Source code of QUSE (QUestion-guided Search Engine, a search engine that interacts with a user by asking questions to refine an initial keyword query. More details are in the paper by A. Kotov and C. Zhai "Towards natural question guided search", Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web, 2010. Please cite this paper, if you are using any part of this project.
- Minipar or any other dependency parser
- FastCGI
- distr: project distribution (compiled binaries and config files) for debug and release configurations
- bin/parser binary code of Minipar dependency parser
- etc/minipar data for Minipar
- etc/quse.conf main configuration file of QUSE
- etc/schema.sql scheme of the database for index and search sessions
- include: include files
- index: index construction
- indio: index input/output API
- qproc: search results generation and SERP rendering
- sbox: search box presentation and query processing
Set PROJ_DIR variable in Makefile.config to the project directory path and make.