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37 lines (34 loc) · 13.4 KB

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37 lines (34 loc) · 13.4 KB

Supported emoticons

Note that you need a browser capable of viewing unicode-emoji to make sense of the first column

Added Polarity column

Emoji Name Tags Emoticons Polarity
😠 angry mad; annoyed >:(; >:[; >:-(; >:-[; >=(; >=[; >=-(; >=-[ -3
😊 blush proud :"); :"]; :"D; :-"); :-"]; :-"D; ="); ="]; ="D; =-"); =-"]; =-"D 2
💔 broken_heart <\3; </3 -3
😕 confused :/; :\; :-/; :-\; =/; =\; =-/; =-\ -2
😢 cry sad; tear :,(; :,[; :,|; :,-(; :,-[; :,-|; :'(; :'[; :'|; :'-(; :'-[; :'-|; =,(; =,[; =,|; =,-(; =,-[; =,-|; ='(; ='[; ='|; ='-(; ='-[; ='-| -2
😦 frowning :(; :[; :-(; :-[; =(; =[; =-(; =-[ -1
❤️ heart love <3 3
👿 imp angry; devil; evil; horns ]:(; ]:[; ]:-(; ]:-[; ]=(; ]=[; ]=-(; ]=-[ -4
😇 innocent angel o:); o:]; o:D; o:-); o:-]; o:-D; o=); o=]; o=D; o=-); o=-]; o=-D; O:); O:]; O:D; O:-); O:-]; O:-D; O=); O=]; O=D; O=-); O=-]; O=-D; 0:); 0:]; 0:D; 0:-); 0:-]; 0:-D; 0=); 0=]; 0=D; 0=-); 0=-]; 0=-D 3
😂 joy tears :,); :,]; :,D; :,-); :,-]; :,-D; :'); :']; :'D; :'-); :'-]; :'-D; =,); =,]; =,D; =,-); =,-]; =,-D; ='); =']; ='D; ='-); ='-]; ='-D 3
😗 kissing :*; :-*; =*; =-* 2
😆 laughing happy; haha x); x]; xD; x-); x-]; x-D; X); X]; X-); X-]; X-D 1
😐 neutral_face meh :|; :-|; =|; =-| 0
😶 no_mouth mute; silence :- 0
😮 open_mouth surprise; impressed; wow :o; :O; :0; :-o; :-O; :-0; =o; =O; =0; =-o; =-O; =-0 -2
😡 rage angry :@; :-@; =@; =-@ -4
😄 smile happy; joy; laugh; pleased :D; :-D; =D; =-D 2
😃 smiley happy; joy; haha :); :]; :-); :-]; =); =]; =-); =-] 2
😈 smiling_imp devil; evil; horns ]:); ]:]; ]:D; ]:-); ]:-]; ]:-D; ]=); ]=]; ]=D; ]=-); ]=-]; ]=-D -3
😭 sob sad; cry; bawling :,'(; :,'[; :,'-(; :,'-[; :',(; :',[; :',-(; :',-[; =,'(; =,'[; =,'-(; =,'-[; =',(; =',[; =',-(; =',-[ -3
😛 stuck_out_tongue :p; :P; :d; :-p; :-P; :-d; =p; =P; =d; =-p; =-P; =-d 1
😝 stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes prank xP; x-p; x-P; x-d; Xp; Xd; X-p; X-P; X-d 0
😜 stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye prank; silly ;p; ;P; ;d; ;-p; ;-P; ;-d -1
😎 sunglasses cool 8); 8]; 8D; 8-); 8-]; 8-D; B); B]; B-); B-]; B-D 1
😓 sweat ,:(; ,:[; ,:-(; ,:-[; ,=(; ,=[; ,=-(; ,=-[; ':(; ':[; ':-(; ':-[; '=(; '=[; '=-(; '=-[ -1
😅 sweat_smile hot ,:); ,:]; ,:D; ,:-); ,:-]; ,:-D; ,=); ,=]; ,=D; ,=-); ,=-]; ,=-D; ':); ':]; ':D; ':-); ':-]; ':-D; '=); '=]; '=D; '=-); '=-]; '=-D 2
😒 unamused meh :$; :s; :z; :S; :Z; :-$; :-s; :-z; :-S; :-Z; =$; =s; =z; =S; =Z; =-$; =-s; =-z; =-S; =-Z -2
😉 wink flirt ;); ;]; ;D; ;-); ;-]; ;-D 3