This project aims to measure the credit risk of LendingClub, (an American peer-to-peer lending company), by calculating the expected loss of their outstanding loans. Credit risk is the likelihood that a borrower would not repay their loan to the lender. By continually evaluating the risk and adjusting their credit policies, the lender could minimize its credit losses while it reaches the fullest potential to maximize revenues on loan borrowing. It is also crucial for the lender to abide by regulations that require them to conduct their business with sufficient capital adequacy, which, if in low, will risk the stability of the economic system.
The key metric of credit risk is Expected Loss (EL), calculated by multiplying the results across three models: PD (Probability of Default), LGD (Loss Given Default), and EAD (Exposure at Default). The project includes all three models to help reach the final goal of credit risk measurement.
- Python Version: 3.8.5
- Packages: pandas, numpy, sklearn, scipy, matplotlib, seaborn, pickle
- Algorithms: regression (multiple linear), classification (logistic regression)
- Dataset Source:
'loan_data_2007_2014.csv' contains the past data of all loans that we use to train and test our model
'loan_data_2015.csv' contains the current data we will implement the model to measure the risk
'loan_data_defaults.csv' contains only the past data of all defaulted loans
Note: I embedded the findings and interpretations in the project-walkthrough below, and denoted them by 🔶
In this part of data pipeline, we fill in or convert the data into what we need, and then create and group dummy variables for each category as required for PD model and credit scorecard building.
Continuous variables
Convert the date string values to numeric values of days or months until today
- 'emp_length'
- 'term'
- 'earliest_cr_line'
- 'issue_d'
loan_data['emp_length_int'] = \
loan_data['emp_length'].str.replace('\+ years', '')
loan_data['emp_length_int'] = \
loan_data['emp_length_int'].str.replace('< 1 year', str(0))
loan_data['emp_length_int'] = \
loan_data['emp_length_int'].str.replace('n/a', str(0))
loan_data['emp_length_int'] = \
loan_data['emp_length_int'].str.replace(' years', '')
loan_data['emp_length_int'] = \
loan_data['emp_length_int'].str.replace(' year', '')
#Replace the text/blank strings to null; for example: '+ years','year', etc.
loan_data['emp_length_int'] = pd.to_numeric(loan_data['emp_length_int'])
# Transforms the values to numeric
Replace with appropriate values or 0
loan_data['total_rev_hi_lim'].fillna(loan_data['funded_amnt'], inplace=True)
# missing'total revolving high credit limit' = 'funded amount'
loan_data['annual_inc'].fillna(loan_data['annual_inc'].mean(),inplace = True)
# missing'annual income' = average of 'annual income'
loan_data['mths_since_earliest_cr_line'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
loan_data['acc_now_delinq'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
loan_data['total_acc'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
loan_data['pub_rec'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
loan_data['open_acc'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
loan_data['inq_last_6mths'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
loan_data['delinq_2yrs'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
loan_data['emp_length_int'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
# Other missing values = 0
For PD Model, we create dummy variables according to regulations to make the model easily understood and create credit scorecard
We determine whether the loan is good (i.e. not defaulted) by looking at 'loan_status'. We assign a value of 1 if the loan is good, 0 if not
loan_data['good_bad'] = \
isin(['Charged Off', 'Default',
'Does not meet the credit policy. Status:Charged Off',
'Late (31-120 days)']), 0, 1)
