- Abstract
- Definitions
- Workflow
- Task
- Flow Directive
- Lifecycle Events
- External Resource
- Authentication
- Catalog
- Extension
- Error
- Event Consumption Strategy
- Event Filter
- Event Properties
- Retry
- Input
- Output
- Export
- Timeout
- Duration
- Endpoint
- HTTP Response
- HTTP Request
- URI Template
- Container Lifetime
- Process Result
- AsyncAPI Server
- AsyncAPI Outbound Message
- AsyncAPI Subscription
- Workflow Definition Reference
- Subscription Iterator
This document provides comprehensive definitions and detailed property tables for all the concepts discussed in the Serverless Workflow DSL. It serves as a reference guide, explaining the structure, components, and configurations available within the DSL. By exploring this document, users will gain a thorough understanding of how to define, configure, and manage workflows, including task definitions, flow directives, and state transitions. This foundational knowledge will enable users to effectively utilize the DSL for orchestrating serverless functions and automating processes.
A workflow serves as a blueprint outlining the series of tasks required to execute a specific business operation. It details the sequence in which tasks must be completed, guiding users through the process from start to finish, and helps streamline operations, ensure consistency, and optimize efficiency within an organization.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
document | document |
yes |
Documents the defined workflow. |
input | input |
no |
Configures the workflow's input. |
use | use |
no |
Defines the workflow's reusable components, if any. |
do | map[string, task][] |
yes |
The task(s) that must be performed by the workflow. |
timeout | string timeout |
no |
The configuration, if any, of the workflow's timeout. If a string , must be the name of a timeout defined in the workflow's reusable components. |
output | output |
no |
Configures the workflow's output. |
schedule | schedule |
no |
Configures the workflow's schedule, if any. |
evaluate | evaluate |
no |
Configures runtime expression evaluation. |
Documents the workflow definition.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
dsl | string |
yes |
The version of the DSL used to define the workflow. |
namespace | string |
yes |
The workflow's namespace. |
name | string |
yes |
The workflow's name. |
version | string |
yes |
The workflow's semantic version |
title | string |
no |
The workflow's title. |
summary | string |
no |
The workflow's Markdown summary. |
tags | map[string, string] |
no |
A key/value mapping of the workflow's tags, if any. |
metadata | map |
no |
Additional information about the workflow. |
Defines the workflow's reusable components.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
authentications | map[string, authentication] |
no |
A name/value mapping of the workflow's reusable authentication policies. |
catalogs | [map[string, catalog] (#catalog)] |
no |
A name/value mapping of the workflow's reusable resource catalogs. |
errors | map[string, error] |
no |
A name/value mapping of the workflow's reusable errors. |
extensions | map[string, extension][] |
no |
A list of the workflow's reusable extensions. |
functions | map[string, task] |
no |
A name/value mapping of the workflow's reusable tasks. |
retries | map[string, retryPolicy] |
no |
A name/value mapping of the workflow's reusable retry policies. |
secrets | string[] |
no |
A list containing the workflow's secrets. |
timeouts | map[string, timeout] |
no |
A name/value mapping of the workflow's reusable timeouts. |
Configures the schedule of a workflow.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
every | duration |
no |
Specifies the duration of the interval at which the workflow should be executed. Unlike after , this option will run the workflow regardless of whether the previous run is still in progress.Required when no other property has been set. |
cron | string |
no |
Specifies the schedule using a CRON expression, e.g., '0 0 * * *' for daily at midnight. Required when no other property has been set. |
after | duration |
no |
Specifies a delay duration that the workflow must wait before starting again after it completes. In other words, when this workflow completes, it should run again after the specified amount of time. Required when no other property has been set. |
on | eventConsumptionStrategy |
no |
Specifies the events that trigger the workflow execution. Required when no other property has been set. |
Configures a workflow's runtime expression evaluation.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
language | string |
yes |
The language used for writting runtime expressions. Defaults to jq . |
mode | string |
yes |
The runtime expression evaluation mode. Supported values are: - strict : requires all expressions to be enclosed within ${ } for proper identification and evaluation.- loose : evaluates any value provided. If the evaluation fails, it results in a string with the expression as its content.Defaults to strict . |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: order-pet
version: '0.1.0'
title: Order Pet - 1.0.0
summary: >
# Order Pet - 1.0.0
## Table of Contents
- [Description](#description)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
## Description
A sample workflow used to process an hypothetic pet order using the [PetStore API](https://petstore.swagger.io/)
## Requirements
### Secrets
- my-oauth2-secret
authority: https://petstore.swagger.io/.well-known/openid-configuration
grant: client_credentials
id: workflow-runtime
secret: "**********"
scopes: [ api ]
audiences: [ runtime ]
- externalLogging:
extend: all
- sendLog:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake.log.collector.com
message: ${ "Executing task '\($task.reference)'..." }
- sendLog:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake.log.collector.com
message: ${ "Executed task '\($task.reference)'..." }
call: openapi
endpoint: https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json
operationId: findByStatus
status: available
- my-oauth2-secret
- getAvailablePets:
call: getAvailablePets
as: "$input + { availablePets: [.[] | select(.category.name == \"dog\" and (.tags[] | .breed == $input.order.breed))] }"
- submitMatchesByMail:
call: http
method: post
uri: https://fake.smtp.service.com/email/send
use: petStoreOAuth2
from: [email protected]
to: ${ .order.client.email }
subject: Candidates for Adoption
body: >
Hello ${ .order.client.preferredDisplayName }!
Following your interest to adopt a dog, here is a list of candidates that you might be interested in:
${ .pets | map("-\(.name)") | join("\n") }
Please do not hesistate to contact us at [email protected] if your have questions.
Hope to hear from you soon!
A task within a workflow represents a discrete unit of work that contributes to achieving the overall objectives defined by the workflow.
It encapsulates a specific action or set of actions that need to be executed in a predefined order to advance the workflow towards its completion.
Tasks are designed to be modular and focused, each serving a distinct purpose within the broader context of the workflow.
By breaking down the workflow into manageable tasks, organizations can effectively coordinate and track progress, enabling efficient collaboration and ensuring that work is completed in a structured and organized manner.
The Serverless Workflow DSL defines a list of tasks that must be supported by all runtimes:
- Call, used to call services and/or functions.
- Do, used to define one or more subtasks to perform in sequence.
- Fork, used to define one or more subtasks to perform concurrently.
- Emit, used to emit events.
- For, used to iterate over a collection of items, and conditionally perform a task for each of them.
- Listen, used to listen for an event or more.
- Raise, used to raise an error and potentially fault the workflow.
- Run, used to run a container, a script , a shell command or even another workflow.
- Switch, used to dynamically select and execute one of multiple alternative paths based on specified conditions
- Set, used to dynamically set the workflow's data during the its execution.
- Try, used to attempt executing a specified task, and to handle any resulting errors gracefully, allowing the workflow to continue without interruption.
