Project created for the purposes of the "Sensory and Vision Systems" subject. It obtained the highest final score among all students.
The goal of the project is to count objects visible in the image of various shapes and colors. We assume that the angle between the optical axis of the camera and the marker plane (camera angle) is not greater than 20 degrees (pictures taken from above).
There are 5 different shapes of objects (Tetris shape blocks):
- I
- T
- J or L
- O
- S or Z
There are 6 types of colors:
- red
- green
- blue
- white
- yellow
- mix (maximum two different colors, different color ratio)
There may be interference in the image - objects whose shape is different than the shapes listed above (I, T, J or L, O, S or Z). We treat these shapes as distortions and do not count them.