loan_data_dummies = [pd.get_dummies(loan_data['grade'], prefix = 'grade', prefix_sep = ':'),
pd.get_dummies(loan_data['sub_grade'], prefix = 'sub_grade', prefix_sep = ':'),
pd.get_dummies(loan_data['home_ownership'], prefix = 'home_ownership', prefix_sep = ':'),
pd.get_dummies(loan_data['verification_status'], prefix = 'verification_status', prefix_sep = ':'),
pd.get_dummies(loan_data['loan_status'], prefix = 'loan_status', prefix_sep = ':'),
pd.get_dummies(loan_data['purpose'], prefix = 'purpose', prefix_sep = ':'),
pd.get_dummies(loan_data['addr_state'], prefix = 'addr_state', prefix_sep = ':'),
pd.get_dummies(loan_data['initial_list_status'], prefix = 'initial_list_status', prefix_sep = ':')]
- 'Weight of Evidence' shows to what extent an independent variable would predict a dependent variable, giving us an insight into how useful a given category of an independent variable is
WoE = ln(%good / %bad)
- Similarly, 'Information Value', ranging from 0 to 1, shows how much information the original independent variable brings with respect to explaining the dependent variable, helping to pre-select a few best predictors
IV = Sum((%good - %bad) * WoE)
Range: 0-1 | Predictive powers |
IV < 0.02 | No power |
0.02 < IV < 0.1 | Weak power |
0.1 < IV < 0.3 | Medium power |
0.3 < IV < 0.5 | Strong power |
0.5 < IV | Suspiciously high, too good to be true |
# WoE function for discrete unordered variables
def woe_discrete(df, discrete_variabe_name, good_bad_variable_df):
df = pd.concat([df[discrete_variabe_name], good_bad_variable_df], axis = 1)
# Only store the independent and dependent variables
df = pd.concat([df.groupby(df.columns.values[0],
as_index = False)[df.columns.values[1]].count(),
as_index = False)[df.columns.values[1]].mean()],
axis = 1)
# Group the df by value in first column
# Add the number and mean of good_bad obs of each kind
df = df.iloc[:, [0, 1, 3]]
# Remove the 3rd column
df.columns = [df.columns.values[0], 'n_obs', 'prop_good']
# Rename the columns
df['prop_n_obs'] = df['n_obs'] / df['n_obs'].sum()
# Calculate proportions of each kind
df['n_good'] = df['prop_good'] * df['n_obs']
df['n_bad'] = (1 - df['prop_good']) * df['n_obs']
# Calculate the number of good and bad borrowers of each kind
df['prop_n_good'] = df['n_good'] / df['n_good'].sum()
df['prop_n_bad'] = df['n_bad'] / df['n_bad'].sum()
# Calculate the proportions of good and bad borrowers of each kind
df['WoE'] = np.log(df['prop_n_good'] / df['prop_n_bad'])
# Calculate the weight of evidence of each kind
df = df.sort_values(['WoE'])
df = df.reset_index(drop = True)
# Sort the dataframes by WoE, and replace the index with increasing numbers
df['diff_prop_good'] = df['prop_good'].diff().abs()
df['diff_WoE'] = df['WoE'].diff().abs()
# Calculate the difference of certain variable between the nearby kinds
df['IV'] = (df['prop_n_good'] - df['prop_n_bad']) * df['WoE']
df['IV'] = df['IV'].sum()
#Calculatet he information value of each kind
return df
# The function takes 3 arguments: a dataframe, a string, and a dataframe.
# The function returns a dataframe as a result.
def plot_by_woe(df_WoE, rotation_of_x_axis_labels = 0):
x = np.array(df_WoE.iloc[:, 0].apply(str))
# Turns the values of the first column to strings,
# makes an array from these strings, and passes it to variable x
y = df_WoE['WoE']
# Selects a column with label 'WoE' and passes it to variable y
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
# Sets the graph size to width 18 x height 6.
plt.plot(x, y, marker = 'o', linestyle = '--', color = 'k')
# Plots the datapoints with coordiantes variable x on the x-axis
# and variable y on the y-axis
# Sets the marker for each datapoint to a circle,
# the style line between the points to dashed, and the color to black
# Names the x-axis with the name of the first column
plt.ylabel('Weight of Evidence')
# Names the y-axis 'Weight of Evidence'.
plt.title(str('Weight of Evidence by ' + df_WoE.columns[0]))
