Implement the following functions in RISC-V and write a program to demonstrate their use. You can reuse much of your code from the previous chapter’s exercises.
// return the min or max int get_min(int* array, int size); int get_max(int* array, int size); // return the index of the min/max int locate_min(int* array, int size); int locate_max(int* array, int size); // return the average of the array int calc_average(int* array, int size);
The Collatz conjecture is defined as follows: start with any positive integer n, if n is even, divide by 2, otherwise, multiply by 3 and add 1. The conjecture is that all sequences will eventually reach 1. Write 2 versions of the collatz function, one iterative and one recursive. Print out the sequence as they go.
void collatz_iterative(int n); void collatz_recursive(int n); // for an added challenge return the number of steps taken to reach 1 // you can remove the printing of the steps int collatz_iterative2(int n); int collatz_recursive2(int n);