- Wait, used to pause or wait for a specified duration before proceeding to the next task.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
if | string |
no |
A runtime expression , if any, used to determine whether or not the task should be run.The task is considered skipped if not run, and the raw task input becomes the task's output. The expression is evaluated against the raw task input before any other expression of the task. |
input | input |
no |
An object used to customize the task's input and to document its schema, if any. |
output | output |
no |
An object used to customize the task's output and to document its schema, if any. |
export | export |
no |
An object used to customize the content of the workflow context. |
timeout | string timeout |
no |
The configuration of the task's timeout, if any. If a string , must be the name of a timeout defined in the workflow's reusable components. |
then | flowDirective |
no |
The flow directive to execute next. If not set, defaults to continue . |
metadata | map |
no |
Additional information about the task. |
Enables the execution of a specified function within a workflow, allowing seamless integration with custom business logic or external services.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
call | string |
yes |
The name of the function to call. |
with | map |
no |
A name/value mapping of the parameters to call the function with |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: call-example
version: '0.1.0'
- getPet:
call: http
method: get
endpoint: https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/{petId}
Serverless Workflow defines several default functions that MUST be supported by all implementations and runtimes:
The AsyncAPI Call enables workflows to interact with external services described by AsyncAPI.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
document | externalResource |
yes |
The AsyncAPI document that defines the operation to call. |
channel | string |
yes |
The name of the channel on which to perform the operation. The operation to perform is defined by declaring either message , in which case the channel's publish operation will be executed, or subscription , in which case the channel's subscribe operation will be executed.Used only in case the referenced document uses AsyncAPI v2.6.0 . |
operation | string |
yes |
A reference to the AsyncAPI operation to call. Used only in case the referenced document uses AsyncAPI v3.0.0 . |
server | asyncApiServer |
no |
An object used to configure to the server to call the specified AsyncAPI operation on. If not set, default to the first server matching the operation's channel. |
protocol | string |
no |
The protocol to use to select the target server. Ignored if server has been set.Supported values are: amqp , amqp1 , anypointmq , googlepubsub , http , ibmmq , jms , kafka , mercure , mqtt , mqtt5 , nats , pulsar , redis , sns , solace , sqs , stomp and ws |
message | asyncApiMessage |
no |
An object used to configure the message to publish using the target operation. Required if subscription has not been set. |
subscription | asyncApiSubscription |
no |
An object used to configure the subscription to messages consumed using the target operation. Required if message has not been set. |
authentication | string authentication |
no |
The authentication policy, or the name of the authentication policy, to use when calling the AsyncAPI operation. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: asyncapi-example
version: '0.1.0'
- publishGreetings:
call: asyncapi
endpoint: https://fake.com/docs/asyncapi.json
operation: greet
name: greetingsServer
environment: dev
greetings: Hello, World!
foo: bar
bar: baz
- subscribeToChatInbox:
call: asyncapi
endpoint: https://fake.com/docs/asyncapi.json
operation: chat-inbox
protocol: http
filter: ${ . == $workflow.input.chat.roomId }
amount: 5
seconds: 10
The gRPC Call enables communication with external systems via the gRPC protocol, enabling efficient and reliable communication between distributed components.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
proto | externalResource |
yes |
The proto resource that describes the GRPC service to call. |
service.name | string |
yes |
The name of the GRPC service to call. |
service.host | string |
yes |
The hostname of the GRPC service to call. |
service.port | integer |
no |
The port number of the GRPC service to call. |
service.authentication | authentication |
no |
The authentication policy, or the name of the authentication policy, to use when calling the GRPC service. |
method | string |
yes |
The name of the GRPC service method to call. |
arguments | map |
no |
A name/value mapping of the method call's arguments, if any. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: grpc-example
version: '0.1.0'
- greet:
call: grpc
endpoint: file://app/greet.proto
name: GreeterApi.Greeter
host: localhost
port: 5011
method: SayHello
name: ${ .user.preferredDisplayName }
The HTTP Call enables workflows to interact with external services over HTTP.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
method | string |
yes |
The HTTP request method. |
endpoint | string |endpoint |
yes |
An URI or an object that describes the HTTP endpoint to call. |
headers | map |
no |
A name/value mapping of the HTTP headers to use, if any. |
body | any |
no |
The HTTP request body, if any. |
query | map[string, any] |
no |
A name/value mapping of the query parameters to use, if any. |
output | string |
no |
The http call's output format. Supported values are: - raw , which output's the base-64 encoded http response content, if any.- content , which outputs the content of http response, possibly deserialized.- response , which outputs the http response.Defaults to content . |
redirect | boolean |
no |
Specifies whether redirection status codes (300–399 ) should be treated as errors.If set to false , runtimes must raise an error for response status codes outside the 200–299 range.If set to true , they must raise an error for status codes outside the 200–399 range.Defaults to false . |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: http-example
version: '0.1.0'
- getPet:
call: http
method: get
endpoint: https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/{petId}
The OpenAPI Call enables workflows to interact with external services described by OpenAPI.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
document | externalResource |
yes |
The OpenAPI document that defines the operation to call. |
operationId | string |
yes |
The id of the OpenAPI operation to call. |
parameters | map |
no |
A name/value mapping of the parameters, if any, of the OpenAPI operation to call. |
authentication | authentication |
no |
The authentication policy, or the name of the authentication policy, to use when calling the OpenAPI operation. |
output | string |
no |
The OpenAPI call's output format. Supported values are: - raw , which output's the base-64 encoded http response content, if any.- content , which outputs the content of http response, possibly deserialized.- response , which outputs the http response.Defaults to content . |
redirect | boolean |
no |
Specifies whether redirection status codes (300–399 ) should be treated as errors.If set to false , runtimes must raise an error for response status codes outside the 200–299 range.If set to true , they must raise an error for status codes outside the 200–399 range.Defaults to false . |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: openapi-example
version: '0.1.0'
- findPet:
call: openapi
endpoint: https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json
operationId: findPetsByStatus
status: available
Serves as a fundamental building block within workflows, enabling the sequential execution of multiple subtasks. By defining a series of subtasks to perform in sequence, the Do task facilitates the efficient execution of complex operations, ensuring that each subtask is completed before the next one begins.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
do | map[string, task][] |
no |
The tasks to perform sequentially. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: do-example
version: '0.1.0'
authority: https://fake-booking-agency.com
grant: client_credentials
id: serverless-workflow-runtime
secret: secret0123456789
- bookHotel:
call: http
method: post
uri: https://fake-booking-agency.com/hotels/book
use: fake-booking-agency-oauth2
name: Four Seasons
city: Antwerp
country: Belgium
- bookFlight:
call: http
method: post
uri: https://fake-booking-agency.com/flights/book
use: fake-booking-agency-oauth2
date: '01/01/26'
time: '07:25:00'
airport: BRU
city: Zaventem
country: Belgium
date: '01/01/26'
time: '11:12:00'
airport: LIS
city: Lisbon
country: Portugal
