Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Integer | [optional] | |
run_time | DateTime | [optional] | |
added_configuration_status | ConfigurationStatusReference | ||
deleted_configuration_status | ConfigurationStatusReference | ||
integrator_login | IntegratorLoginReference | ||
schedule_executive_summary_report_flag | BOOLEAN | ||
executive_summary_report_schedule_day | Integer | This is only required when scheduleExecutiveSummaryReportFlag = true | [optional] |
executive_summary_report_schedule_hour | Integer | This is only required when scheduleExecutiveSummaryReportFlag = true. Input should be in 24 hour format, ie 2pm is 14 | [optional] |
executive_summary_report_schedule_minute | Integer | This is only required when scheduleExecutiveSummaryReportFlag = true | [optional] |
_info | Metadata | Metadata of the entity | [optional] |