# Names the grapth 'Weight of Evidence by ' the name of the column with index 0.
plt.xticks(rotation = rotation_of_x_axis_labels)
# Rotates the labels of the x-axis a predefined number of degrees
For discrete variables, we order them by WoE and set the category with the worst credit risk as a reference category
home_ownership | n_obs | prop_good | prop_n_obs | n_good | n_bad | prop_n_good | prop_n_bad | WoE | diff_prop_good | diff_WoE | IV | |
0 | OTHER | 45 | 0.777778 | 0.000483 | 35 | 10 | 0.000421 | 0.000981 | -0.845478 | NaN | NaN | 0.022938 |
1 | NONE | 10 | 0.8 | 0.000107 | 8 | 2 | 0.000096 | 0.000196 | -0.711946 | 0.022222 | 0.133531 | 0.022938 |
2 | RENT | 37874 | 0.874003 | 0.406125 | 33102 | 4772 | 0.398498 | 0.468302 | -0.161412 | 0.074003 | 0.550534 | 0.022938 |
3 | OWN | 8409 | 0.888572 | 0.09017 | 7472 | 937 | 0.089951 | 0.091953 | -0.022006 | 0.014568 | 0.139406 | 0.022938 |
4 | MORTGAGE | 46919 | 0.904751 | 0.503115 | 42450 | 4469 | 0.511033 | 0.438567 | 0.152922 | 0.016179 | 0.174928 | 0.022938 |
For continuous variables, we put them in bins of same size (fine classing) and set the minimal bin as the reference category
df_inputs_prepr['total_acc_factor'] = pd.cut(df_inputs_prepr['total_acc'], 50)
df_temp = woe_ordered_continuous(df_inputs_prepr, 'total_acc_factor', df_targets_prepr)
total_acc_factor | n_obs | prop_good | prop_n_obs | n_good | n_bad | prop_n_good | prop_n_bad | WoE | diff_prop_good | diff_WoE | IV | |
0 | (-0.156, 3.12] | 125 | 0.776 | 0.00134 | 97 | 28 | 0.001168 | 0.002748 | -0.855734 | NaN | NaN | inf |
1 | (3.12, 6.24] | 1499 | 0.850567 | 0.016074 | 1275 | 224 | 0.015349 | 0.021982 | -0.359185 | 0.074567 | 0.496549 | inf |
2 | (6.24, 9.36] | 3715 | 0.871871 | 0.039836 | 3239 | 476 | 0.038993 | 0.046712 | -0.180639 | 0.021304 | 0.178547 | inf |
3 | (9.36, 12.48] | 6288 | 0.874841 | 0.067427 | 5501 | 787 | 0.066224 | 0.077233 | -0.153784 | 0.00297 | 0.026855 | inf |
4 | (12.48, 15.6] | 8289 | 0.888286 | 0.088883 | 7363 | 926 | 0.088639 | 0.090873 | -0.024892 | 0.013445 | 0.128892 | inf |
We group the categories or bins by following features:
- Small number of observations
- Similar WoE
- Outliers
# 'OTHERS' and 'NONE' are riskiest but are very few
# 'RENT' is the next riskiest.
# 'ANY' are least risky but are too few.
# -> Conceptually, they belong to the same category.
# Also, their inclusion would not change anything.
# -> We combine them in one category, 'RENT_OTHER_NONE_ANY'.
# We end up with 3 categories: 'RENT_OTHER_NONE_ANY', 'OWN', 'MORTGAGE'.
df_inputs_prepr['home_ownership:RENT_OTHER_NONE_ANY'] = \
# Categories: '<=27', '28-51', '>51'
df_inputs_prepr['total_acc:<=27'] = \
np.where((df_inputs_prepr['total_acc'] <= 27), 1, 0)
df_inputs_prepr['total_acc:28-51'] = \
np.where((df_inputs_prepr['total_acc'] >= 28) & (df_inputs_prepr['total_acc'] <= 51), 1, 0)
df_inputs_prepr['total_acc:>=52'] = \
np.where((df_inputs_prepr['total_acc'] >= 52), 1, 0)
We first split the dataset into training and testing parts
loan_data_inputs_train, loan_data_inputs_test, \
loan_data_targets_train, loan_data_targets_test = \
train_test_split(loan_data.drop('good_bad', axis = 1), \
loan_data['good_bad'], test_size = 0.2, random_state = 42)
# Split two dataframes with inputs and targets,
# each into a train and test dataframe, and store them in variables.
# Set the size of the test dataset to be 20%.
# Set a specific random state.
# Allow us to perform the exact same split multiple times.
# To assign the exact same observations to the train and test datasets.
We assign the train or test datasets to the 'Grouping Dummies' pipeline
df_inputs_prepr = loan_data_inputs_train
df_targets_prepr = loan_data_targets_train
#df_inputs_prepr = loan_data_inputs_test
#df_targets_prepr = loan_data_targets_test
We store the dataset with grouped dummies in a to-be-saved dataset
loan_data_inputs_train = df_inputs_prepr
#loan_data_inputs_test = df_inputs_prepr
We save the preprocessed datasets to CSV
We will trian and fit statistical model to predict a borrower's probability of being good
We exclude the reference categories in our model as we used dummy variables to represent all features, making the reference categories redundant
We select logistic regression as our model because the outcome variable has only two outcomes: good (1) or bad (0)
