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File metadata and controls

537 lines (453 loc) · 19.1 KB

Property - controller of Object properties

The Property class is the secretive shadowy element that governs Object behavior and are bound to the Object via Object.defineProperty. It acts like a shadow Proxy/Reflector to the Object instance and provides tight control via the Getter/Setter interfaces.

The Property instances attach themselves to the Object[Symbol.for('property')] property and are rarely accessed directly - but they are the fundamental actors that actualize YANG schema compliance into ordinary JS objects.

Below are list of properties available to every instance of Property:

property type mapping description
name string direct name of the property
schema object direct a schema instance (usually Yang)
state object direct private object holding internal state
container object access(state) reference to object containing this property
configurable boolean getter(state) defines whether this property can be redefined
enumerable boolean getter(state) defines whether this property is enumerable
content any computed getter/setter for state.value
context object computed dynamically generated using context
root Property computed dynamically returns the root Property instance
props array(Property) computed returns children Property instances
key string/number computed conditionally returns unique key for Property if a list item
path XPath computed dynamically generate XPath for this Property from root

Class Property

debug    = require('debug')('yang:property') # if process.env.DEBUG?
co       = require 'co'
delegate = require 'delegates'
clone    = require 'clone'
Emitter  = require('events').EventEmitter
context  = require './context'
XPath    = require './xpath'
kProp    = Symbol.for('property')

class Property

  @property: (prop, desc) ->
    Object.defineProperty @prototype, prop, desc

  constructor: (@name, @schema={}) ->
    unless this instanceof Property then return new Property arguments...

    @state = 
      value: null
      container: null
      configurable: true
      enumerable: @binding?
      mutable: @schema.config?.valueOf() isnt false
    Object.setPrototypeOf @state, Emitter.prototype

    @schema.kind ?= 'anydata'
    # Bind the get/set functions to call with 'this' bound to this
    # Property instance.  This is needed since native Object
    # Getter/Setter uses the Object itself as 'this'
    @set = @set.bind this
    @get = @get.bind this
    # expose the BoundThis for the set/get
    @set.bound = @get.bound = this

    # soft freeze this instance
    Object.preventExtensions this

  delegate @prototype, 'state'
    .method 'once'
    .method 'on'
    .access 'container'
    .getter 'configurable'
    .getter 'enumerable'
    .getter 'mutable'
    .getter 'prev'

  delegate @prototype, 'schema'
    .getter 'kind'
    .getter 'type'
    .getter 'default'
    .getter 'binding'

Computed Properties

  @property 'content',
    get: -> @state.value
    set: (value) -> @set value, { force: true, suppress: true }

  @property 'context',
    get: ->
      ctx = Object.create(context)
      ctx.state = {} = this
      Object.preventExtensions ctx
      return ctx

  @property 'parent', get: -> @container?[kProp]

  @property 'root',
    get: ->
      return this if @kind is 'module'
      root = switch
        when @parent is this then this
        when @parent instanceof Property then @parent.root
        else this
      @state.path = undefined unless @state.root is root
      return @state.root = root
  @property 'children',
    get: ->
      return [] unless @content instanceof Object
      children = []
      for own k of @content
        desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(@content, k)
        children.push desc.get.bound if desc?.get?.bound instanceof Property
      return children
  @property 'key',
    get: ->
      return unless @schema is @parent?.schema
        when @content not instanceof Object  then @name + 1
        when @content.hasOwnProperty('@key') then @content['@key']
        when Array.isArray @container
          for idx, item of @container when item is @content
            idx = Number(idx) unless (Number.isNaN (Number idx))
            return idx+1
          return undefined

  @property 'path',
    get: ->
      if this is @root
        entity = switch
          when @kind is 'module' then '/'
          else '.'
        return XPath.parse entity, @schema
      key = @key
      return @state.path if @state.path? and not key?
      @debug "[path] #{@kind}(#{@name}) has #{key} #{typeof key}"
      entity = switch typeof key
        when 'number' then ".[#{key}]"
        when 'string' then ".['#{key}']"
        #when 'string' then ".[key('#{key}')]"
        else switch
          when @kind is 'list' then @schema.datakey
          else @name
      @debug "[path] #{} + #{entity}"
      return @state.path = @parent.path.clone().append entity

Instance-level methods

  clone: ->
    @debug "[clone] cloning with #{@children.length} properties"
    copy = (new @constructor @name, @schema)
    copy.state[k] = v for k, v of @state
    return copy
  emit: (event) ->
    @state.emit arguments...
    unless this is @root
      @debug "[emit] '#{event}' to '#{}'"
      @root.emit arguments...

join (obj)

This call is the primary mechanism via which the Property instance attaches itself to the provided target obj. It defines itself in the target obj via Object.defineProperty.

