A relay server for use with the client version of this module
In order to use this you have to:
- Clone this repo (or just download tmi.relay.js)
- Create a 'relay.json' file
- Run the package
npm start
ornode tmi.relay.js
Example 'relay.json'
"host": "scagood.co.uk",
"bots": {
"scabot": {
"name": "scabot",
"auth": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234",
"cmds": ["me", "mods", "ban", "unban", "timeout", "untimeout"],
"users": ["scagood"]
Example 'relay.json' with comments
"log": false,
"_comment_log": "Will the program write all messages to console",
"_comment_log_default": false,
"proxy": false,
"_comment_proxy": "Can people get a direct proxy via ws:/site.site/~proxy",
"_comment_proxy_default": false,
"relay": false,
"_comment_relay": "Can people get a readonly relay via ws:/site.site/~relay",
"_comment_relay_default": false,
"host": "scagood.co.uk",
"_comment_host": "The host to report as",
"port": 80,
"_comment_port": "Port to listen on",
"_comment_port_default": 80,
"bots": {
"_default": "scabot",
"_comment__default": "The first bot in the 'bots' array if it's an object it's treated as a bot",
"scabot": {
"name": "<- your bot's name ->",
"host": "<- your bot's host name ->",
"_comment_host": "Defaults to (bots.bot.name + '.bot.' + host)",
"auth": "<- Your bot's oauth token ->",
"cmds": [
"<- Allowed command #1 ->",
"<- Allowed command #2 ->",
"_comment_cmds": "An array of commands the users are allowed",
"_comment_cmds_default": [],
"users": true,
"users": [
"<- Allowed username #1 ->",
"<- Allowed username #2 ->"
"_comment_users": [
"'true' means anyone can use it",
"an array means the given users can use the bot's name"
"_comment_users_default": [],
"_comment_bots": "If not set or empty it defaults to a relay"