# As there is no built-in method to calculate P values for
# sklearn logistic regression
# Build a Class to display p-values for logistic regression in sklearn.
from sklearn import linear_model
import scipy.stats as stat
class LogisticRegression_with_p_values:
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
self.model = linear_model.LogisticRegression(*args,**kwargs)
def fit(self,X,y):,y)
denom = (2.0 * (1.0 + np.cosh(self.model.decision_function(X))))
denom = np.tile(denom,(X.shape[1],1)).T
F_ij = / denom).T,X)
Cramer_Rao = np.linalg.inv(F_ij)
sigma_estimates = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(Cramer_Rao))
z_scores = self.model.coef_[0] / sigma_estimates
p_values = [stat.norm.sf(abs(x)) * 2 for x in z_scores]
self.coef_ = self.model.coef_
self.intercept_ = self.model.intercept_
self.p_values = p_values
We leave a group of features if one of the dummy variables has a p value smaller than 0.05, meaning it is a significant variable.
reg2 = LogisticRegression_with_p_values(), loan_data_targets_train)
We get the coefficients of each significant variable
Feature name | Coefficients | P Values | |
0 | Intercept | -1.374036 | NaN |
1 | grade:A | 1.123662 | 3.23E-35 |
2 | grade:B | 0.878918 | 4.28E-47 |
3 | grade:C | 0.684796 | 6.71E-34 |
4 | grade:D | 0.496923 | 1.35E-20 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
80 | mths_since_last_record:3-20 | 0.440625 | 3.35E-04 |
81 | mths_since_last_record:21-31 | 0.35071 | 1.83E-03 |
82 | mths_since_last_record:32-80 | 0.502956 | 3.96E-09 |
83 | mths_since_last_record:81-86 | 0.175839 | 8.60E-02 |
84 | mths_since_last_record:>86 | 0.232707 | 5.71E-03 |
🔶 Interpretation of the coefficients β: the odds for someone being a good borrower is e^(β) times higher than the odds for someone with the reference feature
(Note: direct comparison are possible only between categories coming from one and the same original independent variable)
Finally, we save the model
pickle.dump(reg2, open('pd_model.sav', 'wb'))
We will apply the model on our testing dataset and use different measures to assess how accurate our model is, to know to what extent the outcome of interest can be explained by the available information.
We remove the reference categories and insignificant features
After running model on testing dataset, we get the following results
loan_data_targets_test | y_hat_test_proba | |
362514 | 1 | 0.924306 |
288564 | 1 | 0.849239 |
213591 | 1 | 0.885349 |
263083 | 1 | 0.940636 |
165001 | 1 | 0.968665 |
🔶 'y_hat_test_proba': it tells a borrower's probability of being a good borrower (won't default)
We set the threshold at 0.9, meaning the borrower is predicted to a good borrower if the y_hat_test_proba >= 0.9
tr = 0.9
df_actual_predicted_probs['y_hat_test'] = \
np.where(df_actual_predicted_probs['y_hat_test_proba'] >= tr, 1,0)
Then we can create the confusion matrix
Predicted/ Actual | 0 | 1 |
0 | 0.079072 | 0.030196 |
1 | 0.384025 | 0.506707 |
🔶 When we set the threshold at 0.9, it would reduce the number of defaults, but also the number of overall approved loans. It means we can avoid much of the credit risk but cannot reach the best potential to make money (~38% of borrowers will be mistakenly rejected).
In [50]:
true_neg = confusion_matrix_per.iloc[0,0]
true_pos = confusion_matrix_per.iloc[1,1]
true_rate = true_neg + true_pos
🔶 The result implies our model can correctly classify ~59% of borrowers when we set threshold at 0.9. It means our model has some predicting power since the it is greater than 50%, which is the accuracy of predicting by chance. But the power still is not strong enough. However, if we set the threshold at different levels, the accuracy will vary accordingly. Thus we need other measures to evaluate our model.
We further assess the predicting power by plotting the true positive rate against the false positive rate at various threshold settings
🔶 Each point from the curve represents a different confusion matrix based on a different threshold. In specific, it is equal to (True positive rate / False positive rate)
We compute the area under ROC (AUROC)
In [56]:
AUROC = roc_auc_score(df_actual_predicted_probs['loan_data_targets_test'],
🔶 The result implies our model has a 'fair' predicting power, not perfect but good enough to use.