  join: (obj, opts={ replace: false, suppress: false, force: false }) ->
    return obj unless obj instanceof Object

    detached = true unless @container?
    @container = obj

    if Array.isArray(obj) and Array.isArray(@content)
      @debug @content
      throw @error "cannot join array property into list container"
    if @kind is 'list' and not Array.isArray(obj) and @content? and not Array.isArray(@content)
      throw @error "cannot join non-list array property into containing object"

    # if joining for the first time, apply existing data unless explicit replace
    exists = obj[@name] 
    if detached and opts.replace isnt true
      @debug "[join] applying existing data for #{@name} to:"
      @debug obj
      opts.suppress = true
      @set exists, opts

    # TODO: should produce meaningful warning?
    try Object.defineProperty obj, @name, this
    @debug "[join] attached into #{} container"
    return obj

get (pattern)

This is the main Getter for the target object's property value. When called with optional pattern it will perform an internal find operation to traverse/locate that value being requested instead of returning its own @content.

It also provides special handling based on different types of @content currently held.

When @content is a function, it will call it with the current @context instance as the bound context for the function being called.

  get: (pattern, prop=false) -> switch
    when pattern? and prop then @in pattern
    when pattern?
      try match = @find pattern
      return unless match? and match.length
        when match.length is 1 then match[0].content
        when match.length > 1  then (x) -> x.content
        else undefined
    when @kind in [ 'rpc', 'action' ] then switch
      when @binding? then @do.bind this
      else @content
      if @binding? and not (@kind is 'list' and @key?)
        try return @context
        catch e
          throw @error "issue executing registered function binding during get(): #{e.message}", e

set (value)

This is the main Setter for the target object's property value. It utilizes internal @schema attribute if available to enforce schema validations.

  set: (value, opts={ force: false, suppress: false }) ->
    @debug "[set] enter with:"
    @debug value
    #@debug opts
    return this if value is @content and not opts.force

    unless @mutable or not value? or opts.force
      throw @error "cannot set data on read-only element"

      unless value instanceof Function
        if value[kProp] instanceof Property and value[kProp] isnt this
          @debug "[set] cloning existing property for assignment"
          value = clone(value)
        value = Object.create(value) unless Object.isExtensible(value)
      Object.defineProperty value, kProp, configurable: true, value: this

    value = switch
      when @schema.apply?
        @schema.apply value, @context.with(opts)
      else value
    return this if value instanceof Error
      Object.defineProperty value, kProp, value: this
      Object.defineProperty value, '$', value: @get.bind(this)
      if @schema.nodes.length and @kind isnt 'module'
        for own k of value
          desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor value, k
          if desc.writable is true and not @schema.locate(k)?
            @debug "[set] hiding non-schema defined property: #{k}"
            Object.defineProperty value, k, enumerable: false

    @state.prev = @state.value
    @state.enumerable = value? or @binding?
    if @binding?.length is 1 and not opts.force and @kind not in [ 'action', 'rpc' ]
      try @context, value 
      catch e
        @debug e
        throw @error "issue executing registered function binding during set(): #{e.message}", e
      @state.value = value

    try Object.defineProperty @container, @name,
      configurable: true
      enumerable: @state.enumerable

    @emit 'update', this if this is @root or not opts.suppress
    @debug "[set] completed"
    return this

merge (value)

Performs a granular merge of value into existing @content if available, otherwise performs set operation.

  merge: (value, opts={ replace: true, suppress: false }) ->
    opts.replace ?= true
    unless @content instanceof Object and @kind is 'list'
      opts.replace = false
      return @set value, opts

    value = value[@name] if value? and value.hasOwnProperty? @name
    return this unless value instanceof Object
    if Array.isArray @content
      length = @content.length
      @debug "[merge] merging into existing Array(#{length}) for #{@name}"
      @debug value
      # here we clone this Property and update with only the newly merged values
      # XXX - this logic needs refinement, it doesn't handle min-elements condition properly
      value = [ value ] unless Array.isArray value
      copy = @clone()
      copy.set value, force: opts.force, suppress: true
      @debug "[merge] combining and applying schema"
      if @schema.key? and opts.replace
        exists = {}
        @content.forEach (item) ->
          key = item['@key']
          exists[key] = item
        @debug "[merge] reducing existing keys"
        conflicts = 0
        newitems = copy.content.reduce ((a, item) ->
          key = item['@key']
          item[kProp].name -= conflicts
          if key of exists
            exists[key][kProp].merge item, opts
            a.push item
          return a
        ), []
        combine = @content.concat newitems
        newitems = copy.content
        combine = @content.concat newitems
      attr.apply combine, @context.with(opts) for attr in @schema.attrs
      newitems.forEach (item) =>
        item[kProp].name += length
        item[kProp].join @content, opts
      @emit 'update', this unless opts.suppress
      return copy
      @debug "[merge] merging into existing Object(#{Object.keys(@content).length}) for #{@name}"
      # TODO: protect this as a transaction?
      @in(k)?.merge(v, opts) for own k, v of value when @content.hasOwnProperty k
      # TODO: need to reapply schema to self
      return this

create (value)

A simple convenience wrap around the above merge operation.

