Command pattern implementation for angular. Command's are used to encapsulate information which is needed to perform an action.
Primary usage is to disable a button when an action is executing, or not in a valid state (e.g. busy, invalid), and also to show an activity progress while executing.
Get library via npm
npm install @ssv/ngx.command
Choose the version corresponding to your Angular version:
Angular | library |
17+ | 3.x+ |
10+ | 2.x+ |
4 to 9 | 1.x+ |
In order to start working with Command, you need to create a new instance of it.
import { command, commandAsync } from "@ssv/ngx.command";
const isValid = signal(false);
const isValid$ = new BehaviorSubject(false);
// non async
saveCmd = command(() =>, isValid);
// async - returns an observable/promise.
saveCmd = commandAsync(() => Observable.timer(2000), isValid);
// can execute diff ways
saveCmd = command(() =>, () => isValid()); // reactive fn (signal)
saveCmd = command(() =>, isValid); // signal
saveCmd = command(() =>, isValid$); // rx
Handles the command canExecute$
, isExecuting
and execute
functions of the Command
, in order to
enable/disable, add/remove a cssClass while executing in order alter styling during execution (if desired)
and execute when its enabled and clicked.
Generally used on a <button>
as below.
<!-- simple usage -->
<button [ssvCommand]="saveCmd">Save</button>
<!-- using isExecuting + showing spinner -->
<button [ssvCommand]="saveCmd">
@if(saveCmd.isExecuting) {
<i class="ai-circled ai-indicator ai-dark-spin small"></i>
This is useful for collections (loops) or using multiple actions with different args.
NOTE: This will share the isExecuting
when used with multiple controls.
<!-- with single param -->
<button [ssvCommand]="saveCmd" [ssvCommandParams]="{id: 1}">Save</button>
NOTE: if you have only 1 argument as an array, it should be enclosed within an array e.g. [['apple', 'banana']],
else it will spread and you will arg1: "apple", arg2: "banana"
<!-- with multi params -->
<button [ssvCommand]="saveCmd" [ssvCommandParams]="[{id: 1}, 'hello', hero]">Save</button>
This is useful for collections (loops) or using multiple actions with different args, whilst not sharing isExecuting
<button [ssvCommand]="{host: this, execute: removeHero$, canExecute: isValid$, params: [hero, 1337, 'xx']}">Remove</button>
<button [ssvCommand]="{host: this, execute: removeHero$, canExecute: canRemoveHero$, params: [hero, 1337, 'xx']}">Remove</button>
canRemoveHero$(hero: Hero, id: number, param2): Observable<boolean> {
return of(id).pipe(
map(x => x === "invulnerable")
It can also be used as below without the command attribute.
Command creator ref, directive which allows creating Command in the template and associate it to a command (in order to share executions).
@for (hero of heroes; track hero.key) {
<div #actionCmd="ssvCommandRef" [ssvCommandRef]="{host: this, execute: removeHero$, canExecute: isValid$}" class="button-group">
<button [ssvCommand]="actionCmd.command" [ssvCommandParams]="hero">
<button [ssvCommand]="actionCmd.command" [ssvCommandParams]="hero">
In order to use with NgForm
easily, you can use the following utility method.
This will make canExecute respond to form.valid
and for form.dirty
- also can optionally disable validity or dirty.
import { commandAsync, canExecuteFromNgForm, canExecuteFromSignals } from "@ssv/ngx.command";
loginCmd = commandAsync(x => this.login(), canExecuteFromNgForm(this.form));
// options - disable dirty check
loginCmd = commandAsync(x => this.login(), canExecuteFromNgForm(this.form, {
dirty: false
// similar functionality using custom signals (or form which provide signals)
loginCmd = commandAsync(x => this.login(), canExecuteFromSignals({dirty: $dirty, valid: $valid}));
import { provideSsvCommandOptions } from "@ssv/ngx.command";
export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [
executingCssClass: "is-busy",
hasDisabledDelay: false