Gini coefficient measures the inequality between good borrowers and bad borrowers in a population.
plt.plot(df_actual_predicted_probs['Cumulative Perc Population'],
df_actual_predicted_probs['Cumulative Perc Bad'])
plt.plot(df_actual_predicted_probs['Cumulative Perc Bad'],
df_actual_predicted_probs['Cumulative Perc Bad'],
linestyle = '--', color ='k')
plt.xlabel('Cumulative % Population')
plt.ylabel('Cumulative % Bad')
In [61]:
Gini = AUROC * 2 - 1
🔶 The curve demonstrates the model's accuracy of recognizing bad borrowers as the threshold increased and more borrowers are rejected. For example, when we reject 20% of the borrowers based on our model, about 40% of the bad borrowers will be rejected, meaning we have a higher predicting power by rejecting them by chance.
🔶 The curve is upward further apart from the diagonal line and the model has satisfactory predictive power.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov coefficient measures the maximum difference between the cumulative distribution functions of 'good' and 'bad' borrowers.
df_actual_predicted_probs['Cumulative Perc Bad'])
df_actual_predicted_probs['Cumulative Perc Good'],
linestyle = '--', color ='k')
plt.xlabel('Estimated Probability for being Good')
plt.ylabel('Cumulative %')
In [63]:
KS = max(df_actual_predicted_probs['Cumulative Perc Bad'] - df_actual_predicted_probs['Cumulative Perc Good'])
🔶 The plot demonstrates the percentage of bad or good borrowers will be rejected at various threshold settings. For example, if we set threshold at 0.8, ~25% of the bad borrowers will be rejected while only ~10% of good borrowers will be rejected.
🔶 The two cumulative distribution functions are sufficiently far away from each other and the model has satisfactory predictive power.
2.3 Credit Scorecard Building (Full Scorecard)
- Add back the reference categories and assign them coefficients of 0
- Determine original feature name for each sub feature
- Determine the minimum and maximum coefficients for each original feature name
- Calculate the sum of minimum and maximum coefficients to determine the weight for lowest and highest possible weight a borrower could have
To calculate the score for each feature
To calculate the score for the intercept
If we rank the scorecard by scores
Feature name | Score - Final | |
0 | Intercept | 313 |
1 | grade:A | 87 |
35 | mths_since_issue_d:<38 | 84 |
2 | grade:B | 68 |
36 | mths_since_issue_d:38-39 | 68 |
Feature name | Score - Final | |
41 | mths_since_issue_d:65-84 | -6 |
55 | annual_inc:20K-30K | -6 |
23 | verification_status:Source Verified | -1 |
56 | annual_inc:30K-40K | -1 |
85 | grade:G | 0 |
🔶 A external rating of A adds most value to a borrower's credit score, followed by if the months since issue date is fewer than 38 days.
🔶 A person's credit score can be most negatively impacted if his annual income is between 20K and 30K and the loan has been issued for 65-84 months
Then we look at some features in detail, we begin with annual income
Feature name | Score - Final |
annual_inc:120K-140K | 43 |
annual_inc:>140K | 38 |
annual_inc:100K-120K | 36 |
annual_inc:90K-100K | 30 |
annual_inc:80K-90K | 28 |
annual_inc:70K-80K | 22 |
annual_inc:60K-70K | 17 |
annual_inc:50K-60K | 11 |
annual_inc:40K-50K | 6 |
annual_inc:<20K | 0 |
annual_inc:30K-40K | -1 |
annual_inc:20K-30K | -6 |
🔶 Not surprisingly, scores are positively related with annual income and each level of income does differentiates the score by a lot
Then look at which state the borrower lives
Feature name | Score - Final |
addr_state:WV_NH_WY_DC_ME_ID | 40 |
addr_state:KS_SC_CO_VT_AK_MS | 25 |
addr_state:IL_CT | 20 |
addr_state:WI_MT | 18 |
addr_state:TX | 17 |
addr_state:GA_WA_OR | 14 |
addr_state:AR_MI_PA_OH_MN | 10 |
addr_state:RI_MA_DE_SD_IN | 8 |
addr_state:UT_KY_AZ_NJ | 6 |
addr_state:CA | 5 |
addr_state:NY | 4 |
addr_state:OK_TN_MO_LA_MD_NC | 4 |
addr_state:NM_VA | 3 |
addr_state:ND_NE_IA_NV_FL_HI_AL | 0 |
🔶 Where a person lives is also a differentiator: borrowers living in West Virginia, New Hampshire, Wyoming, DC, Maine, Idaho are much more likely to have a higher credit score than borrowers living in other states. But considering the population of these states are relatively smaller and thus have a smaller number of observations in our dataset, there might be some bias.
