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- "Source Academy was a brilliant and fun platform to use. The format of paths, missions, and quests kept my interest up throughout the course."
a student of CS1101S at the National University of Singapore in 2021 - "The Source Academy was nothing short of a marvel; I cannot imagine the amount of effort and resources that were needed to make it a success..."
a student of CS1101S at the National University of Singapore in 2020 - "I had previously had vague notions of trying to teach a course based on 'Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs', but using JavaScript rather than Scheme for a while, but it always seemed too daunting. Then, one day, I discovered the 'SICP JavaScipt Edition', Source Academy and Martin Henz's course. I'm sure I would never have taught my course if not for the existence of those resources. Moreover, I could not have been effective in teaching the course if not for the extraordinary level of support and advice from Martin Henz personally, as well as from his Source Academy staff. They helped me set up my own servers running the software, gave advice on how to use the software and run an effective course. They were also extremely responsive to bug reports and feature requests during the entire course of my teaching."
Mark Friedman, University of San Francisco. 2021
- “A classic, meticulously revisited and modernized with talent, pedagogy, and substance. Thank you, Martin, Tobias, and Julie!”
Olivier Danvy, Yale-NUS College - “When I am asked 'How can I become a better programmer?,' I recommend this book.”
Douglas Crockford, author of How JavaScript Works - “How much is a programming book influenced by its programming language? SICP in JavaScript is remarkably fluid, an excellent choice for today's programmers.”
Peter Van Roy, Université catholique de Louvain - "Henz and Wrigstad have created a small masterpiece: the book reads as if it had always been written for JavaScript. For many young developers, reading SICP should now be much more interesting than before. The easy-to-understand English also invites easy reading." c't – Magazin für Computertechnik (Magazine for Computer Technology, English translation)
- OCP 2022/2023: Zhao Jingjing won the Outstanding Computing Project Prize AY2022/2023 at the National University of Singapore for web-programming support in Source Academy
- OCP 2022/2023: Ian Yong won the Outstanding Computing Project Prize AY2022/2023 at the National University of Singapore for multi-file support in Source Academy
- geNiUSbook Competition 2022 Consolation Prize: Samuel Fang and Martin Henz won the genNiUSbook Competition 2022 Consolation Prize, for Interactive SICP JS at the National University of Singapore
- OURP 2021/22: Source Academy Student Team Rook (Tee Hao Wei, Chow En Rong, Chen Yanyu, Samuel Fang, Gokul Rajiv, Lee Hyung Woon, Shen Yi Hong, Thomas Tan Chee Kun, Bryan Loh, Marcus Tang Xin Kye) won the Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize 2021/22 (Group category) at the National University of Singapore
- ADEA 2021: The Source Academy Teams Cadet and Knight (Martin HENZ, LOW Kok Lim, Boyd ANDERSON, Eldric LIEW Chun Tze, Evan SEBASTIAN, NG Tse Pei, Joey YEO, TAN Yu Wei, Julius Putra Tanu SETIAJI, LEE Ning Yuan, Vignesh SHANKAR, Thomas TAN, CHEN Shaowei, LIOW Jia Chen, GE Shuming, Rahul RAJESH, Daryl TAN, SHE Jiayu, Tiffany CHONG, Anthony HALIM, TEE Hao Wei, Jet KAN Yip Keng, Sean LOW Jun Kai, Sigmund CHIANASTA) won the Annual Digital Eduation Award 2021 (Team category) at the National University of Singapore
- People's Choice Award, geNiUSbook 2021: Samuel Fang and Martin Henz won the People's Choice Award, genNiUSbook 2021, for Interactive SICP JS (most popular e-book) at the National University of Singapore