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A Sematext Cloud API client, for interaction with Sematext Cloud solution monitoring, alerting and log shipping.


One of a family of clients in following flavours:

Refer to below link for deeper information on the API itself.



Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build stcloud.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./SematextCloud-0.1.3.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./SematextCloud-0.1.3.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'SematextCloud', '~> 0.1.3'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'SematextCloud', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb


This client code requires a Sematext API Access token to function. You can find this by logging into your Sematext Cloud Account

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'SematextCloud'

# Setup authorization
SematextCloud.configure do |config|
  # Configure API key authorization: api_key
  config.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
  # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
  #config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

api_instance =

app_id = 789 # Integer | appId

time_interval = # AlertNotificationRequest | Time Interval

  #Get alert notifications for an app
  result = api_instance.get_alert_notifications_for_app_using_post(app_id, time_interval)
  p result
rescue SematextCloud::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AlertNotificationsApi->get_alert_notifications_for_app_using_post: #{e}"


All URIs are relative to https://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
stcloud::AlertNotificationsApi get_alert_notifications_for_app_using_post POST /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/notifications/alerts Get alert notifications for an app
stcloud::AlertNotificationsApi get_alert_notifications_for_user_using_post1 POST /users-web/api/v3/notifications/alerts Get alert notifications for a user
stcloud::AlertsApi create_alert_using_post POST /users-web/api/v3/alerts Create alert rule
stcloud::AlertsApi delete_alert_rule_using_delete1 DELETE /users-web/api/v3/alerts/{updateableAlertId} Delete alert rule
stcloud::AlertsApi disable_alert_rule_using_put1 PUT /users-web/api/v3/alerts/{updateableAlertId}/disable Disable alert rule
stcloud::AlertsApi enable_alert_rule_using_put1 PUT /users-web/api/v3/alerts/{updateableAlertId}/enable Enable alert rule
stcloud::AlertsApi get_alert_rules_for_app_using_get1 GET /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/alerts Get alert rules for an app
stcloud::AppsApi delete_using_delete1 DELETE /users-web/api/v3/apps/{anyStateAppId} delete
stcloud::AppsApi get_app_types_using_get GET /users-web/api/v3/apps/types Get all App types supported for the account identified with apiKey
stcloud::AppsApi get_using_get1 GET /users-web/api/v3/apps/{anyStateAppId} Gets defails for one particular App
stcloud::AppsApi invite_app_guests_using_post1 POST /users-web/api/v3/apps/guests Invite guests to an app
stcloud::AppsApi list_apps_users_using_get1 GET /users-web/api/v3/apps/users Get all users of apps accessible to this account
stcloud::AppsApi list_using_get GET /users-web/api/v3/apps Get all apps accessible by account identified with apiKey
stcloud::AppsApi update_description_using_put PUT /users-web/api/v3/apps/{anyStateAppId}/description Update description of the app
stcloud::AppsApi update_using_put2 PUT /users-web/api/v3/apps/{anyStateAppId} Update app
stcloud::AwsSettingsControllerApi update_using_put PUT /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/aws Update App's AWS CloudWatch settings
stcloud::BillingApi get_detailed_invoice_using_get1 GET /users-web/api/v3/billing/invoice/{service}/{year}/{month} Get invoice details
stcloud::BillingApi list_available_plans_using_get GET /users-web/api/v3/billing/availablePlans Get available plans
stcloud::BillingApi update_plan_using_put PUT /users-web/api/v3/billing/info/{appId} Update plan for an app
stcloud::LogsAppApi create_logsene_application POST /logsene-reports/api/v3/apps Create Logs App
stcloud::MonitoringAppApi create_spm_application1 POST /spm-reports/api/v3/apps Create Monitoring App
stcloud::ResetPasswordApi reset_password_using_post1 POST /users-web/api/v3/account/password/reset Reset Password
stcloud::SubscriptionsApi create_for_app_using_post1 POST /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/subscription Create App subscription
stcloud::SubscriptionsApi create_for_dash_using_post1 POST /users-web/api/v3/dashboards/{dashId}/subscription Create dashboard subscription
stcloud::SubscriptionsApi delete_using_delete3 DELETE /users-web/api/v3/subscriptions/{updateableSubscriptionId} Delete subscription
stcloud::SubscriptionsApi list_using_get3 GET /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/subscriptions Get subscriptions for an App
stcloud::SubscriptionsApi list_using_get4 GET /users-web/api/v3/subscriptions Get current account's subscriptions
stcloud::SubscriptionsApi send_app_report_using_post1 POST /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/report/send Email an App report
stcloud::SubscriptionsApi send_dash_report_using_post1 POST /users-web/api/v3/dashboards/{dashId}/report/send Email a dashboard report
stcloud::SubscriptionsApi toggle_enabled_using_put1 PUT /users-web/api/v3/subscriptions/{updateableSubscriptionId} Toggle subscription status
stcloud::SubscriptionsApi update_for_app_using_put PUT /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/subscription Update App subscription
stcloud::SubscriptionsApi update_for_dash_using_put1 PUT /users-web/api/v3/dashboards/{dashId}/subscription Update dashboard subscription
stcloud::TagApiControllerApi get_tag_names_using_get1 GET /spm-reports/api/v3/apps/{appIds}/tagNames Gets tag names for the given application identifiers appearing in the given time frame.
stcloud::TagApiControllerApi get_using_get1 GET /spm-reports/api/v3/apps/{appIds}/tags Gets values for specified tags for the given application identifiers appearing in the given time frame.
stcloud::TagApiControllerApi get_using_get2 GET /spm-reports/api/v3/apps/{appIds}/metrics/filters Gets values for specified tags for the given application identifiers appearing in the given time frame.
stcloud::TokensApiControllerApi create_app_token1 POST /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/tokens Create new app token
stcloud::TokensApiControllerApi delete_app_token1 DELETE /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/tokens/{tokenId} Delete app token
stcloud::TokensApiControllerApi get_app_tokens GET /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/tokens Get app available tokens
stcloud::TokensApiControllerApi regenerate_app_token1 POST /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/tokens/{tokenId}/regenerate Regenerate app token)
stcloud::TokensApiControllerApi update_app_token PUT /users-web/api/v3/apps/{appId}/tokens/{tokenId} Update app token (enable/disable or name)

Documentation for Models