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Releases: shupershuff/Diablo2RLoader


09 Aug 13:18
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Fixed an issue where the updater stopped working if the script was run on any day of the month that's a single digit (eg first day of the month).

Users who notice an error briefly showing when running the script will need to manually update to subsequent versions or delete the value for LastUpdateCheck in stats.csv :(


27 Jul 01:56
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Quick hotfix update. The previous update pretty much broke things for people using the script for the first time. Oops.

  • Fixed an oversight from the previous release where a missing value in stats.csv causes errors to occur for new users who have downloaded the script fresh.
  • Minor Formatting changes.
  • Added a couple of comments.

The morning comes...


23 Jul 14:32
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Small update to fix a few oversights.

  • Adjusted 'Current session' so it only counts up if a game is running.
  • Adjust time displays to show : instead .<% of an hour>
  • Fixed Batch menu not accepting valid inputs when only one batch is configured.
  • Fixed Script not closing when launching with -batch parameter.
  • Fixed Session/Account timers not properly resetting when no games are open causing incorrect calculation of session/account usage times.
  • Fixed Batch menu text showing " or" when there's only one option.
  • Update Checker notifies if multiple releases have come out since current version.
  • Update Checker has now one API call instead of two.
  • Update Checker won't check for updates each time, instead only checks once every 8 hours to reduce API calls.
  • Better error handling for user errors in accounts.csv
  • Create Backups of CSV's on launch as a restore point in case an event (eg BSOD) corrupts the files.
  • Users can now rename script without it breaking.
  • Other minor edits.

The Order welcomes you...


17 Jul 07:41
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Good day to you partner! This update is mostly fluffy stuff with stats.
Blizzard still haven't implemented play time either in game or the app so thought I would setup my own crappy version.

  • Moved CommandLineArguments into accounts.csv for nohd mod users. Script will auto remove this from config.xml and add a column in accounts.csv and assign the value that was previously in the config file. This allows those users to specify custom launch arguments per account.
  • Added a wee bit more reliability for the TZ checker. If it fails to read image after 11 seconds it will try another OCR engine.
  • Account Usage Statistics feature to track the amount of time each account has been active. This records to accounts.csv. Can be disabled in config.
  • New CSV for statistics is auto created.
  • Script time (Game time irrespective of the account) recorded to stats.csv
  • Script times launched and MF stats recorded to stats.csv
  • Added script info screen (option 'i')
  • Made all pause & exit screens consistent, now you can hit any key (instead of enter) to continue.
  • Fixed username and password Parameters not passing through to game client properly when being launched from parameters.
  • Added "KR" as a region parameter option.
  • Removed incorrect description in config.xml for gamepath. Script will automatically fix the description.
  • Removed a couple of script statements that weren't adding any value.
  • Minor changes to some text outputs.
  • Added some more comments.

As noted it is mostly fluffy stuff. If you wanted, you could set playtime to 0 at the start of each season :)

No manual action required for updating.
Check out the updated GitHub Readme for details on the new features.
Any issues, requests or feedback please log an issue on GitHub.

Hail to you champion...


02 Jul 13:31
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Big update!

  • Added Batch feature for opening groups of accounts. Needs to be enabled in config and a column added to accounts.csv. See Readme for usage.
  • Added Coloured text to highlight menu options & selections.
  • Added Joke API integration. Press J to be served a random joke to share when doing runs in Baals Comedy Club.
  • Added an underwhelming Easter egG.
  • Added validation for Boolean values in config.xml (proactive error handling you might say!)
  • Added more quotes and removed a couple D3 quotes that somehow snuck in.
  • Added manual settings menu option 's' to toggle manual game setting selection per account. See Readme for usage.
  • Added settings.json as a "Default" option in the manual setting switcher
  • Added Launch Parameters for -All, -Batch and -ManualSettingSwitcher so game can be launched by shortcuts, task scheduler, home assistant or whatever. See Readme for usage.
  • Added/Fixed up script comments.
  • Changed Update Notifications to be formatted much nicer/easier to read for future updates.
  • Using Engine2 for OCR for more accurate OCR readings for Next TZ.
  • Used Regex filtering across the OCR string for better Next TZ accuracy.
  • Add Error handling for when OCR fails to read.
  • Improved TZ formatting for longer TZ strings.
  • Added randomized pool of keys for TZ OCR to reduce chance of hourly OCR free request limit being reached.
  • Slight tidy up of menu and menu code.
  • Too many minor script tweaks & fixes to recall or mention!

