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Basic Catalyst Configuration

Lukas Mueller edited this page Nov 2, 2019 · 3 revisions

Basic Catalyst Config

If running with docker, a basic Catalyst config template is provided in the breedbase_dockerfile repo, sgn_local.conf.template:

dbhost <dbhost>
dbname <dbname>
dbuser web_usr
dbpass <password>
rootpath /home/production/cxgn
basepath /home/production/cxgn/sgn
composable_cvs trait,toy
composable_cvs_allowed_combinations Time Series|trait+toy
homepage_files_dir        /home/production/public/static_content
trial_download_logfile /home/production/logs/cassava_trial_download_log
disable_login 0
www_user www-data
www_group www-data
preferred_species Manihot esculenta
production_server 0
image_dir /images/image_files_test
image_path /home/production/public/images/image_files_test
cluster_shared_tempdir /home/production/tmp
tempfiles_base /home/production/tmp/breedbase-site
static_datasets_path /home/production/public
static_content_url  /static_content
       add_comp_root /home/production/cxgn/cassava/mason

If the correct directories and files are mounted into the docker (with the correct permissions; the should mostly be owned by www-data), then the only items that need to be edited in this file are dbname, dbhost, and dbpass, as well as the add_comp_root path to add a mason dir containing customized mason components for the user interface. Refer to the breedbase_dockerfile documentation for which directories need to be mounted inside the docker for data to be stored permanently on the host system.

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