Allows workflows to publish events to event brokers or messaging systems, facilitating communication and coordination between different components and services. With the Emit task, workflows can seamlessly integrate with event-driven architectures, enabling real-time processing, event-driven decision-making, and reactive behavior based on incoming events.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
emit.event | eventProperties |
yes |
Defines the event to emit. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: emit-example
version: '0.1.0'
- emitEvent:
source: https://petstore.com
type: com.petstore.order.placed.v1
firstName: Cruella
lastName: de Vil
- breed: dalmatian
quantity: 101
Allows workflows to iterate over a collection of items, executing a defined set of subtasks for each item in the collection. This task type is instrumental in handling scenarios such as batch processing, data transformation, and repetitive operations across datasets.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
for.each | string |
no |
The name of the variable used to store the current item being enumerated. Defaults to item . |
for.in | string |
yes |
A runtime expression used to get the collection to enumerate. |
for.at | string |
no |
The name of the variable used to store the index of the current item being enumerated. Defaults to index . |
while | string |
no |
A runtime expression that represents the condition, if any, that must be met for the iteration to continue. |
do | task |
yes |
The task to perform for each item in the collection. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: for-example
version: '0.1.0'
- checkup:
each: pet
in: .pets
at: index
while: .vet != null
- waitForCheckup:
type: com.fake.petclinic.pets.checkup.completed.v2
as: '.pets + [{ "id": $pet.id }]'
Allows workflows to execute multiple subtasks concurrently, enabling parallel processing and improving the overall efficiency of the workflow. By defining a set of subtasks to perform concurrently, the Fork task facilitates the execution of complex operations in parallel, ensuring that multiple tasks can be executed simultaneously.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
fork.branches | map[string, task][] |
no |
The tasks to perform concurrently. |
fork.compete | boolean |
no |
Indicates whether or not the concurrent tasks are racing against each other, with a single possible winner, which sets the composite task's output.If set to false , the task returns an array that includes the outputs from each branch, preserving the order in which the branches are declared.If to true , the task returns only the output of the winning branch.Defaults to false . |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: fork-example
version: '0.1.0'
- raiseAlarm:
compete: true
- callNurse:
call: http
method: put
endpoint: https://fake-hospital.com/api/v3/alert/nurses
patientId: ${ .patient.fullName }
room: ${ .room.number }
- callDoctor:
call: http
method: put
endpoint: https://fake-hospital.com/api/v3/alert/doctor
patientId: ${ .patient.fullName }
room: ${ .room.number }
Provides a mechanism for workflows to await and react to external events, enabling event-driven behavior within workflow systems.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
listen.to | eventConsumptionStrategy |
yes |
Configures the event(s) the workflow must listen to. |
listen.read | string |
no |
Specifies how events are read during the listen operation. Supported values are: - data : Reads the event's data.- envelope : Reads the event's envelope, including its context attributes.- raw : Reads the event's raw data.Defaults to data . |
foreach | subscriptionIterator |
no |
Configures the iterator, if any, for processing each consumed event. |
A listen
task produces a sequentially ordered array of all the events it has consumed, and potentially transformed using foreach.output.as
When foreach
is set, the configured operations for a events must complete before moving on to the next one. As a result, consumed events should be stored in a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) queue while awaiting iteration.
Events consumed by an until
clause should not be included in the task's output. These events are used solely to determine when the until condition has been met, and they do not contribute to the result or data produced by the task itself
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: listen-example
version: '0.1.0'
- callDoctor:
- with:
type: com.fake-hospital.vitals.measurements.temperature
data: ${ .temperature > 38 }
- with:
type: com.fake-hospital.vitals.measurements.bpm
data: ${ .bpm < 60 or .bpm > 100 }
Intentionally triggers and propagates errors. By employing the "Raise" task, workflows can deliberately generate error conditions, allowing for explicit error handling and fault management strategies to be implemented.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
raise.error | string error |
yes |
Defines the error to raise. If a string , must be the name of an error defined in the workflow's reusable components. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: raise-example
version: '0.1.0'
- processTicket:
- highPriority:
when: .ticket.priority == "high"
then: escalateToManager
- mediumPriority:
when: .ticket.priority == "medium"
then: assignToSpecialist
- lowPriority:
when: .ticket.priority == "low"
then: resolveTicket
- default:
then: raiseUndefinedPriorityError
- raiseUndefinedPriorityError:
type: https://fake.com/errors/tickets/undefined-priority
status: 400
instance: /raiseUndefinedPriorityError
title: Undefined Priority
- escalateToManager:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake-ticketing-system.com/tickets/escalate
ticketId: ${ .ticket.id }
- assignToSpecialist:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake-ticketing-system.com/tickets/assign
ticketId: ${ .ticket.id }
- resolveTicket:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake-ticketing-system.com/tickets/resolve
ticketId: ${ .ticket.id }
Provides the capability to execute external containers, shell commands, scripts, or workflows.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
run.container | container |
no |
The definition of the container to run. Required if script , shell and workflow have not been set. |
run.script | script |
no |
The definition of the script to run. Required if container , shell and workflow have not been set. |
run.shell | shell |
no |
The definition of the shell command to run. Required if container , script and workflow have not been set. |
run.workflow | workflow |
no |
The definition of the workflow to run. Required if container , script and shell have not been set. |
await | boolean |
no |
Determines whether or not the process to run should be awaited for. When set to false , the task cannot wait for the process to complete and thus cannot output the process’s result. In this case, it should simply output its transformed input.Defaults to true . |
return | string |
no |
Configures the output of the process. Supported values are: - stdout : Outputs the content of the process STDOUT.- stderr : Outputs the content of the process STDERR.- code : Outputs the process's exit code.- all : Outputs the exit code, the STDOUT content and the STDERR content, wrapped into a new processResult object.- none : Does not output anything.Defaults to stdout . |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: run-example
version: '0.1.0'
- runContainer:
image: fake-image
- runScript:
language: js
code: >
Some cool multiline script
- runShell:
command: 'echo "Hello, ${ .user.name }"'
- runWorkflow:
namespace: another-one
name: do-stuff
version: '0.1.0'
input: {}
Enables the execution of external processes encapsulated within a containerized environment, allowing workflows to interact with and execute complex operations using containerized applications, scripts, or commands.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
image | string |
yes |
The name of the container image to run |
name | string |
no |
A runtime expression, if any, used to give specific name to the container. |
command | string |
no |
The command, if any, to execute on the container |
ports | map |
no |
The container's port mappings, if any |
volumes | map |
no |
The container's volume mappings, if any |
environment | map |
no |
A key/value mapping of the environment variables, if any, to use when running the configured process |
lifetime | containerLifetime |
no |
An object used to configure the container's lifetime. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: run-container-example
version: '0.1.0'
- runContainer:
image: fake-image
When a container process
is executed, runtime implementations are recommended to follow a predictable naming convention for the container name. This can improve monitoring, logging, and container lifecycle management.
