add one element at the front and the end of an array.
- T-006: Remove an element from the front and the end of an array.
- T-007: Create an array containing the name of your favourite foods(10 foods). Destructure the 6th food element from the array using destructuring.
- T-008: Take out the last 8 food items from the above array using the Array destructuring. Hint: rest parameter.
- T-009: Clone an Array(Shallow cloning)
- T-010: Empty an array using its length property
- T-011: Create an array of 10 elements(number 1 to 10). Resize the array to length 6 once you find the number 5 in that array. Hint: Use
. - T-012: Create an Array of 10 elements. Use the
method to empty the array. - T-013: Create an Array of 10 elements. You can empty the array in multiple ways: using the
property, using thepop()
method, using theshift()
method, setting the array with[]
, or thesplice()
method. Which among these methods are most efficient and why? - T-014: What happens when you concatenate two empty arrays?
- T-015: How can you check if a value is partially matching with any of the elements of an Array?
- T-016: What is the difference between the slice() and splice() methods?
- T-017: Create an Array of alphanumeric strings. Sort the elements in both ascending and descending orders. You must be doing this in an immutable way such that the source array never gets modified.
- T-018: Can you give examples of sparse and dense arrays?
- T-019: Give a practical usages of the .fill() method
- T-020: How to convert an array to a string?
Consider these input arrays for question T-21 to T-48
employees array
: An array of emplyees working in a department.const employees = [ { id: 1, name: "Alice", departmentId: 1, salary: 5000 }, { id: 2, name: "Bob", departmentId: 2, salary: 7000 }, { id: 3, name: "Charlie", departmentId: 3, salary: 4500 }, { id: 4, name: "Diana", departmentId: 1, salary: 5500 }, { id: 5, name: "Edward", departmentId: 2, salary: 8000 }, { id: 6, name: "Fiona", departmentId: 4, salary: 6000 }, { id: 7, name: "George", departmentId: 3, salary: 5200 }, { id: 8, name: "Helen", departmentId: 4, salary: 7200 }, { id: 9, name: "Ian", departmentId: 2, salary: 4800 }, { id: 10, name: "Jane", departmentId: 1, salary: 5100 }, ];
departments array
: An array of departments where emplyees work.const departments = [ { id: 1, name: "HR" }, { id: 2, name: "Engineering" }, { id: 3, name: "Marketing" }, { id: 4, name: "Sales" }, ];
T-021: Can you filter employees who work in the "Engineering" department?
T-022: Create a new array that combines employee names and department names in the format: "Alice (HR)".
T-023: Find the highest salary among employees.
T-024: Check if there is at least one employee in the "Sales" department.
T-025: Write a function to filter employees earning more than 6000.
T-026: Create an array of employee names only.
T-027: Calculate the total salary of all employees using
T-028: Is there any employee earning less than 5000?
T-029: Find the first employee who earns exactly 5100.
T-030: Find the last employee in the "HR" department.
T-031: Find the first employee in the "Marketing" department.
T-032: Check if all employees earn more than 4000.
T-033: Find the last employee in the "HR" department.
T-034: Verify if all employees belong to a department listed in the departments array.
T-035: Log each employee's name and department name to the console.
T-036: Extract all employee skill names into a single array.
T-037: Increment each employee's salary by 10%
T-038: Assume each employee can have multiple skills. Create an array of employee skills and flatten them. Example: [{name: "Alice", skills: ["Excel", "Management"]}, ...].
T-039: Find the total salary of all employees working in the "Engineering" department.
T-040: Check if there is any department where all employees earn more than 5000.
T-041: Assume each employee has a projects array (e.g., { id: 1, name: "Alice", projects: ["Project A", "Project B"] }). Find the total number of unique projects being handled across all employees.
T-042: For each employee, find their department name and return an array of employee names with their department names.
T-043: Get a list of names of employees earning more than 6000.
T-044: Write a for-of loop to print the names of all employees from the employees array.
T-045: Using a for-of loop, print the names of employees earning more than 5000.
T-046: Modify the for-of loop to destructure each employee object and log their name and salary.
T-047: Write a for-of loop to match employees with their departments and print the results.
T-048: Use Array.prototype.entries() with a for-of loop to print the index and name of each employee.
T-049: Given the array-like object below, access the second element and log it:
const arrayLike = { 0: "First", 1: "Second", length: 2 };
T-050: Write a function that takes a variable number of arguments and converts the arguments object into a real array using Array.from.
T-051: Write a snippet to select all div elements on a webpage (using document.querySelectorAll) and convert the resulting NodeList into an array.
T-052: Merge these two arrays into a single array:
const arr1 = [1, 2]; const arr2 = [3, 4];
T-053: Create an array of n duplicate values using Array.from. Input: Create an array with 5 "A" values. Output: ["A", "A", "A", "A", "A"]
T-054: Use Array.from to convert a string like "Hello" into an array of characters.