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There are many features, and we may have left some out. However here are some of the reasons those of us who use slick love it.
- It's Open Source
- It's a Single Page Web Application
- Has nice Dashboards
- Full set of Test Attributes including attributes specific to Test Automation
- Documented REST Api for accessing from other applications.
- Clients in Multiple Programming Languages
- Various ways to group results:
- Testruns are the most basic grouping of result. Every result belongs to exactly one testrun.
- Testruns can be grouped arbitrarily for flexible reports
- Build Reports show all the testruns for a particular build for a nice overall summary
- Results have all the info you need! History, and file attachments for logs, videos, screenshots, etc.
- Projects for organizing everything. Includes attributes for releases, builds, components, features, and more.
- Testplans that allow you to group how you are going to run testplans. Includes automated and manual testplans.