The Serverless Workflow specification recommends using the following convention: {workflow.name}-{uuid}.{workflow.namespace}-{task.name}
Enables the execution of custom scripts or code within a workflow, empowering workflows to perform specialized logic, data processing, or integration tasks by executing user-defined scripts written in various programming languages.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
language | string |
yes |
The language of the script to run. Supported values are: js and python . |
code | string |
no |
The script's code. Required if source has not been set. |
source | externalResource | no |
The script's resource. Required if code has not been set. |
arguments | map |
no |
A list of the arguments, if any, of the script to run |
environment | map |
no |
A key/value mapping of the environment variables, if any, to use when running the configured script process |
To ensure cross-compatibility, Serverless Workflow strictly limits the versions of supported scripting languages. These versions may evolve with future releases. If you wish to use a different version of a language, you may do so by utilizing the container process
Supported languages
Language | Version |
JavaScript |
ES2024 |
Python |
3.13.x |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: run-script-example
version: '0.1.0'
- runScript:
language: js
greetings: Hello, world!
code: >
Enables the execution of shell commands within a workflow, enabling workflows to interact with the underlying operating system and perform system-level operations, such as file manipulation, environment configuration, or system administration tasks.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
command | string |
yes |
The shell command to run |
arguments | map |
no |
A list of the arguments of the shell command to run |
environment | map |
no |
A key/value mapping of the environment variables, if any, to use when running the configured process |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: run-shell-example
version: '0.1.0'
- runShell:
command: 'echo "Hello, ${ .user.name }"'
Enables the invocation and execution of nested workflows within a parent workflow, facilitating modularization, reusability, and abstraction of complex logic or business processes by encapsulating them into standalone workflow units.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The name of the workflow to run |
version | string |
yes |
The version of the workflow to run. Defaults to latest |
input | any |
no |
The data, if any, to pass as input to the workflow to execute. The value should be validated against the target workflow's input schema, if specified |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: run-workflow-example
version: '0.1.0'
- startWorkflow:
namespace: another-one
name: do-stuff
version: '0.1.0'
foo: bar
A task used to set data.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
set | object |
yes |
A name/value mapping of the data to set. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: default
name: set-example
version: '0.1.0'
- setShape:
shape: circle
size: ${ .configuration.size }
fill: ${ .configuration.fill }
Enables conditional branching within workflows, allowing them to dynamically select different paths based on specified conditions or criteria
Name | Type | Required | Description |
switch | case[] |
yes |
A name/value map of the cases to switch on |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: switch-example
version: '0.1.0'
- processOrder:
- case1:
when: .orderType == "electronic"
then: processElectronicOrder
- case2:
when: .orderType == "physical"
then: processPhysicalOrder
- default:
then: handleUnknownOrderType
- processElectronicOrder:
- validatePayment:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake-payment-service.com/validate
- fulfillOrder:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake-fulfillment-service.com/fulfill
then: exit
- processPhysicalOrder:
- checkInventory:
call: http
method: get
endpoint: https://fake-inventory-service.com/inventory
- packItems:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake-packaging-service.com/pack
- scheduleShipping:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake-shipping-service.com/schedule
then: exit
- handleUnknownOrderType:
- logWarning:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake-logging-service.com/warn
- notifyAdmin:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake-notification-service.com/notify
Defines a switch case, encompassing a condition for matching and an associated action to execute upon a match.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
when | string |
no |
A runtime expression used to determine whether or not the case matches. If not set, the case will be matched by default if no other case match. Note that there can be only one default case, all others MUST set a condition. |
then | flowDirective |
yes |
The flow directive to execute when the case matches. |
Serves as a mechanism within workflows to handle errors gracefully, potentially retrying failed tasks before proceeding with alternate ones.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
try | map[string, task][] |
yes |
The task(s) to perform. |
catch | catch |
yes |
Configures the errors to catch and how to handle them. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: try-example
version: '0.1.0'
- trySomething:
- invalidHttpCall:
call: http
method: get
endpoint: https://
type: https://serverlessworkflow.io.io/dsl/errors/types/communication
status: 503
as: error
seconds: 3
exponential: {}
count: 5
Defines the configuration of a catch clause, which a concept used to catch errors.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
errors | errorFilter |
no |
The definition of the errors to catch. |
as | string |
no |
The name of the runtime expression variable to save the error as. Defaults to 'error'. |
when | string |
no |
A runtime expression used to determine whether or not to catch the filtered error. |
exceptWhen | string |
no |
A runtime expression used to determine whether or not to catch the filtered error. |
retry | string retryPolicy |
no |
The retry policy to use, if any, when catching errors .If a string , must be the name of a retry policy defined in the workflow's reusable components. |
do | map[string, task][] |
no |
The definition of the task(s) to run when catching an error. |
Allows workflows to pause or delay their execution for a specified period of time.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
wait | string duration |
yes |
The amount of time to wait. If a string , must be a valid ISO 8601 duration expression. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: wait-example
version: '0.1.0'
- waitAWhile:
seconds: 10
Flow Directives are commands within a workflow that dictate its progression.
Directive | Description |
"continue" |
Instructs the workflow to proceed with the next task in line. This action may conclude the execution of a particular workflow or branch if there are not task defined after the continue one. |
"exit" |
Halts the current branch's execution, potentially terminating the entire workflow if the current task resides within the main branch. |
"end" |
Provides a graceful conclusion to the workflow execution, signaling its completion explicitly. |
string |
Continues the workflow at the task with the specified name |
Lifecycle events are cloud events used to notify users and external services about key state changes in workflows and tasks.
