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.Gd-Utils is just another Tool which helps us to Bypass the 750GB daily limit by google

🌟 This is an English version of the Gd-Utils Telelgram Bot by iwestlin

🌟 All I did is edit the code and used google translate to change chinese to all Credits to the OP

🌟 I had already Have a fork from Iwestlins original repo - Gd-utils running in own system

🌟 This Part Includes Installation of Gdutils and running it using Telegram Bot

General Instructions

Like Other Tools (Autorclone/Folderclone/Gclone/Fclone) Gd-Utils is also based upon Service accounts aka SAs

.Among These tools Only Autorclone & Folderclone can generate SAs by themselves

So for this tool to work you need SAs generated using Autorclone or Folderclone

Pre Requisites:

1️⃣ Need a Linux Server - Open Up HTTPS,HTTP as well Port 23333 (Follow this for understanding)

2️⃣ You need Generated SAs - Create a new Repo in Github and name it as accounts and Upload all your SAs (json files) there

You can Follow this Guide to understand better

3️⃣ You need a domain - Go to Freenom and get yourself one for free ,After that add custom DNS by cloudfare

🚩 Remember, In cloudfare Change security of the website from Strict to Moderate

Follow this - Domain with Freenom and Cloudfare

After adding your site to Cloudfare - We need to create a subdomain

Follow this - Subdomain in Cloudfare

4️⃣ You need Bot Token - Get it From Here

🔳 Installation

git clone
cd Gdutils_Tgbot && nano config.js

🔷 Scroll down and You will see the Option to add your Bot Token (Which you got from botfather) and your own Telegram Username (

You can see other values like Default Teamdrive ID,Client secret etc..(Optional)

  client_id: 'your_client_id',
  client_secret: 'your_client_secret',
  refresh_token: 'your_refrest_token',
  expires: 0, // Can be left blank
  access_token: '', // Can be left blank
  tg_token: 'bot_token', // Your telegram bot token,Go here
  tg_whitelist: ['your_tg_username'] // Your tg username(,Bot will accept command from these users, You can add multiple users if you wish to

My Telegram username is @roshanconnor so it will be tg_whitelist: ['roshanconnor']

🔷 When you're done Pasting the Values - Type CTRL+x ( It will quit the editor and you will be asked if you want to save your changes ,Press Yand Press Enter )

Now run the command below



❄️ Follow this From now onwards


🔷 Go to Bot and Type /help


👏 iwestlin - The original Developer of this tool

👏 cgkings - I took the idea of Bash script from his Shellbot's Repo

👏Bilibox - For helping with the Bash script

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
