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Protocol version upgrades

The stellar "protocol version" (a.k.a. "ledger version number") is extended to include all observable changes to soroban:

  • Changes to the set of host functions and the data model conveyed over the soroban environment interface.

  • Intentional and observable changes to the semantics of soroban functions, eg. to fix bugs.

  • Unintentional but still observable changes to the semantics of soroban functions.

The third category is new: we might receive updates to soroban (or its transitive dependencies) that we don't expect. These are harder to deal with than normal stellar-core changes:

  • We don't know when an unintentional but observable change is happening, so we have to over-approximate by doing more frequent "protocol upgrades", basically any time we're not 100% certain a change is non-observable.

  • We don't know where an unintentional but observable change happens in the set of transitive dependencies of soroban, so we have to gate the entire tree of dependencies on a protocol version. We do this by compiling multiple full copies of the soroban host into stellar-core.

In the worst case, we will wind up compiling-in as many copies of soroban as there are protocols. This is actually not so bad since each copy of soroban is only a few hundred KiB of object code.

But: we can do better. The key observation is that once a given protocol N is past and the network is no longer recording ledgers marked with N, we have a fixed set of ledgers labeled with N that we need to maintain accurate replay of; any observable differences in soroban versions that was, in practice, not actually observed by any transactions in that range of ledgers can be ignored.

And "ignored" here means that we can retire some extra copies of soroban, post-upgrade. Remove them from stellar-core. Specifically if the historical recording of "all protocol N ledgers" replays correctly on soroban N+1 then there is no need to keep soroban N compiled-in to stellar-core anymore, soroban N+1 will suffice.

Protocol upgrade process

Note: We used to follow a more rigid and operationally subtle plan with only 1 or at most 2 versions of soroban -- symbolically called curr and prev -- compiled-in at any moment, with a complex sequence of upgrade steps to enable, upgrade, rename, and disable the symbolic names. As of protocol 22 we shifted to the simpler and more general plan of just keeping around as many sorobans as needed, identified by protocol number rather than symbolic name. If you see the terms curr and prev kicking around, those are mostly no longer relevant terms (with the exception of a module alias inside, see below.)

We follow this process for protocol upgrades, taking as an illustrative example the upgrade from protocol 22 to 23:

  1. Recall that when the network is on protocol 22, it means the versions of stellar-core and soroban have versions like 22.x.y and tags like v22.x.y, i.e. with 22 as their major version number.

  2. We therefore start by tagging soroban-env-host at v23.0.0 and releasing the crate at 23.0.0.

  3. We then update stellar-core's Config::CURRENT_LEDGER_PROTOCOL_VERSION to 23 and tag the version as v23.0.0. This will cause src/main/StellarCoreVersion.cpp to be regenerated and stellar-core should think of itself as speaking protocol 23.

  4. We then add a new submodule to stellar-core under src/rust/soroban/p23. This submodule has another copy of the soroban-env-host repository, but checked out at the v23.0.0 tag. We do this with something like

    • mkdir src/rust/soroban/p23
    • git submodule add src/rust/soroban/p23
    • cd src/rust/soroban/p23
    • git checkout v23.0.0
  5. We wire that new protocol into src/rust/src/ by copying the existing highest-numbered protocol-pecific module, say mod p22 { ... } that exists inline in that file, to a new copy say mod p23 { ... }.

  6. We also update the module alias soroban_curr, by changing a line like use p22 as soroban_curr to say use p23 as soroban_curr.

  7. We also copy and paste a line like proto_versioned_functions_for_module!(p22), into a new line like proto_versioned_functions_for_module!(p23), which will register the new module. The module self-identifies the protocol it's responsible for handling.

  8. We then copy the "expected dependency tree" file from protocol 22 to 23:

    • cp src/rust/src/dep-trees/p22-expect.txt src/rust/src/dep-trees/p23-expect.txt
  9. We then attempt to rebuild. The rebuild will probably fail because the actual dependencies of the p23 soroban are different from those listed in the p23-expect.txt file. These files are just here to ensure we notice unintentional changes to dependencies, and the build system should display the differences, requiring manual acceptance. If we are satisfied with the displayed diffs, we just copy the actual file to the expected file:

    • cp src/rust/src/dep-trees/p23-actual.txt src/rust/src/dep-trees/p23-expect.txt

    And then rebuild.

  10. Technically that's it! We should have a copy of stellar-core that will run soroban 22.x.y when given a protocol 22 ledger, and soroban 23.0.0 when given a protocol 23 ledger. There is one final step to consider later.

  11. After the protocol 23 upgrade, we can try commenting out the proto_versioned_functions_for_module!(p22), line to see if we can still replay the recorded history of protocol 22 (which is set in stone now) on soroban 23.x.y. If so, we can just delete that line and the corresponding git submodule and dep-tree files: p22 is subsumed into p23. But it might not work, again for two reasons:

    • The p23 module might explicitly reject replay of protocol 22 (if there was a major protocol change and we literally broke or removed support for protocol 22 semantics, intentionally, from the p23 module). In this case we have to keep the p22 module around forever.