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that a workflow has started.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow that has started. |
definition | workflowDefinitionReference |
yes |
An object that describes the definition of the workflow that has started. |
startedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the workflow has started. |
name: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
name: orderPetWorkflow
namespace: samples
version: '1.0.0'
startedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that the execution of a workflow has been suspended.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow that has been suspended. |
suspendedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the workflow has been suspended. |
name: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
suspendedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that notifies that a workflow has been resumed.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow that has been resumed. |
resumedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the workflow has been resumed. |
name: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
resumedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that a workflow has started correlating events.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow that has started correlating events. |
startedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the workflow has started correlating events. |
name: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
startedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that a workflow has completed correlating events.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow that has completed correlating events. |
completedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the workflow has completed correlating events. |
correlationKeys | map |
no |
A key/value mapping, if any, of the resolved correlation keys. |
name: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
completedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
petId: xt84hj202q14s
orderId: '0a7f8581-acb9-4133-a378-0460c98ea60c'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that a workflow has been cancelled.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow that has been cancelled. |
cancelledAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the workflow has been cancelled. |
name: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
cancelledAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that a workflow has faulted.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow that has faulted. |
faultedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the workflow has faulted. |
error | error |
yes |
The error that has cause the workflow to fault. |
name: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
faultedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
type: https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/communication
title: Service Not Available
status: 503
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that a workflow ran to completion.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow ran to completion. |
completedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the workflow ran to completion. |
output | map |
no |
The workflow's output, if any. |
name: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
completedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
orderId: '0a7f8581-acb9-4133-a378-0460c98ea60c'
petId: xt84hj202q14s
status: placed
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that the status phase of a workflow has changed.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow which's status phase has changed. |
updatedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the workflow's status phase has changed. |
status | string |
The workflow's current status phase. |
name: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
updatedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
status: completed
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that a task has been created.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workflow | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow the task that has been created belongs to. |
task | uri |
yes |
A JSON Pointer that references the task that has been created. |
createdAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the task has been created. |
workflow: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
task: '/do/1/initialize'
createdAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that a task has started.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workflow | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow the task that has started belongs to. |
task | uri |
yes |
A JSON Pointer that references the task that has started. |
startedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the task has started. |
workflow: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
task: '/do/1/initialize'
startedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that the execution of a task has been suspended.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workflow | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow the task that has been suspended belongs to. |
task | uri |
yes |
A JSON Pointer that references the task that has been suspended. |
suspendedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the task has been suspended. |
workflow: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
task: '/do/1/initialize'
suspendedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that notifies that a task has been resumed.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workflow | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow the task that has been resumed belongs to. |
task | uri |
yes |
A JSON Pointer that references the task that has been resumed. |
resumedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the task has been resumed. |
workflow: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
task: '/do/1/initialize'
resumedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that notifies that a task is being retried.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workflow | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow the task that is being retried belongs to. |
task | uri |
yes |
A JSON Pointer that references the task that is being retried. |
retriedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the task has been retried. |
workflow: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
task: '/do/1/initialize'
retriedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that a task has been cancelled.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workflow | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow the task that has been cancelled belongs to. |
task | uri |
yes |
A JSON Pointer that references the task that has been cancelled. |
cancelledAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the task has been cancelled. |
workflow: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
task: '/do/1/initialize'
cancelledAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that a task has been faulted.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workflow | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow the task that has faulted belongs to. |
task | uri |
yes |
A JSON Pointer that references the task that has faulted. |
faultedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the task has faulted. |
error | error |
yes |
The error that has cause the task to fault. |
workflow: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
task: '/do/1/initialize'
faultedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
type: https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/communication
title: Service Not Available
status: 503
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that a task ran to completion.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workflow | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow the task that ran to completion belongs to. |
task | uri |
yes |
A JSON Pointer that references the task that ran to completion. |
completedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the task ran to completion. |
output | map |
no |
The task's output, if any. |
workflow: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
task: '/do/1/initialize'
completedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
orderId: '0a7f8581-acb9-4133-a378-0460c98ea60c'
petId: xt84hj202q14s
status: placed
The data carried by the cloud event that notifies that the status phase of a task has changed.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workflow | string |
yes |
The qualified name of the workflow the task which's status phase has changed belongs to. |
task | uri |
yes |
A JSON Pointer that references the task which's status phase has changed. |
updatedAt | dateTime |
yes |
The date and time at which the task's status phase has changed. |
status | string |
The task's current status phase. |
workflow: orderPetWorkflow-ix7iryakiem8j.samples
task: '/do/1/initialize'
updatedAt: '2024-07-26T16:59:57-05:00'
status: completed
Flow directives may only redirect to tasks declared within their own scope. In other words, they cannot target tasks at a different depth.
Defines an external resource.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
no |
The name, if any, of the defined resource. |
endpoint | endpoint |
yes |
The endpoint at which to get the defined resource. |
name: sample-resource
uri: https://fake.com/resource/0123
username: admin
password: 1234
Defines the mechanism used to authenticate users and workflows attempting to access a service or a resource.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
use | string |
no |
The name of the top-level authentication definition to use. Cannot be used by authentication definitions defined at top level. |
basic | basicAuthentication |
no |
The basic authentication scheme to use, if any.Required if no other property has been set, otherwise ignored. |
bearer | bearerAuthentication |
no |
The bearer authentication scheme to use, if any.Required if no other property has been set, otherwise ignored. |
certificate | certificateAuthentication |
no |
The certificate authentication scheme to use, if any.Required if no other property has been set, otherwise ignored. |
digest | digestAuthentication |
no |
The digest authentication scheme to use, if any.Required if no other property has been set, otherwise ignored. |
oauth2 | oauth2 |
no |
The oauth2 authentication scheme to use, if any.Required if no other property has been set, otherwise ignored. |
oidc | oidc |
no |
The oidc authentication scheme to use, if any.Required if no other property has been set, otherwise ignored. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: authentication-example
version: '0.1.0'
- usernamePasswordSecret
use: usernamePasswordSecret
- sampleTask:
call: http
method: get
uri: https://secured.fake.com/sample
use: sampleBasicFromSecret
Defines the fundamentals of a 'basic' authentication.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
username | string |
yes |
The username to use. |
password | string |
yes |
The password to use. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: basic-authentication-example
version: '0.1.0'
username: admin
password: password123
- sampleTask:
call: http
method: get
uri: https://secured.fake.com/sample
use: sampleBasic
Defines the fundamentals of a 'bearer' authentication
Property | Type | Required | Description |
token | string |
yes |
The bearer token to use. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: bearer-authentication-example
version: '0.1.0'
- sampleTask:
call: http
method: get
uri: https://secured.fake.com/sample
token: ${ .user.token }
Defines the fundamentals of a 'digest' authentication.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
username | string |
yes |
The username to use. |
password | string |
yes |
