-ADD option to output 'console.log' statements -ADD option to add logging statements (to some arbitrary logging interface) to all method calls
-ADD option to 'findOneOrFail' vs. just 'findOne' in repositories.
-CHANGE generated module to import forFeature(EntityRepostiroy) instead of forFeature(Entity), if using a custom repository.
-TEST import of other modules into each other, to ensure repository/other dependencies work as expected.
-TODO: look into parent directories for tsconfig(.app)?.json if not found in current.
-ADD JSdoc comments to generated file methods (as a config option);
-ADD prompts to override existing files, or config option.
-ADD demo videos or scenarios -ADD docs website? -ADD feature request form
-Replace templating engine with quicktemplate: https://github.com/valyala/quicktemplate