- [IMP] rename_models: Add warning on docstring
- [FIX] update_module_names: Rename non updated XML-ID occurences
- [ADD] convert_binary_field_to_attachment
- [RFR] Local logger; don't force debug level
- [FIX] Adapt code to docstring by passing env by default starting from 10.0
- [FIX] protect openerp imports
- [ADD] new logging decorator
- New argument merge_modules in update_module_names for merging several modules.
- [FIX] Broken compatibility of 1.2.0 with Odoo 8.0
- [FIX] Fix argument name in migrate __doc__ to actual argument
- [IMP] Lift constraints
- [IMP] Update module field in ir_model_fields when calling rename_models
- [ADD] allow to create an environment automatically
- [ADD] rename references to the model in mail related records
- [ADD] rename_property
- [IMP] clarifying docstring
- [FIX] doc typo
- [FIX] .travis.yml: remove Python 2.6 test
- [RFR] Move column_exists so it can be used during loading
- [MIG] 10.0 imports
- [FIX] missing %% in convert_field_to_html()
- [FIX] Remove wrong docs
- [FIX] Avoid broken updates
- [IMP] Add new context manager allow_pgcodes
- [FIX] support OpenERP version that don't have cr.savepoint
- [IMP] New function 'is_module_installed()'
- [ADD] when renaming a model, also move link in ir_attachment
- [FIX] Compatibility for OpenERP versions prior to 6.1
- [FIX] use correct column name in rename_models
- [IMP] .travis.yml: Add auto-deployment
- [IMP] map_values: Support set & notset selectors
- [IMP] set_defaults: Don't use ORM by default.
- Remove pip imports which break coverage with pypy3
- Add basic coverage configuration
- Factor out duplicated metadata about package
- [IMP] Google or NymPy docstrings
- [IMP] docstrings copy_columns, rename_columns
- [IMP] update_module_names: Handle ir_translation
- [FIX] lib for working with old API (<= 7.0)
- [FIX] set_defaults: Cope with inherited fields by delegation
- Rerelease to pypi with proper upload
- Include requirements.txt
- Mark as Beta
- Rewrite history with git filter-branch
- Remove unneeded files from history * openupgrade_loading.py * deferred80.py * openupgrade_log.py * #openupgrade_loading.py#
- Fixes to the tests
- Add more badges
- Fix pip install issue with required.txt
- First release on PyPI.