The password to use. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: digest-authentication-example
version: '0.1.0'
username: admin
password: password123
- sampleTask:
call: http
method: get
uri: https://secured.fake.com/sample
use: sampleDigest
Defines the fundamentals of an 'oauth2' authentication.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
authority | uri-template |
yes |
The URI that references the authority to use when making OAuth2 calls. |
endpoints.token | uri-template |
no |
The relative path to the endpoint for OAuth2 token requests. Defaults to /oauth2/token . |
endpoints.revocation | uri-template |
no |
The relative path to the endpoint used to invalidate tokens. Defaults to /oauth2/revoke . |
endpoints.introspection | uri-template |
no |
The relative path to the endpoint used to validate and obtain information about a token, typically to check its validity and associated metadata. Defaults to /oauth2/introspect . |
grant | string |
yes |
The grant type to use. Supported values are authorization_code , client_credentials , password , refresh_token and urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange . |
client.id | string |
no |
The client id to use. Required if the client.authentication method has not been set to none . |
client.secret | string |
no |
The client secret to use, if any. |
client.assertion | string |
no |
A JWT containing a signed assertion with your application credentials. Required when client.authentication has been set to private_key_jwt . |
client.authentication | string |
no |
The client authentication method to use. Supported values are client_secret_basic , client_secret_post , client_secret_jwt , private_key_jwt or none .Defaults to client_secret_post . |
request.encoding | string |
no |
The encoding of the token request. Supported values are application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json .Defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. |
issuers | uri-template[] |
no |
A list that contains that contains valid issuers that will be used to check against the issuer of generated tokens. |
scopes | string[] |
no |
The scopes, if any, to request the token for. |
audiences | string[] |
no |
The audiences, if any, to request the token for. |
username | string |
no |
The username to use. Used only if the grant type is Password . |
password | string |
no |
The password to use. Used only if the grant type is Password . |
subject | oauth2Token |
no |
The security token that represents the identity of the party on behalf of whom the request is being made. |
actor | oauth2Token |
no |
The security token that represents the identity of the acting party. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: oauth2-authentication-example
version: '0.1.0'
- sampleTask:
call: http
method: get
uri: https://secured.fake.com/sample
authority: http://keycloak/realms/fake-authority
token: /oauth2/token
grant: client_credentials
id: workflow-runtime
secret: "**********"
scopes: [ api ]
audiences: [ runtime ]
Represents the definition of an OAUTH2 token
Property | Type | Required | Description |
token | string |
yes |
The security token to use to use. |
type | string |
yes |
The type of security token to use. |
Defines the fundamentals of an 'oidc' authentication.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
authority | uri-template |
yes |
The URI that references the authority to use when making OpenIdConnect calls. |
grant | string |
yes |
The grant type to use. Supported values are authorization_code , client_credentials , password , refresh_token and urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange . |
client.id | string |
no |
The client id to use. Required if the client.authentication method has not been set to none . |
client.secret | string |
no |
The client secret to use, if any. |
client.assertion | string |
no |
A JWT containing a signed assertion with your application credentials. Required when client.authentication has been set to private_key_jwt . |
client.authentication | string |
no |
The client authentication method to use. Supported values are client_secret_basic , client_secret_post , client_secret_jwt , private_key_jwt or none .Defaults to client_secret_post . |
request.encoding | string |
no |
The encoding of the token request. Supported values are application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json .Defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. |
issuers | uri-template[] |
no |
A list that contains that contains valid issuers that will be used to check against the issuer of generated tokens. |
scopes | string[] |
no |
The scopes, if any, to request the token for. |
audiences | string[] |
no |
The audiences, if any, to request the token for. |
username | string |
no |
The username to use. Used only if the grant type is Password . |
password | string |
no |
The password to use. Used only if the grant type is Password . |
subject | oauth2Token |
no |
The security token that represents the identity of the party on behalf of whom the request is being made. |
actor | oauth2Token |
no |
The security token that represents the identity of the acting party. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: oidc-authentication-example
version: '0.1.0'
- sampleTask:
call: http
method: get
uri: https://secured.fake.com/sample
authority: http://keycloak/realms/fake-authority/.well-known/openid-configuration
grant: client_credentials
id: workflow-runtime
secret: "**********"
scopes: [ api ]
audiences: [ runtime ]
A resource catalog is an external collection of reusable components, such as functions, that can be referenced and imported into workflows. Catalogs allow workflows to integrate with externally defined resources, making it easier to manage reuse and versioning across different workflows.
Each catalog is defined by an endpoint
property, specifying the root URL where the resources are hosted, enabling workflows to access external functions and services. For portability, catalogs must adhere to a specific file structure, as defined here.
For more information about catalogs, refer to the Serverless Workflow DSL document.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
endpoint | endpoint |
yes |
The endpoint that defines the root URL at which the catalog is located. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: catalog-example
version: '0.1.0'
uri: https://github.com/serverlessworkflow/catalog
username: user
password: '012345'
- log:
call: log:0.5.2@global
message: The cataloged custom function has been successfully called
Holds the definition for extending functionality, providing configuration options for how an extension extends and interacts with other components.
Extensions enable the execution of tasks prior to those they extend, offering the flexibility to potentially bypass the extended task entirely using an exit
workflow directive.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
extend | string |
yes |
The type of task to extend Supported values are: call , composite , emit , extension , for , listen , raise , run , set , switch , try , wait and all |
when | string |
no |
A runtime expression used to determine whether or not the extension should apply in the specified context |
before | map[string, task][] |
no |
The task to execute, if any, before the extended task |
after | map[string, task][] |
no |
The task to execute, if any, after the extended task |
Perform logging before and after any non-extension task is run:
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: logging-extension-example
version: '0.1.0'
- logging:
extend: all
- sendLog:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake.log.collector.com
message: ${ "Executing task '\($task.reference)'..." }
- sendLog:
call: http
method: post
endpoint: https://fake.log.collector.com
message: ${ "Executed task '\($task.reference)'..." }
- sampleTask:
call: http
method: get
endpoint: https://fake.com/sample
Intercept HTTP calls to 'https://mocked.service.com' and mock its response:
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: intercept-extension-example
version: '0.1.0'
- mockService:
extend: call
when: $task.call == "http" and ($task.with.uri != null and ($task.with.uri | startswith("https://mocked.service.com"))) or ($task.with.endpoint.uri != null and ($task.with.endpoint.uri | startswith("https://mocked.service.com")))
- intercept:
statusCode: 200
Content-Type: application/json
bar: baz
then: exit #using this, we indicate to the workflow we want to exit the extended task, thus just returning what we injected
- sampleTask:
call: http
method: get
endpoint: https://fake.com/sample
Defines the Problem Details RFC compliant description of an error.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
type | uri-template |
yes |
A URI reference that identifies the error type. For cross-compatibility concerns, it is strongly recommended to use Standard Error Types whenever possible. Runtimes MUST ensure that the property has been set when raising or escalating the error . |
status | integer |
yes |
The status code generated by the origin for this occurrence of the error .For cross-compatibility concerns, it is strongly recommended to use HTTP Status Codes whenever possible. Runtimes MUST ensure that the property has been set when raising or escalating the error . |
instance | string |
no |
A JSON Pointer used to reference the component the error originates from.Runtimes MUST set the property when raising or escalating the error . Otherwise ignore. |
title | string |
no |
A short, human-readable summary of the error or a runtime expression |
detail | string |
no |
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the error or a runtime expression |
type: https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/communication
title: Service Not Available
status: 503
Standard error types serve the purpose of categorizing errors consistently across different runtimes, facilitating seamless migration from one runtime environment to another.
Type | Status¹ | Description |
https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/configuration | 400 |
Errors resulting from incorrect or invalid configuration settings, such as missing or misconfigured environment variables, incorrect parameter values, or configuration file errors. |
https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/validation | 400 |
Errors arising from validation processes, such as validation of input data, schema validation failures, or validation constraints not being met. These errors indicate that the provided data or configuration does not adhere to the expected format or requirements specified by the workflow. |
https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/expression | 400 |
Errors occurring during the evaluation of runtime expressions, such as invalid syntax or unsupported operations. |
https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/authentication | 401 |
Errors related to authentication failures. |
https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/authorization | 403 |
Errors related to unauthorized access attempts or insufficient permissions to perform certain actions within the workflow. |
https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/timeout | 408 |
Errors caused by timeouts during the execution of tasks or during interactions with external services. |
https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/communication | 500 |
Errors encountered while communicating with external services, including network errors, service unavailable, or invalid responses. |
https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/runtime | 500 |
Errors occurring during the runtime execution of a workflow, including unexpected exceptions, errors related to resource allocation, or failures in handling workflow tasks. These errors typically occur during the actual execution of workflow components and may require runtime-specific handling and resolution strategies. |
¹ Default value. The status code
that best describe the error should always be used.
