Note: this file is an early design document, and the concept names (e.g. "SubClause", as well as the notions of static and dynamic Rules) have evolved somewhat. Internetworking (recursive) connections and networks are not yet handled. The Flat Path setup should also correspond fairly closely to the Internet Draft by Van Meter & Matsuo (which, as of this writing, has expired, but will be revived).
This document describes RuleSets for a single swapping operation. For building a multi-hop path, see Setting Up Multi-hop Paths: the Dur-Briegel Case.
At the moment, you are on your own to extend this to more than two hops.
This basic set of RuleSets for a three-hop chain gives the key ideas for a set of RuleSets that do not adapt their behavior based on current estimated fidelity, and don't model memory decoherence, and don't allow varying choices of entanglement swapping (irrelevant anyway since it's only two hops):
- If holding two base pairs with Bob, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding two unpurified pairs with Charlie, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding a once-purified pair with Alice, and a once-purified pair with Charlie, then swap.
- If holding two base pairs with Alice, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding two base pairs with Charlie, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding two base pairs with Bob, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding two unpurified pairs with Alice, then do purification with the older one as control.
This is the simplest kind of RuleSetSet, since it doesn't take any real calculation, and doesn't take into account any time. Implementing it is very straightforward. It is, however, certainly less than optimal, since it never discards any old pairs, and probably purifies things that don't need to be purified.
Implementing pure tree-based purification scheduling is straightforward. Implementing pure entanglement pumping is straightforward. But implementing banded purification or anything that makes decisions based on fidelity doesn't work here.
// Rule 1, basic first-half-purification at Alice (
NumSubClauses: 2
SubClause1: EntangledQubitFidelityClause
MinFidelity: 0.5 // corresponds to "any entangled state"
SubClause2: EntangledQubitFidelityClause
MinFidelity: 0.5 // corresponds to "any entangled state"
A = MEAS(BellPairs.ByAge[1])
// Rule 2, basic second-half-purification at Alice (
NumSubClauses: 1
SubClause1: RcvMsgClause
A = MEAS(BellPairs.ByAge[1])
This basic set of RuleSets for a three-hop chain gives the key ideas for a set of RuleSets that do adapt their behavior based on current estimated fidelity, but don't model memory decoherence, and don't allow varying choices of entanglement swapping (irrelevant anyway since it's only two hops):
- If holding two pairs with Bob and both F < 0.98, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding a pair with Bob and F < 0.70, then discard.
- If holding two pairs with Charlie and both F < 0.98, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding a pair with Charlie and F < 0.70, then discard.
- If holding a pair with Alice with F > 0.98, and a pair with Charlie with F > 0.98, then swap.
- If holding two pairs with Alice and both F < 0.98, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding a pair with Alice and F < 0.70, then discard.
- If holding two pairs with Charlie and both F < 0.98, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding a pair with Charlie and F < 0.70, then discard.
- If holding two pairs with Bob and both F < 0.98, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding a pair with Bob and F < 0.70, then discard.
- If holding two pairs with Alice and both F < 0.98, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding a pair with Alice and F < 0.70, then discard.
However, this set of sets is not realistic, because it does not include rules for recalculating fidelity based on memory decoherence. I think it is race condition-free at the moment.
If Bob is a router, rather than a repeater, he has internal latency and fidelity, and uses an internal Bell pair to complete his swapping transaction. Replace his rules above with the rules:
- (null condition), build AliceFacingNIC-to-CharlieFacingNIC Bell pair with fidelity F > 0.98.
- If holding a pair with Alice with F > 0.98, and a pair with Charlie with F > 0.98, and an internal pair with fidelity F > 0.98, then swap using the internal pair.
- If holding two pairs with Alice and both F < 0.98, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding a pair with Alice and F < 0.70, then discard.
- If holding two pairs with Charlie and both F < 0.98, then do purification with the older one as control.
- If holding a pair with Charlie and F < 0.70, then discard.
Hoo, boy, writing this up will be fun...
- It has been suggested that it might be better to use a callback specified in the SendMsg, rather than a separate line in the Action clause.