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Circle CI 2.0 Configuration for Rails

The following is a recommended setup for Circle CI 2.0 with any rails project. This guide will walk you through the different parts of the setup to get you familiar with the process.

If you just want the script, it's here

Basic Concepts

CircleCI 2.0 requires a new dot folder and YAML config as follow: .circleci/config.yml.

Each config must contain the following 2 keys: version and jobs. Initially, your setup will look like this:

version: 2
        working_directory: ~/your-app-name
        - checkout

This setup won't work, but it provides the framework of the configuration file. The remainder of the guide will explain how to flesh is out.

Basic Configuration

Select Image for Docker

The docker image will help to compose a consistent environment for each build. There are a set of prebuilt images to choose from, which cover different ruby versions and other common requirements like browser and/or JavaScript.

The following config will set Docker to run ruby 2.5.1 with browser in the box:

        working_directory: ~/your-app-name
            - image: circleci/ruby:2.5.1-node-browsers
                RAILS_ENV: test

Configure your Database

As with Docker, we need to select an image to preload the correct version of Postgres. The below config uses postgres:9.6.2-alpine and the environment variables are loaded from config/database.yml.

        working_directory: ~/your-app-name
            - image: circleci/ruby:2.5.1-node-browsers
                RAILS_ENV: test

            - image: circleci/postgres:9.6.2-alpine
                POSTGRES_USER: postgres
                POSTGRES_DB: test_database_name

Configure your Steps

Circle CI 2.0 uses the steps key to determine the order in which the build is processed. These steps include checkout, run, restore_cache etc.

Prepare your Environment

We almost always use figaro gem for storing and loading environment variables, so firstly we must create a copy of the application.yml file:

      - run:
          name: Create environment variables file
          command: |
            cp config/examples/application.yml config/application.yml

Where name will set name of the task. And command will be exact bash cmd to be executed. The run key gives lots of flexibility to run any command and in any order. Just give them a name, a command to run and off you go.

Install Gems

Rather than running bundle for each build, which can be slow, we can cache the bundle to reduce the time the build takes to run:

      - restore_cache:
          - v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }}
          - v1-dependencies-

      - run:
          name: Install dependencies
          command: |
            bundle install --jobs=4 --retry=3 --path vendor/bundle

      - save_cache:
            - ./vendor/bundle
          key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }}

This will try and restore any cached dependencies using a checksum based on your lock file.

Avoiding Race Conditions

We need to make sure that we avoid certain commands from running before their dependencies are ready. For example, we need to make sure Postgres is up before we run our test suite.

To solve this, we can tell dockerize to wait for a given port before it runs the next command:

      - run:
          name: Wait for DB
          command: dockerize -wait tcp://localhost:5432 -timeout 1m

Create your Database

If you try to run your test suite against an empty DB, it's going to fail. Make sure it's got the correct data structure by loading the schema:

      - run:
          name: Database setup
            DATABASE_URL: 'postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/test_database_name'
          command: |
            bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load --trace
            bundle exec rake db:migrate

Run Tasks

We can execute as many tasks as we want. Typically we would run our lints, rubocop and our tests rspec, so here is the configuration for that: By creating one run command per task we can give them a descriptive name and keep them as separate processes during the build.

      - run:
          name: Rubocop
          command: bundle exec rubocop

      - run:
          name: Tests
            DATABASE_URL: 'postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/test_database_name'
          command: |
            bundle exec rspec spec --format progress

The End Result

version: 2
    working_directory: ~/your-app-name
       - image: circleci/ruby:2.5.1-node-browsers
           RAILS_ENV: test
           RACK_ENV: test

       - image: circleci/postgres:9.6.2-alpine
           POSTGRES_USER: postgres
           POSTGRES_DB: test_database_name

      - checkout

      - run:
          name: Create environment variables file
          command: |
            cp config/examples/application.yml config/application.yml

      - restore_cache:
          - v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }}
          - v1-dependencies-

      - run:
          name: Install dependencies
          command: |
            bundle install --jobs=4 --retry=3 --path vendor/bundle

      - save_cache:
            - ./vendor/bundle
          key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }}

      - run:
          name: Wait for DB
          command: dockerize -wait tcp://localhost:5432 -timeout 1m

      - run:
          name: Database setup
            DATABASE_URL: 'postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/test_database_name'
          command: |
            bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load --trace
            bundle exec rake db:migrate

      - run:
          name: Rubocop
          command: bundle exec rubocop

      - run:
          name: run tests
            DATABASE_URL: 'postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/test_database_name'
          command: |
            mkdir /tmp/test-results
            bundle exec rspec spec --format progress
