We would like you to write a simple paper, rock, and scissors game in Java.
Full background of paper, rock, scissors (PRS from now on) here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock%E2%80%93paper%E2%80%93scissors. TLDR; Paper beats Rock; Rock beats Scissors; Scissors beats Paper.
The functional spec is the following:
- A user will play PRS against a computer player.
- The computer player must at least be random, but a different model is fine, as long its not trivial.
- The interface will be command line, no GUI please.
- The game should repeat, and track wins and losses
- There should be a command to exit the game.
The application layout should follow the maven standard: https://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/. You can use Java 8 and any of its features.
Please treat it as if you were writing production code, so write the tests you normally would and design it to the level which you'd be proud of.