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SSLCommerz - Laravel Library

For any technical support, please email at [email protected]


Supports Laravel v5.6 to v10.


GPLv2 or later


  • Step 1: Download and extract the library files.

  • Step 2: Copy the Library folder and put it in the laravel project's app/ directory. If needed, then run composer dump -o.

  • Step 3: Copy the config/sslcommerz.php file into your project's config/ folder.

  • Step 4: Copy and put 3 key-value pairs from env_example to your .env file.

For development purposes, you can obtain sandbox 'Store ID' and 'Store Password' by registering at

  • Step 5: Add exceptions for VerifyCsrfToken middleware accordingly (this is for our example code, use your actual routes).
protected $except = [
    '/pay-via-ajax', // only required to run example codes. Please see bellow.
  • Optional: We have also provided some example codes which can help you understand the process. Developer's discretion is needed. Following steps are not mandatory.

Copy SslCommerzPaymentController into your project's Controllers folder.

Copy defined routes from routes/web.php into your project's route file.

Copy views from resources/views/*.blade.php.

To Show sslcommerz gateway page inside a popup (optional)

  • If you use blade templates, we provide a simple solution to show sslcommerz gateway page inside popup. To integrate it, You need to have a <button> with following properties in your blade file -

    • id="sslczPayBtn"
    • endpoint=[your ajax route]
    • postdata= [you need to populate a js object with required form fields]
<button id="sslczPayBtn"
        token="if you have any token validation"
        order="If you already have the transaction generated for current order"
        endpoint="/pay-via-ajax"> Pay Now
  • Populate postdata obj as required -
    var obj = {};
    obj.cus_name = $('#customer_name').val();
    obj.cus_phone = $('#mobile').val();
    obj.cus_email = $('#email').val();
    obj.cus_addr1 = $('#address').val();
    obj.amount = $('#total_amount').val();
    $('#sslczPayBtn').prop('postdata', obj);
  • Add following script -
For Sandbox
    (function (window, document) {
        var loader = function () {
            var script = document.createElement("script"), tag = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
            script.src = "" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
            tag.parentNode.insertBefore(script, tag);

        window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("load", loader, false) : window.attachEvent("onload", loader);
    })(window, document);
For Live
    (function (window, document) {
        var loader = function () {
            var script = document.createElement("script"), tag = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
            script.src = "" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
            tag.parentNode.insertBefore(script, tag);
        window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("load", loader, false) : window.attachEvent("onload", loader);
    })(window, document);


  • Session is destroyed after redirecting to success/cancel/fail URL

This is a general Laravel issue, unrelated to SSLCommerz. You can try setting 'same_site' => 'none' in your config/session.php file.

  • I am getting an error saying "Store Credential Error Or Store is Deactive"

You have incorrect (or missing) configuration values in .env file. Check step 4.

  • I am not getting IPN in localhost / development machine.

You can't. IPN requires a publicly accessible webserver.


Md. Rakibul Islam

Prabal Mallick