Simple Scripts to convert youtube History to grayjay history
We have now 2 of these. YTTakeout2Grayjay converts a Google Takeoutfile YTWatchmarker2Grayjay converts a exported Watchmarker DB What is Watchmarker? -
##Requirements You need python and a takeout of your youtube history with history set to json format.
Download the py script
extract watch.history.json from takeoutzip to working directory (in this example we use d:\python as our working directory) adjust path in the script if using a different one.
run it.
export the Databasefile (its usually named date.database) renameit to watchmaker.database and put it into the working directory (same as with the other script) run it
upload to your phone import "from grayjay export" skip everything EXCEPT "import stores - yes, import history - yes"
Warning if you have a lot of history set your screentime timeout to max so it doesnt go to sleep during import it can take a minute
testet with an unholy amount of entrys
Notice, because youtubes JSON does not include duration/watchtime i set a placeholder value that should make it watched no matter what. Priamry use is to use the watched filter