ajaxData |
null |
Allows custom data to be sent with the AJAX request. Set the setting to an object with your properties and values. |
altDistanceNoResult |
false |
Display no results message vs. all locations when closest location is further than distanceAlert setting |
autoComplete |
false |
Set to true to enable Google Places autocomplete. Note the slight markup differences in the example file. |
autoCompleteDisableListener |
false |
Disable the listener that immediately triggers a search when an auto complete location option is selected. |
autoCompleteOptions |
{} |
Google Places autocomplete options object. |
autoGeocode |
false |
Set to true if you want to use the HTML5 geolocation API (good for mobile) to geocode the user's location. SSL is required. |
bounceMarker |
true |
Bounces the maker when a list element is clicked. |
catMarkers |
null |
Multiple replacement marker images based on categories object. Value should be array with image path followed by dimensions - ex value: catMarkers : {'Restaurant' : ['img/red-marker.svg', 32, 32]} |
dataLocation |
'data/locations.json' |
The path to the location data. |
dataRaw |
null |
Accepts raw KML, XML, or JSON instead of using a remote file. |
dataType |
'json' |
The format of the data source. Accepted values include kml, xml, json, and jsonp. |
debug |
false |
Set to true to enable console.log helper function that can be used for debugging. |
defaultLat |
null |
If using defaultLoc, set this to the default location latitude. |
defaultLng |
null |
If using defaultLoc, set this to the default location longitude. |
defaultLoc |
false |
If true, the map will load with a default location immediately. Set slideMap to false if you want to use this. |
disableAlphaMarkers |
false |
Disable displaying markers and location list indicators with alpha characters. |
distanceAlert |
60 |
Displays alert if there are no locations with 60 m/km of the user's location. Set to -1 to disable. |
dragSearch |
false |
Set to true to perform a new search after the map is dragged. |
exclusiveFiltering |
false |
Set to true to enable exclusive taxonomy filtering rather than the default inclusive. |
exclusiveTax |
null |
Set to an array of taxonomies that should filter exclusively vs. inclusively. |
featuredDistance |
null |
Restrict the featured locations from displaying by a certain distance (use number value). |
featuredLocations |
false |
Set to true to enable featuring locations at the top of the location list (no matter the distance). Add featured=”true” to featured locations in your XML or JSON locations data. |
fullMapStart |
false |
Set to true if you want to immediately show a map of all locations. The map will center and zoom automatically. |
fullMapStartBlank |
false |
Set to a zoom integer if you want to immediately show a blank map without any locations. |
fullMapStartListLimit |
false |
Set to a number to limit the number of items displayed in the location list with full map start. |
infoBubble |
null |
InfoBubble settings object. See example for available parameters. Map and content parameters are set by default. |
inlineDirections |
false |
Set to true to enable displaying directions within the app instead of an off-site link. |
lengthUnit |
'm' |
The unit of length. Default is m for miles, change to km for kilometers. |
listColor1 |
'#ffffff' |
Background color of the odd list elements. |
listColor2 |
'#eeeeee' |
Background color of the even list elements. |
loading |
false |
Set to true to display a loading animated gif next to the submit button. |
locationsPerPage |
10 |
If using pagination, the number of locations to display per page. |
mapSettings |
{ zoom : 12, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } |
Google maps settings object. Add all settings including zoom and map type if overriding. Set zoom to 0 to automatically center and zoom to show all display markers on the map |
markerCluster |
null |
Marker Clusterer settings object. See docs. |
markerImg |
null |
Replacement marker image used for all locations |
markerDim |
null |
Replacement marker dimensions object - ex value: { height: 20, width: 20 } |
maxDistance |
false |
Set to true if you want to give users an option to limit the distance from their location to the markers. |
modal |
false |
Shows the map container within a modal window. Set slideMap to false and this option to true to use. |
nameAttribute |
'name' |
If using nameSearch, the data attribute used for the location name in the data file. |
nameSearch |
false |
Set to true to allow searching for locations by name using separate searchID field. |
noForm |
false |
Set to true if you aren't able to use form tags (ASP.net WebForms). |
openNearest |
false |
Set to true to highlight the nearest location automatically after searching. |
originMarker |
false |
Display a marker at the origin. |
originMarkerDim |
null |
Replacement origin marker dimensions object - ex value: { height: 20, width: 20 } |
originMarkerImg |
null |
Replacement origin marker image. |
pagination |
false |
Set to true to enable displaying location results in multiple "pages." |
querystringParams |
false |
Set to true to enable query string support for passing input variables from page to page. |
selectedMarkerImg |
null |
Selected marker image. |
selectedMarkerImgDim |
null |
Selected marker image dimensions object - ex value: { height: 20, width: 20 } |
sessionStorage |
false |
Set to true to enable Window.sessionStorage for user's location when autoGeocode is enabled. |
slideMap |
true |
First hides the map container and then uses jQuery’s slideDown method to reveal the map. |
sortBy |
null |
Set to an object for custom sorting that accepts three properties: method ('alpha', 'date', or 'numeric'), order ('asc', or 'desc'), and prop (property in your data to sort by such as name, city, distance, etc.). |
storeLimit |
26 |
The number of closest locations displayed at one time. Set to -1 for unlimited. |
taxonomyFilters |
null |
Filtering object that can be used to set up live filtering (see categories example). |
visibleMarkersList |
false |
Set to true to have the location list only show data from markers that are visible on the map. |
xmlElement |
'marker' |
XML element used for locations (tag). |