No action required for updating unless you want to use either the Batch or manual setting switcher features.
Check out the updated GitHub Readme for details on the new features.

Hail to you champion...


15 Jun 11:17
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  • Next TZ source updated and working. Enable 'CheckForNextTZ' in your config.xml today to enable this again!
  • Menu now no longer requires you to press enter to submit options.
  • Main Menu automatically refreshes every 30 seconds.
  • Fixed being able to choose All when all accounts are already open.

Credits to never147 for menu input and refresh improvements, TheGodOfPumpkin for TZ source and for their free OCR API.

Reminder, enable CheckForNextTZ in your config.xml file to enable this feature.
Good Luck Hero.


04 Jun 06:49
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To update, download the latest release and copy D2Loader.ps1 over your existing D2Loader.ps1 file.

Release Notes:

  • Can now open all accounts at once using "a"
  • Added Custom Command line arguments for players who use mods (eg mosaic reduce gfx mods). Config file will autoupdate.
  • Adjusted TZ checker to pull current TZ from
  • Adjusted TZ checker to drastically reduce the wait time for info to be obtained and processed (was 30 seconds, now about 10 seconds).
  • Only run Next TZ checker if there's been a new TZ post within the hour.
  • Added DClone Checker (option 'd' in the menu).
  • Minor formatting changes.
  • Script can now update itself, no more having to browse to GitHub and download the latest release.
  • Fixed Try/Catch statement for missing config file.
  • Added config option for CheckForNextTZ. Set to False to avoid delays looking for online updates for next TZ (recommend doing this given the current source isn't providing updates).

Please Note:
Unfortunately, the site used to pull Next TZ data from posts isn't being updated.
Currently looking for alternative locations for Next TZ info or methods to pull this data from game client directly.
Please get in touch if you can assist in this matter.


25 May 23:01
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  • Now optionally can show the current AND the next Terror Zone (enter "t" on the account choice menu) *
  • Added region into display
  • Added hidden cancel option (c) for the region menu in case you accidentally chose the wrong account on the account menu.
  • A couple script tidy ups.
  • Minor change to menu option text.
  • Fixed bad gamepath error message.
  • Minor change to how shortcut is built, now won't break if someone renames the script.
  • 1.4.1 Fixed an issue where display would say it's loading the settings.json config for a different account.

To update, replace your existing D2Loader.ps1 with the script from this release :)

* Please note, the TZ checker DOES have performance issues.
This sometimes takes 10 seconds and other times takes 5+ minutes.
This is probably due to how I'm getting the data.
I'm looking at improving this in the next release but thought this might be a handy feature you can use now.
Current and upcoming TZ is pulled from a Korean forum, as such translations of the level names are sometimes interesting.
I could convert translated names into actual level names, but where's the fun in that?


25 May 22:35
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  • Now optionally can show the current AND the next Terror Zone (enter "t" on the account choice menu) *
  • Added region into display
  • Added hidden cancel option (c) for the region menu in case you accidentally chose the wrong account on the account menu.
  • A couple script tidy ups.
  • Minor change to menu option text.
  • Fixed bad gamepath error message.
  • Minor change to how shortcut is built, now won't break if someone renames the script.

* Please note, the TZ checker DOES have performance issues.
This sometimes takes 10 seconds and other times takes 5+ minutes.
This is probably due to how I'm getting the data.
I'm looking at improving this in the next release but thought this might be a handy feature you can use now.
Current and upcoming TZ is pulled from a Korean forum, as such translations of the level names are sometimes interesting.
I could convert translated names into actual level names, but where's the fun in that?


30 Apr 05:01
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  • Added Settings Switcher feature. Now you can assign game settings for each account!
  • Update notifier now advises what the new release notes are.
  • Updated config.xml
  • Added a check to see if config.xml is missing any options.
  • Updated Readme with instructions.
  • Added a couple of quotes.