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GoogleAppEngine Standard - SpringBoot Sqreen Sample

This sample shows how to deploy a Spring Boot application protected by Sqreen to Google App Engine stadndard. For simplicity and transparency, the example is based on the sample from GoogleCloudPlatform. Below you will find a Sqreen Integration Guide with required steps to use a Sqrreen Java Agent in the project deployed to the Google App Engine standard.


  • JDK11
  • Maven
  • Google Cloud console

Run application

  • Set the correct Cloud SDK project via gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT to the ID of your application.
  • Put your SQREEN_TOKEN and SQREEN_APP_NAME to src/main/appengine/app.yaml
  • Build and deploy application mvn clean package appengine:deploy
  • View web app gcloud app browse (or navigate https://<your-project-id>
  • In response HTTP headers you should see string x-protected-by: Sqreen

Sqreen Integration Guide

  1. Download java agent sqreen.jar into dedicated project folder. In the sample java agent located at sqreen/sqreen.jar
  2. To use Sqreen, you need add java agent as JVM startup option. Edit app.yaml and add/modify entrypoint:
entrypoint: 'java -javaagent:sqreen.jar -jar app.jar'
  1. Sqreen requires SQREEN_TOKEN and SQREEN_APP_NAME related to your Sqreen account. Get token and app from your dashboard and add them as environemtn variables to app.yaml:
  1. [Optional] Some web apps has too long startup time, we recommend, for testing purpose, disable healthcheck, to prevent force restart application by Google App Enging. Add command to app.yaml
    enable_health_check: False
  1. To make Google App Engine use Sqreen - add external files directory (where the sqreen.jar stored), to maven configuration pom.xml. If you are using Gradle to build your project, you must use similar configuration to include external files (please check official documentation).
  1. Build, deploy and test the app with Sqreen protection.