Finally, we look at employment length
Feature name | Score - Final |
emp_length:2-4 | 10 |
emp_length:10 | 10 |
emp_length:1 | 8 |
emp_length:5-6 | 7 |
emp_length:7-9 | 5 |
emp_length:0 | 0 |
🔶 Surprisingly, looks like employment length is negatively related to a person's credit score. It is possibly because a young worker does not have debt and spending on family, thus they face less financial stress and have a smaller chance to default on loans. Another reason could be that fewer young workers have been approved a loan thus we don't have enough of their data.
This part will assess if the PD model is out-of-date and needs to be re-trained by the newest dataset. We use PSI (Population Stability Index) to measure how much the variables has shifted over time. A high PSI indicates that the overall characteristics of borrowers have changed, meaning our model might not fit the new population as well as before, therefore it needs to be updated.
This part of code is same as that in 'Data Preparation' section with minor adjustment, preprocessing the data in similar way.
Old data:
In [169]:
# Calculate the credit scores of new df
scorecard_scores = df_scorecard['Score - Final']
scorecard_scores = scorecard_scores.values.reshape(102, 1)
y_scores_train =
427211 689.0
206088 596.0
136020 669.0
412305 526.0
36159 527.0
New data:
In [170]:
y_scores_2015 =
0 747.0
1 755.0
2 635.0
3 623.0
4 701.0
inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score:300-350'] = np.where((inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] >= 300) & (inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] < 350), 1, 0)
inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score:350-400'] = np.where((inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] >= 350) & (inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] < 400), 1, 0)
inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score:400-450'] = np.where((inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] >= 400) & (inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] < 450), 1, 0)
inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score:450-500'] = np.where((inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] >= 450) & (inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] < 500), 1, 0)
inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score:500-550'] = np.where((inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] >= 500) & (inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] < 550), 1, 0)
inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score:550-600'] = np.where((inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] >= 550) & (inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] < 600), 1, 0)
inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score:600-650'] = np.where((inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] >= 600) & (inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] < 650), 1, 0)
inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score:650-700'] = np.where((inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] >= 650) & (inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] < 700), 1, 0)
inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score:700-750'] = np.where((inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] >= 700) & (inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] < 750), 1, 0)
inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score:750-800'] = np.where((inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] >= 750) & (inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] < 800), 1, 0)
inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score:800-850'] = np.where((inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] >= 800) & (inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept['Score'] <= 850), 1, 0)
# Create dummy variables for score intervals in the dataframe with
# old ("expected").
In [176]:
PSI_calc_train = inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept.sum() \
/ inputs_train_with_ref_cat_w_intercept.shape[0]
# Create a dataframe with proportions of observations for each dummy variable for the old ("expected") data.
Intercept 1.000000
grade:A 0.160200
grade:B 0.294160
grade:C 0.268733
grade:D 0.164862
Score:600-650 0.270947
Score:650-700 0.140628
Score:700-750 0.053701
Score:750-800 0.004147
Score:800-850 0.000000
Length: 114, dtype: float64
PSI results:
In [179]:
#Sum by 'Original feature name'
PSI_calc_grouped = \
PSI_calc.groupby('Original feature name')['Contribution'].sum()
Original feature name
Score 1.025021
acc_now_delinq 0.000925
addr_state 0.003837
annual_inc 0.005445
dti 0.078143
emp_length 0.007619
grade 0.006775
home_ownership 0.004275
initial_list_status 0.333717
inq_last_6mths 0.046465
int_rate 0.079230
mths_since_earliest_cr_line 0.033507
mths_since_issue_d 2.388305
mths_since_last_delinq 0.011594
mths_since_last_record 0.056276
purpose 0.011645
term 0.013099
verification_status 0.048219
Name: Contribution, dtype: float64
🔶 Interpretation: A PSI greater than 0.25 indicates big difference between datasets over time. We need to take action to update our model.
- PSI of 'initial_list_status', 'mths_since_issue_d' are greater than 0.25
In this part, we choose appropriate statistical models (linear/logistic regression) to train the LGD and EAD models, and we trained them using the dataset including only defaulted borrowers. The data preprocessing and model building approaches are quite similar to what we have done in PD Model.
