All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- CI from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04
- oldest supported Elixir version from 1.7 to 1.11
- oldest supported OTP version from 21 to 24
- Elixir 1.18 to CI
- OTP 27.2 to CI
- latest blocklist tweaks
- compilation warning on Elixir 1.18
- Elixir 1.17 to CI
- OTP 27.1 to CI
- [BREAKING] in supervised Sqids, if you had some non-default options declared but only the module's name defined as the supervisor child (as was recommended by docs), the options wouldn't work. Sqids now raises if this situation is detected to nudge users towards fixing it in the way that's best for each individual.
- documentation on supervised Sqids: intended options were not passed
- compilation warnings on Elixir 1.17
- Elixir 1.16 to CI
- OTP 26.2 to CI
- decoding exception when ExUnit wasn't imported by caller (thanks to
- typos in README (thanks to
- Credo warnings about predicate function names
- workaround for Dialyzer warnings when placing context in module attribute
- oldest
version in which each function, type and callback is available
- Dialyzer warnings for suggestion of
context under module attribute
to ease storing context in module attributes
- unwarranted risk of new future warnings breaking the builds of sqids dependents
- Elixir implementation of Sqids