npx ember-es6-class-codemod ember-object path/of/files/ or/some**/*glob.js
# or
yarn global add ember-es6-class-codemod
ember-es6-class-codemod ember-object path/of/files/ or/some**/*glob.js
- basic
- class-fields.invalid
- class-fields.valid
- decorators
- decorators.invalid
- default.export
- invalid
- runtime
Input (basic.input.js):
* Program comments
const Foo = Test.extend(MyMixin, {
* Property comments
prop: "defaultValue",
boolProp: true,
numProp: 123,
[MY_VAL]: "val",
queryParams: {},
* Method comments
method() {
// do things
otherMethod: function() {},
get accessor() {
return this._value;
set accessor(value) {
this._value = value;
anotherMethod() {
const Foo = EmberObject.extend(MixinA, MixinB);
Output (basic.input.js):
* Program comments
class Foo extends Test.extend(MyMixin) {
* Property comments
prop = "defaultValue";
boolProp = true;
numProp = 123;
[MY_VAL] = "val";
queryParams = {};
* Method comments
method() {
// do things
otherMethod() {}
get accessor() {
return this._value;
set accessor(value) {
this._value = value;
anotherMethod() {
class Foo extends EmberObject.extend(MixinA, MixinB) {}
Input (class-fields.invalid.input.js):
* Program comments
const Foo = Test.extend({
* Property comments
prop: "defaultValue",
boolProp: true,
numProp: 123,
[MY_VAL]: "val",
* Method comments
method() {
// do things
otherMethod: function() {},
get accessor() {
return this._value;
set accessor(value) {
this._value = value;
anotherMethod() {
Output (class-fields.invalid.input.js):
* Program comments
const Foo = Test.extend({
* Property comments
prop: "defaultValue",
boolProp: true,
numProp: 123,
[MY_VAL]: "val",
* Method comments
method() {
// do things
otherMethod: function() {},
get accessor() {
return this._value;
set accessor(value) {
this._value = value;
anotherMethod() {
Input (class-fields.valid.input.js):
* Program comments
const Foo = Test.extend({
* Method comments
method() {
// do things
otherMethod: function() {},
get accessor() {
return this._value;
set accessor(value) {
this._value = value;
anotherMethod() {
Output (class-fields.valid.input.js):
* Program comments
class Foo extends Test {
* Method comments
method() {
// do things
otherMethod() {}
get accessor() {
return this._value;
set accessor(value) {
this._value = value;
anotherMethod() {
Input (decorators.input.js):
import {
oneWay as enoWay,
sum as add
} from "@ember/object/computed";
import { get, set, observer as watcher, computed } from "@ember/object";
import { inject as controller } from "@ember/controller";
import { inject as service } from "@ember/service";
import { on } from "@ember/object/evented";
import layout from "components/templates/foo";
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
tagName: "div",
classNames: ["test-class", "custom-class"],
a: "",
b: service("store"),
myController: controller("abc"),
observedProp: watcher("xyz", function() {
return "observed";
event: on("click", function() {
return "abc";
actions: {
bar(temp1) {},
baz() {
biz() {}
var comp = EmberObject.extend({
classNameBindings: ["isEnabled:enabled:disabled", "a:b:c", "c:d"],
isEnabled: computed("a", "c", function() {
return false;
a: true,
c: "",
attributeBindings: ["customHref:href"],
customHref: ""
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
firstName: null,
lastName: null,
Computed fullname
fullName: computed("firstName", "lastName", {
get(key) {
return (
this._super(...arguments) &&
`${this.get("firstName")} ${this.get("lastName")}`
set(key, value) {
let [firstName, lastName] = value.split(/\s+/);
this.set("firstName", firstName);
this.set("lastName", lastName);
return value;
Computed description
description: computed("fullName", "age", "country", function() {
const desc = this._super(...arguments);
if (desc) {
return desc;
return `${this.get(
)}; Age: ${this.get("age")}; Country: ${this.get("country")}`;
* Fname
fName: alias("firstName"),
* Fname1
fName1: alias("firstName"),
* Fname2
fName2: computed("firstName", "lastName", function() {
return true;
* Fname3
fName3: computed("firstName", "lastName", function() {
return true;
* Lname
lName: alias("firstName", "lastName").readOnly(),
* Lname1
lName1: add("description", "lastName"),
* Lname2
lName2: readOnly("description"),
* Lname3
lName3: reads("description", "lastName"),
* Lname4
lName4: enoWay("description", "lastName"),
* Lname5
lName5: add("description", "lastName").readOnly()
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
Output (decorators.input.js):
import { attribute, className, classNames, layout, tagName } from "@ember-decorators/component";
import { sum as add, overridableReads as enoWay, overridableReads, reads, alias } from "@ember-decorators/object/computed";
import { get, set } from "@ember/object";
import { action, readOnly, volatile, computed, observes as watcher } from "@ember-decorators/object";
import { controller } from "@ember-decorators/controller";
import { service } from "@ember-decorators/service";
import { on } from "@ember-decorators/object/evented";
import templateLayout from "components/templates/foo";
@classNames("test-class", "custom-class")
class Foo extends EmberObject {
a = "";
observedProp() {
return "observed";
event() {
return "abc";
bar(temp1) {}
baz() {
// TODO: This call to super is within an action, and has to refer to the parent
// class's actions to be safe. This should be refactored to call a normal method
// on the parent class. If the parent class has not been converted to native
// classes, it may need to be refactored as well. See
// https: //
// for more details., ...arguments);
biz() {}
class Comp extends EmberObject {
@computed("a", "c")
@className("enabled", "disabled")
get isEnabled() {
return false;
@className("b", "c")
a = true;
c = "";
customHref = "";
class Foo extends EmberObject {
firstName = null;
lastName = null;
Computed fullname
@computed("firstName", "lastName")
get fullName() {
return super.fullName &&
`${this.get("firstName")} ${this.get("lastName")}`;
set fullName(value) {
let [firstName, lastName] = value.split(/\s+/);
this.set("firstName", firstName);
this.set("lastName", lastName);
return value;
Computed description
get description() {
const desc = super.description;
if (desc) {
return desc;
return `${this.get(
)}; Age: ${this.get("age")}; Country: ${this.get("country")}`;
* Fname
* Fname1
* Fname2
@computed("firstName", "lastName")
get fName2() {
return true;
* Fname3
@computed("firstName", "lastName")
get fName3() {
return true;
* Lname
@alias("firstName", "lastName")
* Lname1