  create: (value) ->
    if not @content? and @kind is 'list' and not Array.isArray value
      value = [ value ] 
    res = @merge value, replace: false
    @emit 'create', res
    return res


The reverse of join, it will detach itself from the @container parent object.

  remove: ->
    return this unless @container?
    if @key?
      #@container.splice @name, 1
      delete @container[@name]
      @state.enumerable = false
      @state.value = undefined unless @kind is 'list'
      Object.defineProperty @container, @name, enumerable: false
    @emit 'update', @parent if @parent?
    @emit 'delete', this
    return this

find (pattern)

This helper routine can be used to allow traversal to other elements in the data tree from the relative location of the current Property instance. It returns matching Property instances based on the provided pattern in the form of XPATH or YPATH.

It is internally used via get and generally used inside controller logic bound inside the Yang expression as well as event handler listening on Model events.

It always returns an array (empty to denote no match) unless it encounters an error, in which case it will throw an Error.

  find: (pattern='.', opts={}) ->
    @debug "[find] #{pattern}"
    unless pattern instanceof XPath
      if /^\.\.\//.test(pattern) and @parent?
        return @parent.find pattern.replace(/^\.\.\//, ''), opts
      if /^\//.test(pattern) and this isnt @root
        return @root.find pattern, opts
      pattern = XPath.parse pattern, @schema
    @debug "[find] using #{pattern}"
    if opts.root or not @container? or pattern.tag not in [ '/', '..' ]
      @debug "[find] apply #{pattern}"
      @debug @content
      pattern.apply(@content).props ? []
    else switch
      when pattern.tag is '/'  and @parent? then @parent.find pattern, opts
      when pattern.tag is '..' and @parent? then @parent.find pattern.xpath, opts
      else []

in (pattern)

A convenience routine to locate one or more matching Property instances based on pattern (XPATH or YPATH) from this Model.

  in: (pattern) ->
    try props = @find pattern
    return unless props? and props.length
    return switch
      when props.length > 1 then props
      else props[0]

do ()

A convenience wrap to a Property instance that holds a function to perform a Promise-based execution.

Always returns a Promise.

  invoke: ->
    console.warn "DEPRECATION: please use .do() instead"
    @do arguments...
  do: (input={}) ->
    unless (@binding instanceof Function) or (@content instanceof Function)
      return Promise.reject @error "cannot perform action on a property without function"
    transaction = true if @root.kind is 'module' and @root.transactable isnt true
      @debug "[do] executing method: #{@name}"
      @debug input
      @root.transactable = true if transaction
      ctx = @context
      ctx.state[kProp] = this
      @schema.input?.eval  ctx.state, {}
      @schema.output?.eval ctx.state, {}
      ctx.input = input
      # first apply schema bound function (if availble), otherwise
      # execute assigned function (if available and not 'missing')
      if @binding?
        @debug "[do] calling bound function with: #{Object.keys(input)}"
        @debug @binding.toString()
        res = ctx, input
        ctx.output ?= res
        @debug "[do] calling assigned function: #{}"
        @debug @content.toString()
        ctx.output = @container, input
      return co =>
        @debug "[do] evaluating output schema"
        ctx.output = yield Promise.resolve ctx.output
        @debug "[do] finish setting output"
        @emit 'done', ctx
        if transaction

          @root.transactable = false
        return ctx.output
    catch e
      @debug e
      if transaction
        @root.transactable = false
      return Promise.reject e

error (msg)

Provides more contextual error message pertaining to the Property instance.

  error: (msg, ctx=this) ->
    at = "#{@path}"
    at += @name if at is '/'
    err = new Error "[#{at}] #{msg}" = 'PropertyError'
    err.context = ctx
    @emit 'error', err, this
    return err

  debug: (msg) ->
    if debug? then switch typeof msg
      when 'object' then debug msg
        node = this
        prefix = [ @name ]
        prefix.unshift while (node = node.parent)
        debug "[#{prefix.join('/')}] #{msg}"


  inspect: ->
    return {
      name:   @schema.tag ? @name
      kind:   @schema.kind
      key:    @key
      xpath:  @path.toString()
      schema: @schema.toJSON tag: false, extended: true
      active: @enumerable
      readonly: not @mutable


This call creates a new copy of the current Property.content completely detached/unbound to the underlying data schema. It's main utility is to represent the current data state for subsequent serialization/transmission. It accepts optional argument tag which when called with false will not tag the produced object with the current property's @name.

  toJSON: (tag=true) ->
    copy = (src) ->
      return unless src? and typeof src isnt 'function'
      if typeof src is 'object'
        try res = new src.constructor
        catch then res = {}
        for own k, v of src when typeof v isnt 'function'
          res[k] = copy v
        return res src, src
    value = copy @get()
    value ?= [] if @kind is 'list'
    if tag
      name = switch
        when @kind is 'list' then @schema.datakey
        else @name
      "#{name}": value
    else value

Export Property Class

module.exports = Property