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Linux and Windows -platform Text Replacer/Adder/Scripter written in AutoKey/Phyton and AutoHotKey with the Help from Lintalist

How it works

  1. The Add-Text-Method:
    1. set your cursor (looks like |) behind a word (example: phone) in your text.
      Example: phone| or address|, email|, now|, date| etc. Or use autohotkey commands
    2. Press key combination (please configure. recommended F12)
    • The database opens and searches for results for your search term (e.g. phone) and lists all matching results.
    • With the Enter key, your selection is placed after your search term and saved in the clipboard.
  2. The Replace-Text-Method (its when you using your text after the “:” character (and then press shortcut F12):
    • :keyword replaces text with result (if many it opens menu) and save in clipboard
    • without text:
      • : and press F12 writes out your clipboard content
      • ² and press F12 writes out your clipboard 2 times. separated with tab-key

More explanation:

  • Where can I use that, type the text?
    • All over. On websites in a chat, in the console. All over.
  • you don't need write the complete keyword. e.g. writing address| or addr| adr| or ad| is may enough if you use fuzzy search.
  • scripting with ... autohotkey commands:
    • for example :date and replaces it with 20.08.2020
    • for example :now and replaces it with 20.08.2020 16:48:24
  • If you want many Results for one keyword the Lintalist-Menu ⇶ is opening before (see more in Lintalist-Configuration about AutoExecuteOnce)
  • You always also have the result in your clipboard.
  • In some cases (e.g. if you simple want send your clipboard) it is not using ctrl + v method intern. it`is writing it, not pasting it.

For just simple replacements you like maybe:

Using only simple replacements in its app:

Telegram or Chat emoji codes.
For e.g. :smiley: or :-) More examples: telegram-emoji-list-codes-descriptions/

Using only simple replacements everywhere:

Maybe you want to install the following at the same time, as a supplement:

Using simple and complex replacements everywhere: says (10.08.2020):
"Lintalist allows you to store and (incrementally) search
and edit texts in bundles and paste a selected text in your active program.
... Lintalist is open source and developed in AutoHotkey ..."

if you want see how it works while it works open the config file and set: doPopupNotify_howItWorks = True

installation step by step:

Tested with the following recommended installation:

  1. LinuxMint at 2019 (tested with "Linux Mint 20 Ulyana - Xfce (64-bit)" may works with other Linux OS or Window OS)
  2. Ubuntu-minimal in Virtualbox at 20.08.2020
    needs minimum 12 GB Hard Disk. Use RAM more then 4 GB. Maybe RAM 6GB ( 20-08-27 18:33:08 ) at 27.08.2020
  3. KDEneon (User Edition 64bit) at 24.09.2020
    needs winetricks. Looks great but AutoKey missing some functionality. ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ Important: autokey "will not function 100% on distributions that default to using Wayland (like KDE) instead of Xorg."
  4. Kubuntu 20.10 at 03.11.2020 (KDE Desktop (64-bit)" may works with other Linux OS or Window OS)

You need maybe Linux, maybe kubuntu, maybe with KDE Desktop.

  1. install Wine like here:
    ⚠⚠ i got error message installing Wine at Linux Ubuntu and installing wine in Linux Mint: This helps me:
  2. install
  3. install AutoKey (or may use your Software Manager )
  4. start AutoKey GUI
  5. close AutoKey GUI (a folder may not be created until Autokey is started for the first time))
  6. extract from Lintalist4Linux to
    ~/.config/autokey/data/Sample Scripts/
  7. extract from to
  8. set in lintalist.ahk the Hotkey QuickSearchHotkey F11
  9. set in AutoKey the Hotkey to for e.g. F12

installation using just one line:


  1. for systems using a Qt-based desktop environment such as KDE Plasma, Lumina, etc.

following used in 0.990 :

sudo apt -y install autokey-qt ; echo "########## \n Please Exit AutoKey (right Click Taskbar on little Icon) then the installation will continue automatically. \n#########" ; autokey-qt & sleep 3s ; killall -9 autokey-qt ; sudo apt -y install git ; mkdir ~/ahk ; mkdir ~/ahk/github; cd ~/ahk/github/ ; git clone ; cd ~/Downloads/ ; git clone ; cd ~/.config/autokey/data/Sample\ Scripts/ ; cp ~/Downloads/Lintalist4Linux/ ./ ; cp ~/Downloads/Lintalist4Linux/.run-run-lintalistAHK-all.json ./ ; cp ~/Downloads/Lintalist4Linux/run-lintalistAHK.ahk ./ ; cp ~/Downloads/Lintalist4Linux/configParser-set-ini-defaults.ahk ./ ; cp ~/Downloads/Lintalist4Linux/ ./ ; sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 ; wget -nc; sudo apt-key add winehq.key ; sudo apt-add-repository -y 'deb eoan main' ; sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:cybermax-dexter/sdl2-backport ; sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install --install-recommends winehq-stable ; wget ~/Downloads/ ; wine ~/Downloads/AutoHotkey_1.1.33.02_setup.exe ; echo "Please Configure AutohotKey and AutoKey" ; python3 ~/.config/autokey/data/Sample\ Scripts/ & 