@add("description", "lastName")
* Lname2
* Lname3
@overridableReads("description", "lastName")
* Lname4
@enoWay("description", "lastName")
* Lname5
@add("description", "lastName")
class Foo extends EmberObject {}
Input (decorators.invalid.input.js):
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
statefulObject: {},
statefulArray: []
// Do not transform if not a primitive value
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
macroValue: macro()
// Do not transform as a computed property has readOnly and volatile with meta
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
firstName: "",
lastName: "",
fName2: computed("firstName", "lastName", function() {
return true;
.meta({ type: "Property" })
// Do not transform as a computed meta has volatile
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
lName1: add("description", "lastName").volatile()
// Do not transform as computed prop has `property`
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
fName2: computed("firstName", "lastName", function() {
return true;
// Do not transform as computed prop has `meta`
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
fName2: computed("firstName", "lastName", function() {
return true;
}).meta({ type: "Property" })
Output (decorators.invalid.input.js):
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
statefulObject: {},
statefulArray: []
// Do not transform if not a primitive value
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
macroValue: macro()
// Do not transform as a computed property has readOnly and volatile with meta
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
firstName: "",
lastName: "",
fName2: computed("firstName", "lastName", function() {
return true;
.meta({ type: "Property" })
// Do not transform as a computed meta has volatile
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
lName1: add("description", "lastName").volatile()
// Do not transform as computed prop has `property`
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
fName2: computed("firstName", "lastName", function() {
return true;
// Do not transform as computed prop has `meta`
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
fName2: computed("firstName", "lastName", function() {
return true;
}).meta({ type: "Property" })
Input (default.export.input.js):
export default EmberObject.extend({});
Output (default.export.input.js):
export default class DefaultExportInput extends EmberObject {}
Input (invalid.input.js):
import { observer, computed } from "@ember/object";
import { inject as controller } from "@ember/controller";
import { inject as service } from "@ember/service";
import { on } from "@ember/object/evented";
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
computed: computed({
get() {},
set() {}
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
statefulObject: {},
statefulArray: []
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
tagName: "div"
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
classNames: []
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
classNameBindings: ["foo"],
foo: "val"
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
attributeBindings: ["foo"],
foo: "val"
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
actions: {
bar() {}
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
observer: observer()
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
event: on()
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
event: service()
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
event: controller()
// Do not transform if not a primitive value
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
macroValue: macro()
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
layout: "div"
Output (invalid.input.js):
import { observer, computed } from "@ember/object";
import { inject as controller } from "@ember/controller";
import { inject as service } from "@ember/service";
import { on } from "@ember/object/evented";
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
computed: computed({
get() {},
set() {}
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
statefulObject: {},
statefulArray: []
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
tagName: "div"
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
classNames: []
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
classNameBindings: ["foo"],
foo: "val"
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
attributeBindings: ["foo"],
foo: "val"
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
actions: {
bar() {}
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
observer: observer()
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
event: on()
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
event: service()
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
event: controller()
// Do not transform if not a primitive value
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
macroValue: macro()
// Do not transform
const Foo = EmberObject.extend({
layout: "div"
Input (runtime.input.js):
* Program comments
const Foo = Test.extend(MyMixin, {
* Property comments
prop: "defaultValue",
boolProp: true,
numProp: 123,
[MY_VAL]: "val",
queryParams: {},
unobservedProp: null,
offProp: null,
* Method comments
method() {
// do things
otherMethod: function() {},
get accessor() {
return this._value;
set accessor(value) {
this._value = value;
anotherMethod() {
overriddenMethod() {
actions: {
actionMethod() {
this._super(...arguments) && this.boolProp;
overriddenActionMethod() {
this._super(...arguments) && this.boolProp;
Output (runtime.input.js):
import { action, off, unobserves } from "@ember-decorators/object";
* Program comments
class Foo extends Test.extend(MyMixin) {
* Property comments
prop = "defaultValue";
boolProp = true;
numProp = 123;
[MY_VAL] = "val";
queryParams = {};
@unobserves("prop3", "prop4")
@off("prop1", "prop2")
* Method comments
method() {
// do things
otherMethod() {}
get accessor() {
return this._value;
set accessor(value) {
this._value = value;
anotherMethod() {
overriddenMethod() {
actionMethod() {
undefined && this.boolProp;
overriddenActionMethod() {
// TODO: This call to super is within an action, and has to refer to the parent
// class's actions to be safe. This should be refactored to call a normal method
// on the parent class. If the parent class has not been converted to native
// classes, it may need to be refactored as well. See
// https: //
// for more details., ...arguments) && this.boolProp;