React inner eyes enables you access child components functionalities from a parent component without having to pass down props.
npm install react-inner-eyes
React inner eyes can be used as a Hook or Higher Order Component (HOC)
import { InnerEyesProvider, useInnerEyes, withInnerEyes } from 'react-inner-eyes';
- InnerEyesProvider: This is usually wrapped around the main app component.
- useInnerEyes: This hook is used inside functional components to
functions from the watch list. - withInnerEyes: Higher Order Component that wraps a component and appends useful functions to the
of that component.
The functions the withInnerEyes
and useInnerEyes
makes available are:
- saveFunc: Takes a string and a function as an argument. Example:
saveFunc('myAnonymousFunc', () => {});
- saveFuncs:
Takes an array of object. The objects properties are
is a string which represents the name of the function whilevalue
is a function. Example:
{ name: 'func1', value: () => {} },
{ name: 'func2', value: () => {} },
- removeFuncs: This accepts an array of strings as an argument. The string represents names of functions you intend to remove from the eyes-watch 👀. Example:
removeFuncs(['func1', 'func2']);
- removeFunc: This takes an argument which is a string. The string represents the name of the function you intend to remove from the eyes-watch 👀. Example:
- getFuncs: This gets all the functions saved when invoked without an argument. When and argument is parsed, it returns a single function if it exists; Example:
const { func1, func2, myAnonymousFunc } = getFuncs(); // All can be retrieved
const func2 = getFuncs('func2'); // Retrieved only func2
import { InnerEyesProvider, useInnerEyes } from 'react-inner-eyes';
const Child = () => {
const [childNum, setChildNum] = useState(0);
const [randomValue, setRandomValue] = useState('Nothing...');
const { saveFunc, saveFuncs, removeFuncs, removeFunc } = useInnerEyes();
const handleNumIncrease = () => setChildNum(prevNum => prevNum + 1);
const handleNumDecrease = () => setChildNum(prevNum => (prevNum <= 0) ? 0 : prevNum - 1);
const randomFuncOne = () => setRandomValue('Random value one');
const randomFuncTwo = () => setRandomValue('Random value two');
useEffect(() => {
// saving single functions
saveFunc('handleNumIncrease', handleNumIncrease);
saveFunc('handleNumDecrease', handleNumDecrease);
// saving multiple functions
{ name: 'randomFuncOne', value: randomFuncOne },
{ name: 'randomFuncTwo', value: randomFuncTwo },
return () => {
// removes multiple functions
// removes a single function
}, []);
return (
<section data-testid="test-child">
<h3>{`CHILD HEADING ${childNum}`}</h3>
const Parent = () => {
const { getFuncs } = useInnerEyes();
const randomFuncTwo = getFuncs('randomFuncTwo');
const {
} = getFuncs();
return (
<section data-testid="test-parent">
<Child />
<button type="button" data-testid="increase" onClick={handleNumIncrease}>Increase</button>
<button type="button" data-testid="decrease" onClick={handleNumDecrease}>Decrease</button>
<button type="button" data-testid="random-one" onClick={randomFuncOne}>randomOne</button>
<button type="button" data-testid="random-two" onClick={randomFuncTwo}>randomTwo</button>
const MainApp = () => {
return (
<section data-testid="test-app">
<h1>MAIN APP</h1>
<Parent />
import { InnerEyesProvider, withInnerEyes } from 'react-inner-eyes';
const Child = (props) => {
const [childNum, setChildNum] = useState(0);
const [randomValue, setRandomValue] = useState('Nothing...');
const { saveFunc, saveFuncs, removeFuncs, removeFunc } = props;
const handleNumIncrease = () => setChildNum(prevNum => prevNum + 1);
const handleNumDecrease = () => setChildNum(prevNum => (prevNum <= 0) ? 0 : prevNum - 1);
const randomFuncOne = () => setRandomValue('Random value one');
const randomFuncTwo = () => setRandomValue('Random value two');
useEffect(() => {
// saving single functions
saveFunc('handleNumIncrease', handleNumIncrease);
saveFunc('handleNumDecrease', handleNumDecrease);
// saving multiple functions
{ name: 'randomFuncOne', value: randomFuncOne },
{ name: 'randomFuncTwo', value: randomFuncTwo },
return () => {
// removes multiple functions
// removes a single function
}, []);
return (
<section data-testid="test-child">
<h3>{`CHILD HEADING ${childNum || ''}`.trim()}</h3>
export default withInnerEyes(Child);
const Parent = (props) => {
const { getFuncs } = props;
const randomFuncTwo = getFuncs('randomFuncTwo');
const {
} = getFuncs();
return (
<section data-testid="test-parent">
<Child />
<button type="button" data-testid="increase" onClick={handleNumIncrease}>Increase</button>
<button type="button" data-testid="decrease" onClick={handleNumDecrease}>Decrease</button>
<button type="button" data-testid="random-one" onClick={randomFuncOne}>randomOne</button>
<button type="button" data-testid="random-two" onClick={randomFuncTwo}>randomTwo</button>
export default withInnerEyes(Parent);
const MainApp = () => {
return (
<section data-testid="test-app">
<h1>MAIN APP</h1>
<Parent />