Represents the configuration of an event consumption strategy.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
all | eventFilter[] |
no |
Configures the workflow to wait for all defined events before resuming execution. Required if any and one have not been set. |
any | eventFilter[] |
no |
Configures the workflow to wait for any of the defined events before resuming execution. Required if all and one have not been set.If empty, listens to all incoming events |
one | eventFilter |
no |
Configures the workflow to wait for the defined event before resuming execution. Required if all and any have not been set. |
until | string eventConsumptionStrategy |
no |
Configures the runtime expression condition or the events that must be consumed to stop listening. Only applies if any has been set, otherwise ignored.If not present, once any event is received, it proceeds to the next task. |
An event object typically includes details such as the event type, source, timestamp, and unique identifier along with any relevant data payload. The Cloud Events specification, favored by Serverless Workflow, standardizes this structure to ensure interoperability across different systems and services.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
id | string |
no |
Identifies the event. source + id is unique for each distinct event.Required when emitting an event using emit.event.with . |
source | string |
no |
An URI formatted string, or runtime expression, that identifies the context in which an event happened. source + id is unique for each distinct event.Required when emitting an event using emit.event.with . |
type | string |
no |
Describes the type of event related to the originating occurrence. Required when emitting an event using emit.event.with . |
time | string |
no |
A string, or runtime expression, representing the timestamp of when the occurrence happened. |
subject | string |
no |
Describes the subject of the event in the context of the event producer. |
datacontenttype | string |
no |
Content type of data value. If omitted, it implies the data is a JSON value conforming to the "application/json" media type. |
dataschema | string |
no |
An URI formatted string, or runtime expression, that identifies the schema that data adheres to. |
data | any |
no |
The event payload. |
Additional properties can be supplied, see the Cloud Events specification documentation for more info.
When used in an eventFilter
, at least one property must be supplied.
An event filter is a mechanism used to selectively process or handle events based on predefined criteria, such as event type, source, or specific attributes.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
with | eventProperties |
yes |
A name/value mapping of the attributes filtered events must define. Supports both regular expressions and runtime expressions. |
correlate | map[string, correlation] |
no |
A name/definition mapping of the correlations to attempt when filtering events. |
A correlation is a link between events and data, established by mapping event attributes to specific data attributes, allowing for coordinated processing or handling based on event characteristics.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
from | string |
yes |
A runtime expression used to extract the correlation value from the filtered event. |
expect | string |
no |
A constant or a runtime expression, if any, used to determine whether or not the extracted correlation value matches expectations. If not set, the first extracted value will be used as the correlation's expectation. |
The Retry is a fundamental concept in the Serverless Workflow DSL, used to define the strategy for retrying a failed task when an error is encountered during execution. This policy provides developers with fine-grained control over how and when to retry failed tasks, enabling robust error handling and fault tolerance within workflows.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
when | string |
no |
A a runtime expression used to determine whether or not to retry running the task, in a given context. |
exceptWhen | string |
no |
A runtime expression used to determine whether or not to retry running the task, in a given context. |
limit | retry |
no |
The limits, if any, to impose to the retry policy. |
backoff | backoff |
no |
The backoff strategy to use, if any. |
jitter | jitter |
no |
The parameters, if any, that control the randomness or variability of the delay between retry attempts. |
The definition of a retry policy.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
attempt.count | integer |
no |
The maximum attempts count. |
attempt.duration | duration |
no |
The duration limit, if any, for all retry attempts. |
duration | duration |
no |
The maximum duration, if any, during which to retry a given task. |
The definition of a retry backoff strategy.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
constant | object |
no |
The definition of the constant backoff to use, if any. Required if exponential and linear are not set, otherwise ignored. |
exponential | object |
no |
The definition of the exponential backoff to use, if any. Required if constant and linear are not set, otherwise ignored. |
linear | object |
no |
The definition of the linear backoff to use, if any. Required if constant and exponential are not set, otherwise ignored. |
Represents the definition of the parameters that control the randomness or variability of a delay, typically between retry attempts
Property | Type | Required | Description |
from | duration |
yes |
The minimum duration of the jitter range. |
to | duration |
yes |
The maximum duration of the jitter range. |
Documents the structure - and optionally configures the transformation of - workflow/task input data.
It's crucial for authors to document the schema of input data whenever feasible. This documentation empowers consuming applications to provide contextual auto-suggestions when handling runtime expressions.
When set, runtimes must validate raw input data against the defined schema before applying transformations, unless defined otherwise.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
schema | schema |
no |
The schema used to describe and validate raw input data.Even though the schema is not required, it is strongly encouraged to document it, whenever feasible. |
from | string object |
no |
A runtime expression, if any, used to filter and/or mutate the workflow/task input. |
format: json
type: object
type: object
required: [ pet ]
type: object
required: [ id ]
type: string
from: .order.pet
Documents the structure - and optionally configures the transformations of - workflow/task output data.
It's crucial for authors to document the schema of output data whenever feasible. This documentation empowers consuming applications to provide contextual auto-suggestions when handling runtime expressions.
When set, runtimes must validate output data against the defined schema after applying transformations, unless defined otherwise.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
schema | schema |
no |
The schema used to describe and validate output data.Even though the schema is not required, it is strongly encouraged to document it, whenever feasible. |
as | string object |
no |
A runtime expression, if any, used to filter and/or mutate the workflow/task output. |
format: json
type: object
type: string
required: [ petId ]
petId: '${ .pet.id }'
Certain task needs to set the workflow context to save the task output for later usage. Users set the content of the context through a runtime expression. The result of the expression is the new value of the context. The expression is evaluated against the transformed task output.
Optionally, the context might have an associated schema which is validated against the result of the expression.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
schema | schema |
no |
The schema used to describe and validate context.Included to handle the non frequent case in which the context has a known format. |
as | string object |
no |
A runtime expression, if any, used to export the output data to the context. |
Merge the task output into the current context.
as: '$context+.'
Replace the context with the task output.
as: '.'
