+⚙️ Installation
S-Graphs has only been tested on Ubuntu 22.04, ROS2 Foxy, Humble Distros.
+📦 From Source
Before proceeding, make sure you have rosdep
installed. You can install it using sudo apt-get install python3-rosdep
+In addition, ssh keys are needed to be configured on you GitHub account. If you haven't
+yet configured ssh keys, follow this tutorial
+- Update Rosdep:
+rosdep init
+rosdep update --include-eol-distros
+- Create a ROS2 workspace for S-Graphs
+mkdir -p $HOME/workspaces && cd $HOME/workspaces
+- Clone the S-Graphs repository into the created workspace
+git clone git@github.com:snt-arg/lidar_situational_graphs.git -b feature/multi_floor s_graphs
If you have Nvidia GPU please install CUDA from this link. This code has only been tested with CUDA 11.8.
+If you dont have CUDA S-Graphs will use CPU only.
+- Install required dependencies.
Lidar SGraphs can can take some time to build depending on the platform and may consume a lot of memory.
+If your computer does not have a lot of RAM is it advised to limit the number of threads make uses with
+export MAKEFLAGS="-j <n>
, where <n>
should be replaced with the max of number of CPUs.
+cd s_graphs && source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.sh && ./setup.sh
If you want to compile with debug traces (from backward_cpp) run:
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
+Optional ROS1 Install (Old Version of Room Segmentation)
+> [!NOTE]
+> This is an optional older version of room segmentation algorithm which requires ROS1 noetic. There is no hard dependecy on this package so you can easily ignore this step.
+##### Download ROS Bridge
+source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash && sudo apt install ros-foxy-ros1-bridge
+##### Installation on ROS1
+!!! warning
+ Before following the instructions from below, ensure that you are in a fresh
+ terminal, **without ROS2 sourced**.
+1. Create a ROS1 workspace for S-Graphs
+mkdir -p $HOME/workspaces/s_graphs_ros1_ws/src && cd $HOME/workspaces/s_graphs_ros1_ws/src && source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
+2. Clone the S-Graphs repository into the created workspace
+git clone git@github.com:snt-arg/lidar_situational_graphs.git -b feature/multi_floor s_graphs
+3. Install required dependencies using `vcstool`
+cd s_graphs && vcs import --recursive ../ < .rosinstall_ros1
+4. Install required ROS packages
+cd ../../ && rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y -r
+5. Install `pcl_ros`
+sudo apt install ros-noetic-pcl-ros
+6. Build workspace
+!!! warning
+ Make sure s_graphs_ros1_ws is built in Release otherwise the room extraction won't work properly.
+catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && catkin build
+🧪 Unit Tests
+Some unit tests are available. In case you want to add additional tests, run the following command:
+colcon test --packages-select s_graphs --event-handler=console_direct+