Sometimes it is not enough to just gather value of particular metric or tag. Instead, more complex calculation may be needed, based on input of 1 or N monitored attributes etc. Common case is transformation of attribute which is expressed in MB into its bytes equivalent or conversion of time attribute which is expressed in nanoseconds into ms value. For such cases Agent provides various built-in functions. They can be used out-of-the-box in yml configurations.
Functions can be applied both on metrics and on tags using func:
prefix followed by function name and params. Params are either names of other metrics (when used to calculate a metric) or names of path tags (when used to calculate a tag value) or values that will be used directly inside of the function (function specification explains the meaning of each param).
Few examples of usage:
- DoubleDivide - produces double value based on division of two other metrics. In this case, resulting metric will be named
and it is calculated based on values of two other metrics (they have to be part of the same observation definition) -query.latency.time.primaries
- name: query.latency.primaries.avg
source: func:DoubleDivide(query.latency.time.primaries,query.count.primaries)
type: gauge
agentAggregation: AVG
pctls: 99,95,50
label: avg. query latency (primaries)
description: avg. query latency on primary shards
unit: ms
- DirSize - calculates size of dir whose name is passed in as a value of other monitored attribute (in this case its name being
- name: index.files.size
source: func:DirSize(Value)
type: gauge
label: index size on the disk
description: size of solr index on the disk
unit: bytes
There are two groups of built-in functions:
- universal (applicable to any type of monitored service, e.g. sum or multiply)
- specific to particular service type (e.g. function that calculates Solr warmup time)
- BoolToInt - converts metric of boolean/string value into int (false -> 0, true -> 1)
- name:
source: func:BoolToInt(passed)
type: gauge
label: upstream health last passed
description: Value indicating if the last health check request was successful and passed tests
- ConcatUsingString - concats values of N path tags (or N metrics) using concat string (defined with first param) into single string value. This function is intended to be used to calculate tag values, however, it can be used to calculate textual metrics as well. It can accept any number of tags/metrics after the concat string.
- name: solr.core
value: func:ConcatUsingString(_,collection,shard,replica)
- CountFiles - returns count of files in specific directory. Takes one parameter - name of the metric which holds directory name. Ignores the subdirs!
- name: index.files
source: func:CountFiles(Value)
type: gauge
label: index num of files
description: number of files in solr index
- DirSize - returns the size of specific directory. Takes one parameter - name of the metric which holds directory name. Takes into account all subdirs (meaning, result is total sum of dir and its subdirs sizes).
- name: index.files.size
source: func:DirSize(Value)
type: gauge
label: index size on the disk
description: size of solr index on the disk
unit: bytes
- DoubleDivide - produces double value based on division of two other metrics (result is firstParam/secondParam).
- name: requests.latency.avg
source: func:DoubleDivide(totalTime,requests)
type: double_gauge
stateful: true
pctls: 99,95,50
label: avg. request latency
description: avg. request latency
- DoubleMultiply - produces double value based on multiplication of two other metrics.
- name: broker.requests.time.local
source: func:DoubleMultiply(broker.requests.time.local.count, broker.requests.mean.time.local)
type: double_counter
label: broker requests local time
unit: ms
- DoubleMultiplyWithConstant - produces double value which is a result of multiplication of value contained in metric specified with first param and value (not metric) specified as a second param.
- name: duration.seconds
source: func:DoubleMultiplyWithConstant(duration.minutes,60)
type: long_gauge
label: duration
unit: sec
- IfThenElse - produces a value based on value of some other metric. Can be used to calculate only metric value (not applicable on tags). Signature: IfThenElse(metric_name_to_compare, operator, value_to_compare, value_to_return_if_true, value_to_return_if_false)
# When web.execution.time.min.raw value is Long.MAX_VALUE return 0.
- name: web.execution.time.min
source: func:IfThenElse(web.execution.time.min.raw, =, 0x7fffffffffffffffL, 0L, metric:web.execution.time.min.raw)
type: long_gauge
label: min servlet processing time
description: Minimum execution time of all servlets in this context
unit: ms
- IfThenElseString - similar to IfThenElse function except it produces literal value as result and can be used both on metrics and on tags.
- name:
value: func:IfThenElseString(webapp_name,, /, tag:webapp_name)
- LongDivide - like DoubleDivide except it produces Long value as result.
- LongMultiply - like DoubleMultiply except it produces Long value as result.
- LongMultiplyWithConstant - like DoubleMultiplyWithConstant except it produces Long value as result.