following experimental:

sudo apt -y install autokey-qt ; echo "\n\n#/‾‾‾ AutoKey \n" ; autokey-qt & sleep 2s ; killall -9 autokey-qt ; echo "\n\n#/‾‾‾ git \n" ; sudo apt -y install git ; mkdir ~/ahk ; echo "\n\n#/‾‾‾ github \n" ; mkdir ~/ahk/github ; cd ~/ahk/github/ ; git clone ; cd ~/Downloads/ ; git clone ; cd ~/.config/autokey/data/Sample\ Scripts/ ; cp ~/Downloads/Lintalist4Linux/ ./ ; cp ~/Downloads/Lintalist4Linux/.run-run-lintalistAHK-all.json ./ ; cp ~/Downloads/Lintalist4Linux/run-lintalistAHK.ahk ./ ; cp ~/Downloads/Lintalist4Linux/configParser-set-ini-defaults.ahk ./ ; cp ~/Downloads/Lintalist4Linux/ ./ ; cp ~/Downloads/Lintalist4Linux/ ./ ; echo "\n\n#/‾‾‾ start AutoKey \n" ; autokey-qt > /dev/null & echo "DONT delete this echo!!!! \n\n#/‾‾‾ winehq \n" ; sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 ; wget -nc ; sudo apt-key add winehq.key ; sudo apt-add-repository -y 'deb eoan main' ; sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:cybermax-dexter/sdl2-backport ; sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install --install-recommends winehq-stable ; wget ~/Downloads/ ; python3 ~/.config/autokey/data/Sample\ Scripts/ ; autokey-run --script ifWineWin-sendEnter ; echo "Please Configure AutohotKey and AutoKey" & 

hints for uninstalling autokey-gtk:

or (alpha stage)

clear ; cd /tmp ; rm ./ ; wget ./ ; sudo chmod +rwx ./ ; ./ ; rm ./ ; cd ~

.2. not yet explained here. for systems using a GTK-based desktop environment such as GNOME, MATE, Ubuntu Unity, etc.

Video installation:

Video installation of v0.990:
Lintalist4Linux Instalation liveDemo on Kubunto - no sound - 23min with

Video installation of v0.988:
Lintalist4Linux Instalation liveDemo on Kubunto - no sound - 23min with

Video installation of v0.989:
Lintalist4Linux v0.989 Instalation liveDemo on Kubunto with

recommended Preferences:

Autokey - Preferences recommended:

  1. enable: Automatically start Autokey at login

Lintalist - Settings recommended:

  • PasteMethod s recommended (you find it in the middle of the long settings list):

    • 2=Don't paste snippet content but copy it to the clipboard (phyton past it for you or you manually later).
  • BTW i like the SearchMethod 2=Fuzzy (you find it in the middle)

  • use part 3 sometimes: don't use part 2 use part 3 for Script and run part 3 using Shift+Enter

    • Example: field 1: now , field 2: clipboard := a_now


FormatTime, timestampyyMMddHHmmss , %A_now%,yyMMdd-HHmmss
clipboard := timestampyyMMddHHmmss
FormatTime, timestampyyMMddHHmmssPretty, %A_now%,dd.MM.yy HH:mm:ss
clipboard := timestampyyMMddHHmmssPretty
  • AutoExecuteOnce: 2
Default: 0
If only one result is left during the search AutoExecute (no need to press enter)
1=Yes, use part 1 (or run script)
2=Yes, use part 2 (or run script)


solved 9.8.2020:

not professional Videos in german/deutsch:

Thank you too:

Tip's for developer:

if you use PyCharm as external Editor and AutoKey Editor you may do the following:

⚠⚠⚠⚠ "If you disable "Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Synchronization | Synchronize files on frame or editor tab activation" option ... IDE will show notification bar on top with "Reload" prompt (and possible other options -- depends on situation). But if you have it enabled .. it reloads file with no extra questions asked." (Andriy Bazanov, )

  • TODO/Off-topic: As developer i use (as workaround) kotlinC as Linker .py files together zu an bigger file: I used for installation SDKMAN!. Details here: $ curl -s | bash new terminal: $ sdk install kotlin


I having trouble fixing bugs in the global-IntelliSense-everywhere program and was looking for an alternative. The solution here is a little different, but it works.


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Known problems:

Known problems with wine:

May this helps (sometimes me): Check: Wintrick > wineprefix > Change settings > Prevent windbg from launching when an unhandled exception occurs ( )

Known problems with autoKey:


  • dont us the script part

:now 20:11:10 11:49:25

  • dont use . into Script-Names:
    not unit-test.get_active_class better unit-test-get_active_class
  • move keyboard-shortcut: first delete, then set again
  • set keyboard-shortcut: first enter easy later then the special key. dont record a combination (may autokey freezing)

Tipps (thanks to Lintalist):

Type: Text
Default: @
Define the character you wish to use to start the Omnisearch.
If you your search query starts with this character it will search in all bundles

Default: 1
If you experience any problems with the way text is sent to the various applications you use you may try various methods to see if it resolves the issues

1=Yes, use part 1 (or run script)
2=Yes, use part 2 (or run script)