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en devel environment variables

Susumu Mashimo edited this page May 7, 2020 · 16 revisions

Environment Variables

This page describes the environment variables that must be set to use RSD.
The required environment variables depend on what you want to do.
This page considers the following four purposes.

  • Software simulation
  • Boot on Xilinx Zynq FPGA boards
  • Post-synthesis Simulation For FPGA
  • Synthesis for ASIC (experimental)

Note that you must setup the development environment first.

All the environment variables of RSD are written in SetEnv.* file in Processor/Tools/SetEnv.

  • SetEnv.bat : for Windows
  • : for Linux

Please copy the SetEnv.* to MySetEnv.* to create your own SetEnv file.
(MySetEnv.* is gitignored.)

Necessary Environment Variables

The followings are necessary for all the four purposes.

Variable Name Detail
RSD_ROOT Specify the root directory where you checked out RSD.
RSD_GCC_PATH Specify the directory that contains a RISC-V GCC binary.
RSD_GCC_PREFIX Specify the prefix of the RISC-V GCC binary.
Example: riscv32-unknown-elf-
RSD_GCC_VERSION Specify the version number of the RISC-V gcc cross compiler.
Example: 8.1.0

For Software Simulation

Some environment variables below are also required to simulate RSD on software simulators, depending on the simulator you use.

  • Mentor QuestaSim, Mentor ModelSim

    Variable Name Detail
    RSD_QUESTASIM_PATH Specify the bin directory of Modelsim or QuestaSim.
  • Verilator

    No additional variable is required.
    Make sure the verilator command is functioning.

  • Xilinx Vitis (Vivado)

    Variable Name Detail
    RSD_VIVADO_BIN Specify the bin directory of Vivado.
    Example: /Xilinx_tool_install_path/Vivado/2019.2/bin

For Boot on Xilinx Zynq FPGA Boards / Post-synthesis Simulation For FPGA

The followings are also required to boot RSD on Xilinx Zynq FPGA boards or run post-synthesis simulation for FPGA.

Variable Name Detail
RSD_VIVADO_BIN Specify the bin directory of Vivado.
Example: /Xilinx_tool_install_path/Vivado/2019.2/bin
RSD_ARM_LINUX Specify a directory where you want to download and build all necessary files for boot on Xilinx Zynq FPGA boards.
A directory outside $(RSD_ROOT) is recommended.

For Synthesis for ASIC (experimental)

The following is also required to synthesize RSD for ASIC.

Variable Name Detail
RSD_DC_SHELL_BIN Specify the dc_shell binary of Design Compiler.