Project work for the exam "Semantics in Intelligent Information Access".
Glossary of the project:
- SEL Database: acronym for SuEatableLife Database, avalaible here.
- CSEL dataset: acronym for Complete and Coherent SuEatableLife Dataset, an handmade derived version of the SEL Database that merge all the information about the ingredients. Available here.
- FoodPrintDB_v1: first version of the FoodPrintDB database by Amoruso and Fusillo, avalaible as sql scripts in this folder.
- FoodPrintDB_v2: second and updated version of the FoodPrintDB and main object of this work obtained injecting the information in the CSEL dataset into FoodPrintDB_v1. Avalaible as sql scripts in this folder.
The Project folder is so organized:
- "Docs" contains the documentation, slides and support documents concerning specific aspect of the project.
- "SuEatableLife Database" contains the files about SuEatableLife database and related working files.
- "SuEatableLife Integration In FoodPrintDB" contains file for the update of FoodPrintDB_v1 and support scripts.
- "Sustainable Food Recommender Demo" contains script implementing an example of sustainable food recommender.
- "WebApp FoodPrint" contains the code of the FoodPrint webapp originally developed by Amoruso Salvatore and Fusillo Matteo and updated in order to be compatible with the FoodPrintDB_v2. The original version is avalaible here.
For any question contact: [email protected] or [email protected]