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Paired REad TEXTure Viewer. OpenGL Powered Pretext Contact Map Viewer.

PretextView is a desktop application for viewing pretext contact maps.


Home screen

  • U or middle mouse button: enter main GUI.
  • right mouse button: holding down and move to drag the Hi-C figure move within the window.
  • Mouse scroll to zoom. A three button mouse is recomended.
  • E: enter the Edit mode.
  • K: enter the Select sort area mode.
  • M: enter the Meta Tag edit mode.
  • S: enter the Scaffold painting mode.
  • X: enter the extension edit mode.
  • W: enter the Waypoint edit mode.
  • J: window jump to the diagonal line without changing the zoom-level, which is useful for selecting the correct place for a small fragment.
  • L: toggle the Grid Line.
  • T: toggle the Tooltip.
  • I: toggle the ID bar.
  • Up / Down: change the color map.
  • Left / Right: decrease / increase the Gamma mid (default: 0.5).

Main GUI (U)

  • Load Map: select .pretext file to load the HiC figure.
  • Save State: Save a specific to contain edits, painted scaffolds information, meta tags, waypoints, camera position, zoom level, window settings. Actually, the history is automatically saved into a file with hashed name in the cache file directory (for example, /Users/[yourUserName]/.config/PretextView/ on mac).
  • Load State: select a file to load the state.
  • Generate AGP: save the curated genome into the .agp format.
  • Clear Cache: Clear all edits and revert to the pre-curation state. Please note this action is irreversible.

Edit mode (E)

  • left mouse button: Click and drag with the left mouse button to select an are to zoom to.
  • Pickup a region of a contig with the left mouse button, pickup a whole contig with the middle mouse button or spacebar. Place a region with the left mouse button. Invert a selected region with the middle mouse button or spacebar. Undo the last edit with the 'q' key. Exit edit mode with the 'e' key. Use the GUI to see a list of completed edits.

Waypoint mode (W)

  • left mouse button: place a waypoint.
  • middle mouse button or spacebar: delete a waypoint.
  • W: Exit waypoint mode.
  • L: change the way point lines to vertical, horizontal or cross.
  • Use the GUI to see a list of waypoints, click on a waypoint in the list to vist it.

Scaffold edit mode (S)

Enter scaffolding mode with the 's' key.

  • Use the GUI to see a list of scaffolds.

Select sort area model (K)

After click YaHS sort button in the main UI, it will defaultly run sort globally. If enter the the select sort area mode(by pressing K), it can sort only the selected area with pressing Space after selecting at least 3 contigs.

Enter the select sort area mode by pressing K.

  • Left mouse click: select / un-select area for sorting.
  • S: clear all the select area.
  • Space: call YaHS sort to sort the select area (NOTE: only work if select at least 3 fragments).
  • Q/W: quit/redo edit (currently will change the edit made globally not only the edit made within the selected area, so use this with caution as it can change also other parts)

Sort fragments according to link score

Usage, first endter the main GUI:

  • Right click the YaHS Sort button to open sort settings,
    • Smallest Frag Size (pixels) (defaul: 2) which represents the smallest fragment size in unit of pixels to consider during the sorting
    • Link Score Threshold: $S_{thresh}$ (defaul: 0.4).
    • Select the sort mode:
      • UnionFind: sort all links higher than $S_{thresh}$ and then traverse all the links by from high to low.
      • Fuse: traverse all links and fuse two chains.
  • Left click the YaHS Sort button: run.
  • Redo all edits
  • Erase all edits

User Profile

Click the User Profile button in main GUI.

Set the Meta tags, Background Color, Color Map(HiC figure), Extension settings.


Map state is automatically saved ($XDG_CONFIG_DIR or ~/.config on Unix, and the %APPDATA% folder on Windows) while the app runs, and is loaded on map load.
You can also manually save/load state via the UI.

