Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Integer | [optional] | |
name | String | ||
expected_close_date | DateTime | [optional] | |
type | OpportunityTypeReference | [optional] | |
stage | OpportunityStageReference | [optional] | |
status | OpportunityStatusReference | [optional] | |
priority | OpportunityPriorityReference | [optional] | |
notes | String | [optional] | |
probability | OpportunityProbabilityReference | [optional] | |
source | String | [optional] | |
rating | OpportunityRatingReference | [optional] | |
campaign | CampaignReference | [optional] | |
primary_sales_rep | MemberReference | ||
secondary_sales_rep | MemberReference | [optional] | |
location_id | Integer | [optional] | |
business_unit_id | Integer | [optional] | |
company | CompanyReference | ||
contact | ContactReference | ||
site | SiteReference | ||
customer_po | String | [optional] | |
pipeline_change_date | DateTime | [optional] | |
date_became_lead | DateTime | [optional] | |
closed_date | DateTime | [optional] | |
closed_by | MemberReference | [optional] | |
total_sales_tax | Float | [optional] | |
ship_to_company | CompanyReference | [optional] | |
ship_to_contact | ContactReference | [optional] | |
ship_to_site | SiteReference | [optional] | |
bill_to_company | CompanyReference | [optional] | |
bill_to_contact | ContactReference | [optional] | |
bill_to_site | SiteReference | [optional] | |
billing_terms | BillingTermsReference | [optional] | |
tax_code | TaxCodeReference | [optional] | |
currency | CurrencyReference | [optional] | |
_info | Metadata | Metadata of the entity | [optional] |
custom_fields | Array<CustomFieldValue> | [optional] | |
count | Integer | [optional] | |
re_assign_to_member | MemberReference | [optional] |