Since there are lots of projects in here, we get lots of dependabot PRs. This is a quick way to update all of them.
# Script should fail fast
set -e
# create local updates branch
git branch updates
git switch updates
# merge all dependabot branches into updates branch
for branch in $(git branch -a --sort=-committerdate | grep dependa); do
echo "merging ${branch}"
git merge --no-edit $branch updates
# in case of a conflict resolve it and continue with the merge
git merge --continue
# push the updates branch
git push origin updates
# create a PR for the updates branch
# merge the PR
# delete the dependabot branches
for branch in $(git branch -a --sort=-committerdate | grep dependa); do
echo "deleting ${branch}"
git branch --remote -d ${branch#remotes/}
git push origin -d ${branch#remotes/origin/}
# delete the updates branch
git branch -d updates