For LGD and EDA models, we only model on the data records of defaults since these stages are only taken into consideration when a borrower has defaulted.
Dependent variables: recovery rate = recoveries / funded amount
In [10]:
# The dependent variable for the LGD model: recovery rate
# = the ratio of recoveries and funded amount
loan_data_defaults['recovery_rate'] = \
loan_data_defaults['recoveries'] / loan_data_defaults['funded_amnt']
Dependent variables: credit conversion factor (CCF) = (funded amount - received principal) / funded amount
In [12]:
# The dependent variable for the EAD model: credit conversion factor.
# =the ratio of the difference of the amount
# used at the moment of default to the total funded amount.
loan_data_defaults['CCF'] = \
(loan_data_defaults['funded_amnt'] - loan_data_defaults['total_rec_prncp'])\
/ loan_data_defaults['funded_amnt']
LGD: recovery rate
plt.hist(loan_data_defaults['recovery_rate'], bins = 50);
🔶 Most borrowers have a recovery rate of 0, therefore we further create dummy to indicate whether it is 0
# Create new variable which is 0 if recovery rate is 0 and 1 otherwise
loan_data_defaults['recovery_rate_0_1'] = \
np.where(loan_data_defaults['recovery_rate'] == 0, 0, 1)
plt.hist(loan_data_defaults['CCF'], bins = 100);
Goal: predict if the borrower has a recovery rate greater than 0
- Split the data into train and test
- Keep only variables needed
- Train the model
Model Evaluation:
Confustion Matrix
In [40]:
cf_mtx_perc = cf_mtx / df_actual_predicted_probs.shape[0]
Predicted 0 1
0 0.118062 0.316952
1 0.076896 0.488090
In [41]:
# Calculate Accuracy of the model
acc_rate = cf_mtx_perc.iloc[0,0] + cf_mtx_perc.iloc[1,1]
ROC Curve
In [45]:
AUROC = roc_auc_score(df_actual_predicted_probs['lgd_targets_stage_1_test'],
🔶 Our model has a fair predicting power
Goal: estimate how much exactly is the recovery rate
Model Evaluation:
Correlation between actual and predicted values
In [59]:
# Calculate the correlation between actual and predicted values.
pd.concat([lgd_targets_stage_2_test_temp, pd.DataFrame(y_hat_test_lgd_stage_2)], axis = 1).corr()
recovery_rate 0
recovery_rate 1.000000 0.307996
0 0.307996 1.000000
🔶 The correlation (0.31) indicates a satisfactory level of predicting power
Distribution of residuals
# Plot the distribution of the residuals.
sns.distplot(lgd_targets_stage_2_test - y_hat_test_lgd_stage_2)
🔶 The shape resembling a normal distribution and has a mean of 0, and 0 is where most of them are concentrated, indicating a satisfactory level of predicting power
In [62]:
# Include all records
y_hat_test_lgd_stage_2_all = reg_lgd_st_2.predict(lgd_inputs_stage_1_test)
In [63]:
y_hat_test_lgd = y_hat_test_lgd_stage_1 * y_hat_test_lgd_stage_2_all
# Combine the predictions of the models from the two stages
array([0.1193906 , 0.09605635, 0. , ..., 0.12078611, 0.11587422,
CCF 1.000000 0.530654
0 0.530654 1.000000
🔶 Moderately strong correlation -> good predicting power
🔶 Shape resembling normal distribution and has mean of 0 -> good predicting power
We implement three models in our data and get the summary table:
funded_amnt | PD | LGD | EAD | EL | |
0 | 5000 | 0.164761 | 0.913729 | 2949.608449 | 444.053181 |
1 | 2500 | 0.28234 | 0.915482 | 1944.433378 | 502.592155 |
2 | 2400 | 0.229758 | 0.919484 | 1579.934302 | 333.775277 |
3 | 10000 | 0.208892 | 0.904924 | 6606.559612 | 1248.848487 |
4 | 3000 | 0.129556 | 0.911453 | 2124.631667 | 250.884853 |
Finally, we calculate the expected loss.
In [109]:
ratio_EL = total_EL / total_funded
🔶 The ratio of expected loss over total funded amount is 7.5%, which is an acceptable level and means our credit risk is under control!