Describes a data schema.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
format | string |
yes |
The schema format. Supported values are: - json , which indicates the JsonSchema format. |
document | object |
no |
The inline schema document. Required if resource has not been set, otherwise ignored. |
resource | externalResource |
no |
The schema external resource. Required if document has not been set, otherwise ignored. |
Example of an inline JsonSchema:
format: json
type: object
type: string
type: string
type: string
required: [ id, firstName, lastName ]
Example of a JsonSchema based on an external resource:
format: json
endpoint: https://test.com/fake/schema/json/document.json
Defines a workflow or task timeout.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
after | duration |
yes |
The duration after which the workflow or task times out. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: default
name: timeout-example
version: '0.1.0'
- waitAMinute:
seconds: 60
seconds: 30
Defines a duration.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
Days | integer |
no |
Number of days, if any. |
Hours | integer |
no |
Number of hours, if any. |
Minutes | integer |
no |
Number of minutes, if any. |
Seconds | integer |
no |
Number of seconds, if any. |
Milliseconds | integer |
no |
Number of milliseconds, if any. |
Example of a duration of 2 hours, 15 minutes and 30 seconds:
hours: 2
minutes: 15
seconds: 30
Describes an enpoint.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
uri | string |
yes |
The endpoint's URI. |
authentication | authentication | no |
The authentication policy to use. |
Describes an HTTP response.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
request | request |
yes |
The HTTP request associated with the HTTP response. |
statusCode | integer |
yes |
The HTTP response status code. |
headers | map[string, string] |
no |
The HTTP response headers, if any. |
content | any |
no |
The HTTP response content, if any. If the request's content type is one of the following, should contain the deserialized response content. Otherwise, should contain the base-64 encoded response content, if any. |
method: get
uri: https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
statusCode: 200
id: 1
name: milou
status: pending
Describes an HTTP request.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
method | string |
yes |
The request's method. |
uri | uri |
yes |
The request's URI. |
headers | map[string, string] |
no |
The HTTP request headers, if any. |
method: get
uri: https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/1
Content-Type: application/json
The DSL has limited support for URI template syntax as defined by RFC 6570. Specifically, only the Simple String Expansion is supported, which allows authors to embed variables in a URI.
To substitute a variable within a URI, use the {}
syntax. The identifier inside the curly braces will be replaced with its value during runtime evaluation. If no value is found for the identifier, an empty string will be used.
This has the following limitations compared to runtime expressions:
- Only top-level properties can be interpolated within strings, thus identifiers are treated verbatim. This means that
will be replaced with the value of the"pet.id"
property, not the value of theid
property of thepet
property. - The referenced variable must be of type
, ornull
. If the variable is of a different type an error with typehttps://https://serverlessworkflow.io/spec/1.0.0/errors/expression
and status400
will be raised. - Runtime expression arguments are not available for string substitution.
uri: https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/{petId}
Configures the lifetime of a container.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
cleanup | string |
yes |
The cleanup policy to use. Supported values are: - always : the container is deleted immediately after execution.- never : the runtime should never delete the container.- eventually : the container is deleted after a configured amount of time after its execution.Defaults to never . |
after | duration |
no |
The duration , if any, after which to delete the container once executed.Required if cleanup has been set to eventually , otherwise ignored. |
Describes the result of a process.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
code | integer |
yes |
The process's exit code. |
stdout | string |
yes |
The process's STDOUT output. |
stderr | string |
yes |
The process's STDERR output. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: run-container-example
version: '0.1.0'
- runContainer:
image: fake-image
cleanup: eventually
minutes: 30
return: stderr
- runScript:
language: js
code: >
Some cool multiline script
return: code
- runShell:
command: 'echo "Hello, ${ .user.name }"'
return: all
- runWorkflow:
namespace: another-one
name: do-stuff
version: '0.1.0'
input: {}
return: none
Configures the target server of an AsyncAPI operation.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The name of the server to call the specified AsyncAPI operation on. |
variables | object |
no |
The target server's variables, if any. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: asyncapi-example
version: '0.1.0'
- publishGreetings:
call: asyncapi
endpoint: https://fake.com/docs/asyncapi.json
operation: greet
name: greetingsServer
environment: dev
greetings: Hello, World!
foo: bar
bar: baz
Configures an AsyncAPI message to publish.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
payload | object |
no |
The message's payload, if any. |
headers | object |
no |
The message's headers, if any. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: asyncapi-example
version: '0.1.0'
- publishGreetings:
call: asyncapi
endpoint: https://fake.com/docs/asyncapi.json
operation: greet
protocol: http
greetings: Hello, World!
foo: bar
bar: baz
Configures an AsyncAPI message consumed by a subscription.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
payload | object |
no |
The message's payload, if any. |
headers | object |
no |
The message's headers, if any. |
correlationId | string |
no |
The message's correlation id, if any. |
greetings: Hello, World!
foo: bar
bar: baz
correlationid: '123456'
Configures a subscription to an AsyncAPI operation.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
filter | string |
no |
A runtime expression, if any, used to filter consumed messages. |
consume | subscriptionLifetime |
yes |
An object used to configure the subscription's lifetime. |
foreach | subscriptionIterator |
no |
Configures the iterator, if any, for processing each consumed message. |
An AsyncAPI subscribe operation call produces a sequentially ordered array of all the messages it has consumed, and potentially transformed using foreach.output.as
When foreach
is set, the configured operations for a message must complete before moving on to the next one. As a result, consumed messages should be stored in a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) queue while awaiting iteration.
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: asyncapi-example
version: '0.1.0'
- subscribeToChatInboxForAmount:
call: asyncapi
endpoint: https://fake.com/docs/asyncapi.json
operation: chat-inbox
protocol: http
filter: ${ . == $workflow.input.chat.roomId }
amount: 5
seconds: 10
Configures the lifetime of an AsyncAPI subscription
Name | Type | Required | Description |
amount | integer |
no |
The amount of messages to consume. Required if while and until have not been set. |
for | duration |
no |
The duration that defines for how long to consume messages. |
while | string |
no |
A runtime expression, if any, used to determine whether or not to keep consuming messages. Required if amount and until have not been set. |
until | string |
no |
A runtime expression, if any, used to determine until when to consume messages. Required if amount and while have not been set. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: asyncapi-example
version: '0.1.0'
- subscribeToChatInboxUntil:
call: asyncapi
endpoint: https://fake.com/docs/asyncapi.json
operation: chat-inbox
protocol: http
filter: ${ . == $workflow.input.chat.roomId }
until: '${ ($context.messages | length) == 5 }'
seconds: 10
Configures the iteration over each item (event or message) consumed by a subscription. It encapsulates configuration for processing tasks, output formatting, and export behavior for every item encountered.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
item | string |
no |
The name of the variable used to store the current item being enumerated. Defaults to item . |
at | string |
no |
The name of the variable used to store the index of the current item being enumerated. Defaults to index . |
do | map[string, task][] |
no |
The tasks to perform for each consumed item. |
output | output |
no |
An object, if any, used to customize the item's output and to document its schema. |
export | export |
no |
An object, if any, used to customize the content of the workflow context. |
dsl: '1.0.0-alpha5'
namespace: test
name: asyncapi-example
version: '0.1.0'
- subscribeToChatInboxUntil:
call: asyncapi
endpoint: https://fake.com/docs/asyncapi.json
operation: chat-inbox
protocol: http
filter: ${ . == $workflow.input.chat.roomId }
until: '${ ($context.messages | length) == 5 }'
seconds: 10
item: message
at: index
- emitEvent:
source: https://serverlessworkflow.io/samples
type: io.serverlessworkflow.samples.asyncapi.message.consumed.v1
message: '${ $message }'
References a workflow definition.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string |
yes |
The name of the referenced workflow definition. |
namespace | string |
yes |
The namespace of the referenced workflow definition. |
version | string |
yes |
The semantic version of the referenced workflow definition. |
name: greet
namespace: samples
version: '0.1.0-rc2'