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Projective space

This project contains:

  • The definition of a smooth manifold structure on the projective space of a normed k-vector space E, if k is a complete nontrivially normed field and continous linear forms separate points on E. Any closed hyperplane of E can serve as model. To put the ChartedSpace instance on the projective space, we need to choose a model so we also require a Nonempty instance on {u : E // u \ne 0} so we can pick a nonzero continous linear form. We can generate the Nonempty instance from a Nontrivial instance on E.
  • Some tools to prove smoothness of maps to/from projective space:
    • The quotient map from E-{0} to projective space is smooth;
    • A map from projective space to a smooth manifold is smooth if its composition with the quotient map E-{0} -> P(E) is smooth;
    • More generally, a map N x P(E) -> M is smooth if its composition with (id, quotient map) : N x E-{0} -> N x P(E) is smooth.
  • Using these tools, we give examples of smooth maps:
    • If E is a finite-dimensional euclidian space, we prove that the map from the sphere to P(E) is smooth;
    • In general, for E complete, we define the action of GL(E) on P(E) and prove that the action map GL(E) x P(E) -> P(E) is smooth.


  • I am having trouble with the Nonempty {u : E // u \ne 0} instance, I want to generate it automatically if we know that FiniteDimensional.finrank k E = n + 1 but I am getting errors.
  • The smoothness results should be upgraded to ContMDiffOn results (maybe also ContMDiffAt ?).
  • I have not proved that the action of GL(E) on P(E) is a group action.
  • Segré and Veronese maps !

Detail of the files

All the interesting files are in the ProjectiveSpace directory, because I do not know how to make a Lean4 project.


Preliminaries on closed hyperplanes in E, in particular the construction of a retraction on a closed hyperplane and an isomorphism between any two closed hyperplanes. Also contains the construction of a SeparatingDual instance if E is finite-dimensional, and the definition of a Nonempty instance on {u : E // u \ne 0} from a Nontrivial instance on E.


If E is an euclidien space, construction of the map from the sphere and proof that it is smooth.


For tests.


  • Manifold structure on E-{0}.
  • Some general lemmas.
  • Construction of the charts, proof that they are continuous, proof that change of charts is smooth.


  • Choice of a model hyperplane.
  • Charted space structure on projective space.
  • Smooth manifold structure on projective space.


  • The quotient map E-{0} -> P(E).
  • Construction of local sections of the quotient map, and proof that they are smooth.
  • A map P(E) -> M is smooth if its composition with the quotient map E-{0} -> P(E) is smooth.
  • A map N x P(E) -> M is smooth if its composition with (id, quotient map) : N x E-{0} -> N x P(E) is smooth.
  • If E is complete, construction of the action of GL(E) on P(E) and proof that it is smooth.