As first step, we read the file with the points and we generate the initial centroids with a random sampling, using the takeSample(False, k): this function takes k random samples, without replacement, from the RDD; so, the application generates the initial centroids in a distributed manner, avoiding to move all the data to the driver. Since we reuse the RDD in an iterative algorithm, we decide to cache it in memory with cache(). In this way, we avoid to re-evaluate it every time an action is triggered.
points = sc.textFile(INPUT_PATH).map(Point).cache()
initial_centroids = init_centroids(points, k=parameters["k"])
(line 55-56 of
def init_centroids(dataset, k):
start_time = time.time()
initial_centroids = dataset.takeSample(False, k)
print("init centroid execution:", len(initial_centroids), "in", (time.time() - start_time), "s")
return initial_centroids
(line 12-16 of
After that, we iterate the mapper and the reducer stages until the stopping criterion is verified or when the maximum number of iterations is reached.
while True:
print("--Iteration n. {itr:d}".format(itr=n+1), end="\r", flush=True)
cluster_assignment_rdd =
sum_rdd = cluster_assignment_rdd.reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x.sum(y))
centroids_rdd = sum_rdd.mapValues(lambda x: x.get_average_point()).sortByKey(ascending=True)
new_centroids = [item[1] for item in centroids_rdd.collect()]
stop = stopping_criterion(new_centroids,parameters["threshold"])
n += 1
if(stop == False and n < parameters["maxiteration"]):
centroids_broadcast = sc.broadcast(new_centroids)
(line 61-74 of
In particular, the stopping condition is computed in this way:
def stopping_criterion(new_centroids, threshold):
old_centroids = centroids_broadcast.value
for i in range(len(old_centroids)):
check = old_centroids[i].distance(new_centroids[i], distance_broadcast.value) <= threshold
if check == False:
return False
return True
(line 29-35 of
In order to represent the points, a class Point has been defined. It's characterized by the following fields:
- a numpyarray of components
- number of points: a point can be seen as the aggregation of many points, so this variable is used to track the number of points that are represented by the object
It includes the following operations:
- distance (it is possible to pass as parameter the type of distance)
- sum
- get_average_point: this method returns a point that has as components the average of the actual components on the number of the points represented by the object
class Point:
def __init__(self, line):
values = line.split(",")
self.components = np.array([round(float(k), 5) for k in values])
self.number_of_points = 1
def sum(self, p):
self.components = np.add(self.components, p.components)
self.number_of_points += p.number_of_points
return self
def distance(self, p, h):
if (h < 0):
h = 2
return linalg.norm(self.components - p.components, h)
def get_average_point(self):
self.components = np.around(np.divide(self.components, self.number_of_points), 5)
return self
(lines 4-23 of
The mapper method is invoked, at each iteration, on the input file, that contains the points from the dataset.
cluster_assignment_rdd =
(line 63 of
The assign_centroids function, for each point on which is invoked, assign the closest centroid to that point. The centroids are taken from the broadcast variable. The function returns the result as a tuple (id of the centroid, point).
def assign_centroids(p):
min_dist = float("inf")
centroids = centroids_broadcast.value
nearest_centroid = 0
for i in range(len(centroids)):
distance = p.distance(centroids[i], distance_broadcast.value)
if(distance < min_dist):
min_dist = distance
nearest_centroid = i
return (nearest_centroid, p)
(lines 18-27 of
The reduce stage is done using two spark transformations:
- reduceByKey: for each cluster, compute the sum of the points belonging to it. It is mandatory to pass one associative function as a parameter. The associative function (which accepts two arguments and returns a single element) should be commutative and associative in mathematical nature.
sum_rdd = cluster_assignment_rdd.reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x.sum(y))
(line 64 of
- mapValues: it is used to calculate the average point for each cluster at the end of each stage. The points are already divided by key. This trasformation works only on the value of a key. The results are sorted in order to make easier comparisons.
centroids_rdd = sum_rdd.mapValues(lambda x: x.get_average_point()).sortBy(lambda x: x[1].components[0])
(line 65 of
The get_average_point() function returns the new computed centroid.
def get_average_point(self):
self.components = np.around(np.divide(self.components, self.number_of_points), 5)
return self
(line 21-23 of
We pass the new centroids to the next stage with a read-only global variable provided by the framework. This variable is defined into the Driver and broadcasted to the workers. The Driver initializes the variable.
centroids_broadcast = sc.broadcast(initial_centroids)
(line 58 of
The workers read the value and perform the operations.
centroids = centroids_broadcast.value
(line 20 of
At the end of each iteration the new centroids are broadcasted.
if(stop == False and n < parameters["maxiteration"]):
centroids_broadcast = sc.broadcast(new_centroids)
(line 71-72 of