This repo utilizes Docker to test the install scripts. Please make sure you download the latest version of Docker before contributing to the project.
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write your change (see next section below)
- Write tests for your change (see next section below)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
- Create a directory with the same name as the R package you are adding support for. The directory MUST BE case sensitive.
mkdir packages/[r_package_name]
- Create a bash script in the directory named
and give it executable permissions
touch packages/[r_package_name]/install
chmod 755 packages/[r_package_name]/install
- Write your install bash script to install all the dependencies of your R package. Be sure to include the following:
set -x
set -e
- Create a
file in the same directory.
touch packages/[r_package_name]/test.R
Write this R script to install the R package and run some basic code to ensure that the package is installed correctly and functional.
Test your install by running this command:
make test-jammy-[r_package_name]