- name: cache.size
source: func:LongMultiplyWithConstant(cache.size.kb,1024)
type: long_gauge
label: size
description: current cache size
unit: bytes
- LongSubtract - produces result of long type calculated by subtracting second param from first param
- name: batches.received.scheduling.delay
source: func:LongSubtract(receivedStart,receivedSubmit)
type: long_gauge
label: last received batch scheduling time
unit: ms
- SplitAndExtract - Splits the value of specified metric name (first param) using the token (second param) and returns the value at specified index in the array (index being third param). Can be used both on metrics and tags.
- name: tomcat.connector.port
value: func:SplitAndExtract(host_port,-,1)
- StringEquals - Compares string values. First argument is field name. Second is string which should be used to compare. Optional third argument is ignore case. By default ignore case is false. Returns 1/0 for true/false, based on the result of equals.
- name: upstream.state.up
source: func:StringEquals(upstream.server.state,up)
type: gauge
label: state up
description: Server is up
- TimeSince - Returns time in ms passed since event was accured. Simple calculation of now() - time_contained_in_metric_param
- name:
source: func:TimeSince(
type: double_gauge
unit: ms
- LongTrimUnit/DoubleTrimUnit - Trims the specified unit string from the end of value of the metricName and returns Long/Double respectively. E.g. LongTrimUnit(Value,ms) - trims
from the end of value of metric nameValue
- name:
source: func:LongTrimUnit(autocommit maxTime,ms)
type: gauge
label: autocommit max time
description: autocommit max time
unit: ms
- LongTrimTimeUnit/DoubleTrimTimeUnit - Automatically trims the time unit strings from the end of value of the metric
and returns the value converted to specified time unit as Long/Double respectively.
E.g. LongTrimUnit(discoveryTime, ms) - trims the time unit from the end of value of metric
and convert & return the result in milliseconds.
- name:
source: func:LongTrimTimeUnit(autocommit maxTime,ms)
type: gauge
label: autocommit max time
description: autocommit max time
unit: ms
- ArrayLength - Returns length of the array.
- name: parition.size
source: func:ArrayLength(partition)
type: gauge
label: partition size
description: size of the partition
- com.sematext.spm.client.hadoop.CalculateNumNodes - hadoop specific. The only param is metric name mapped to hadoop jmx attribute LiveNodes.
- name:
source: func:com.sematext.spm.client.hadoop.CalculateNumNodes(
type: long_gauge
label: live nodes
- com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculateCoreNumFiles - solr specific, calculates number of files for some solr core (can't use universal CountFiles function due to Solr internal specifics)
- name: index.files
source: func:com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculateCoreNumFiles(readerDir,true)
type: long_gauge
label: index num of files
description: number of files in solr index
- com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculatePreSolr7TotalTime - used to calculate req handler total time for pre 7 versions of Solr. Takes no params, expects metrics
to collected under the same observation.
- name: requests.time
source: func:com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculatePreSolr7TotalTime
type: counter
stateful: true
label: request time
description: request time
unit: ms
- com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculateReplicaName - extracts the name of particular core replica. Useful only for pre 7 versions of Solr. Expects
path tag to be present in the context.
- name: solr.replica
value: func:com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculateReplicaName
- com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculateSegmentsCount - calculates number of segments in particular Solr core based on
name value.
- name: index.segments
source: func:com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculateSegmentsCount(Value)
type: gauge
label: index segments
description: index segments count
- com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculateSolrFieldCacheTotalSize - extracts solr field cache size from textual field (as exposed by Solr). Expects metric
to be collected by the same observation.
- name: cache.size.bytes
source: func:com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculateSolrFieldCacheTotalSize
type: gauge
label: cache memory used
description: cache size in bytes
unit: bytes
- com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculateWarmupTime - checks if searcher changed since last measurement, if it did, records its warmup time, otherwise it produces null (no metric)
- name: warmup.time
source: func:com.sematext.spm.client.solr.CalculateWarmupTime(warmupTime,searcherName)
type: counter
stateful: true
label: warmup time
description: warmup time
unit: ms
- com.sematext.spm.client.solr.ExtractAutowarmSetting - extracts
value from textualdescription
field (must be specified under the same observation). Usable only for pre 7 versions of Solr.
- name: cache.autowarm.count
source: func:com.sematext.spm.client.solr.ExtractAutowarmSetting
type: gauge
label: autowarm count or %
description: cache autowarm count or %
- com.sematext.spm.client.solr.ExtractCacheMaxSize - extracts
value from textualdescription
field (must be specified under the same observation). Usable only for pre 7 versions of Solr.
- name: cache.size.max
source: func:com.sematext.spm.client.solr.ExtractCacheMaxSize
type: gauge
label: cache max size
description: cache max size