    • The p23 module might accidentally diverge during replay. In this case we have to look at the specifics. If there's a minor change we can make to p23 in the future to make it capable of faithfully replaying p22, we can make that change at our leisure and try again. But if the change is really intrusive, it might be easier to just keep p22 around forever anyways.

Rust, Cargo, versions, submodules, rlibs, and dep-tree files

This seciton is optional details about implementation technique for anyone surprised by the build infrastructure, or the fact that the file doesn't seem to work in their IDE quite right, or surprised by the dep-tree files in the steps above.

We are leveraging Rust's support for linking together multiple copies of "the same" library (soroban) with different versions, but we are doing so somewhat against the grain of how cargo normally wants to do it.

To do this "the normal way", we would just list the different versions of the soroban crate in Cargo.toml, and then when we built it cargo would attempt to resolve all the dependencies and transitive-dependencies of all those soroban versions into a hopefully-minimal set of crates and download, compile and link them all together.

This has one minor and one major problem:

  1. The minor problem is that when you change anything in any dependency, cargo tends to re-resolve stuff. Resolving is when it converts version requirements (in Cargo.toml) to specific versions (in Cargo.lock), and all the resolutions of all the transitive dependency requirements of all the versions of soroban linked into stellar-core wind up mixed together in a single Cargo.lock file, which makes it hard to tell when dependencies of any subtree change. We dealt with this initially by using a tool that could separate-out and print independent subtrees within a Cargo.lock file, and we stored and compared those in version control, which mostly meant we could catch changes. But it did not fix the major problem.

  2. The major problem is that when we want to take a possibly-breaking update -- say above when we add a new protocol p23 -- if that update depends on some 3rd party crate say foo 0.2 and we already have a dependency in our p22 module on foo 0.1, cargo will bump both to foo 0.2, which changes the semantics of the p22 module.

    • We initially thought a way out of this is to add redundant exact-version dependencies (like foo = "=0.2") to Cargo.toml for soroban-env-host but there turn out to be both a minor and a major problem with that too.

    • The minor problem is that it is unpopular with downstream users (it limits the set of libraries they can use soroban with).

    • The major problem is that cargo, as a matter of semver-enforcement policy (it's not a rust language limitation), only allows you to link together multiple versions of a crate if they are in different semver "compatibility ranges" (see This means the differing versions need to differ significantly. The must differ by at least:

      • A full major version, when their major number is >0
      • A full minor version, when their major number is 0
    • We found ourselves repeatedly dealing with crates that we wanted to multiply version, to isolate from unintentional changes, but that were inside the same semver compatibility range. So cargo literally wouldn't let us.

As a consequence of these issues, we decided to take a more radical approach, and not involve cargo in the management of the multiple versions.

Instead we:

  • Build each soroban library into an rlib, essentially a static library, using a separate invocation of cargo build --locked against the separate Cargo.lock file held in each soroban submodule. They each get locked separately and build in ignorance of one another.

  • Actually pass an additional -Cmetadata=p23 or -Cmetadata=p22 or whatever flag to each build, to further ensure non-collision of any transitive deps that would otherwise risk colliding due to non-reproducible build issues (this is amazing but necessary, see src/ for details).

  • Manually pass those rlib files as separate --extern dependency definitions to cargo rustc when building the librust_stellar_core.a stellar-core crate that combines the multiple sorobans together.

  • Just to be on the safe side, still render the content of the lockfiles of each submodule as a p22-expect.txt or p23-expect.txt file that we store in the outer stellar-core tree, and compare them during the build to make sure we only take updates we've manually looked at and signed off on.

That last part is somewhat vestigial from our earlier work with the tool that printed the subtrees of the combined Cargo.lock file, but it doesn't hurt to manually review all such changes, so we left it in.

Protocol version, release version and contract cross-checks

We configure soroban, stellar-core and contracts built for soroban to check certain consistency requirements around protocol and release versions:

  1. Stellar-core's max protocol (Config:::CURRENT_LEDGER_PROTOCOL_VERSION) and its major version number must be the same.

  2. Stellar-core's and soroban's major version numbers are the same.

  3. Every contract's WASM has an embedded minimum protocol version number, and only run contracts with current or older protocols than the max protocol supported by the current host.

There are three caveats to the above:

  1. When stellar-core is not on a release version (that is when its version number does not look exactly like vNN.x.y or vNN.x.y-rcN) we assume it's a development build, and relax the first criterion, only warning.

  2. When soroban is in a pre-1.0 state (when its major version is 0) we relax the second criterion, only warning.

  3. When soroban is in a pre-1.0 state we also tighten the third criterion, specifying both a 32-bit protocol version and a secondary 32-bit "pre-release version" into a composite 64-bit "interface version number" stored in the WASM (the low 32 bits are the pre-release number, the high 32 bits are the protocol number). While the protocol version comparison allows contracts compiled with old protocols to run on new hosts, the pre-release number has to match exactly for a contract to run. This allows forcing recompilation of pre-release contracts by bumping the pre-release version. After soroban 1.0 is released, in any release with a nonzero major version number, the pre-release version component of the interface version must always be zero.