AGP Output

Map state can be output in AGP format via the UI. Objects are first created according to the scaffolds defined in scaffolding mode, with remaining sequences output as singletons.

AGP Correction

Note that object/part sizes will only be accurate up to the size of an individual map texel, and that any input sequences smaller than an individual texel will not be output.
AGP files can be corrected by the included python script AGPCorrect, which requires access to the input sequences in (gzipped) FASTA format.

AGPCorrect /path/to/ref.fa(.gz) /path/to/current/map.agp >/path/to/corrected_scaffs.agp

The script requires

Requirments, running

OpenGL 3.3
2G of RAM

Windows, Mac and Linux Builds

The prebuilt apps for Windows, Mac and Linux are available here.
The Mac app was built on MacOS 10.13.6
The Linux app was built on kernel 3.13
The Windows app was build on Windows 10, and is known to work on at least Windows 7.

Third-Party acknowledgements

PretextView uses the following third-party libraries:



  • clang >= 11.0.0 [Unix]
  • clang-cl >= 11.0.0 [Windows]
  • cmake >= 3.1.7
# git submodule update --init --recursive  # Adding dependencies from third-party libraries which is contained in the install script
./  # [Unix]
install.cmake.bat # [Windows]

Application will be installed to the 'app' folder in the source directory.

NOTE for Mac user who downloads this from Release page. If the user is told that the software is damaged, please unzip the file and run

xattr -d /path/to/the/downloaded/dmg/file

to remove the quarantine and then unmount and re-mount the dmg file. And then try to open the

Details of sorting algorithm

Link score calculation

The score between two fragments represents the level of continuity. The higher score the better continuity.

The link score calculation method refers to YaHS. Thus, we call this function as YaHS Sort.

Reference: Chenxi Zhou, Shane A McCarthy, Richard Durbin, YaHS: yet another Hi-C scaffolding tool, Bioinformatics, Volume 39, Issue 1, January 2023, btac808,

Union Find Mode

  • Select and sort all links with a score higher than the threshold (default: 0.4).
  • Traverse all the links from highest to lowest score, consider the the two ends.

Suppose we have two chains: $$A: [a_1, a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_i, \ldots, a_n]$$ $$B: [b_1, b_2, b_3, \ldots, b_j, \ldots, b_m]$$ They can only be linked if there is a strong (larger than threshold) link between one of the following pairs:$[a_1, b_1], [a_1, b_m], [a_n, b_1], [a_n, b_m]$

Fuse Mode & Deep Fuse

For two chains: $A: [a_1, a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_i, \ldots, a_n]$ and $B: [b_1, b_2, b_3, \ldots, b_j, \ldots, b_m]$

The Union Find approach considers only the two ends. Now we consider fusing these two chains into one if $[a_i, b_j]$ is a link with a score higher than the threshold.

In fuse mode, the tail of $A$, denoted $A_t$: $[a_i, a_{i+1}, \ldots, a_n]$ and the head of $B$, denoted $B_h$: $[b_1, b_2, \ldots, b_j]$ are fused. Let $a_{i-1}$ be the source, and $b_{j+1}$ be the sink. We insert $A_t$ and $B_h$ in the optimal way to achieve the highest total score, preserving their internal order.

If the link score of the fused chain $S_F$ is larger than the original scores plus threshold: $$S_F = \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} s(f_i, f_{i+1}) \ge \Bigl(S_{A_t} + S_{B_h} + S_{\text{thresh}}\Bigr)$$ where $f \in F$, and $F$ is the chain fused from $A_t$ and $B_h$. The score of $A_t$ is $S_{A_t} = \sum_{i=0}^{N_{A_t}-1} s(a_i, a_{i+1})$ with $a \in A_t$.

Fuse mode:
Runs the fuse process after Union Find. Suitable for samples with fewer than 800 fragments.

Deep fuse:
Runs the fuse process without using Union Find, suitable for samples with fewer than 100 fragments.