This Python program is a basic web scraper that extracts information from a website. It utilizes the BeautifulSoup and requests libraries to retrieve and parse HTML data.
- Fetches and displays information from a specified website.
- Utilizes the BeautifulSoup library for HTML parsing.
- Requires the requests library to make HTTP requests.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd web-scrapper
Install the required libraries:
pip install beautifulsoup4 requests
Run the Python script:
Follow the prompts to specify the website URL and see the extracted information.
$ python
Enter the URL of the website to scrape:
Fetching data from
Extracted Information:
- Title: Example Domain
- Paragraphs:
1. This domain is established to be used for illustrative examples in documents.
2. You may use this domain in examples without prior coordination or asking for permission.