diff --git a/sketches/2024.09.17-20.13.52.ts b/sketches/2024.09.17-20.13.52.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2129f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sketches/2024.09.17-20.13.52.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@
+// WebGPU demo
+// NOTE: you must visit this on localhost or webgpu won't work
+ *
+ *
+ */
+import * as createCamera from '3d-view-controls'
+import { createSpring } from 'spring-animator'
+import { mat4, vec2 } from 'gl-matrix'
+import { GUI } from 'dat-gui'
+const settings = {
+ cameraDist: 20000,
+ stiffness: 0.0005,
+ damping: 0.04
+const BUILDINGS_DATA_URL = 'resources/data/nyc-buildings/lower-manhattan-sorted.bin'
+async function main() {
+ const { device, context } = await setupWebGPU()
+ const canvas = context.canvas as HTMLCanvasElement
+ const curTexture = context.getCurrentTexture()
+ let isCameraMoving = false
+ console.log('loading buildings data...')
+ const result = await getBuildingsData(device, BUILDINGS_DATA_URL)
+ const { buffers, extent } = result
+ console.log('building data loaded')
+ const center = [
+ (extent.min[0] + extent.max[0]) / 2,
+ (extent.min[1] + extent.max[1]) / 2
+ ]
+ const cameraEye = [center[0] - 4, center[1], 70000]
+ const cameraCenter = [center[0], center[1], 0]
+ const camera = createRoamingCamera({
+ zoomSpeed: 4,
+ canvas,
+ center: cameraCenter,
+ eye: cameraEye,
+ damping: settings.damping,
+ stiffness: settings.stiffness,
+ getCameraPosition: () => ({
+ center: [...center.map(v => v + (Math.random() - 0.5) * settings.cameraDist), Math.random() * 400],
+ height: Math.random() * 10000 + 500,
+ distance: Math.random() * 10000 + 1000,
+ angle: (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * Math.PI
+ })
+ })
+ const gui = new GUI()
+ gui.add(settings, 'cameraDist', 0, 100000)
+ gui.add(settings, 'stiffness', 0, 0.001).step(0.0001)
+ gui.add(settings, 'damping', 0, 0.1).step(0.01)
+ gui.add({ next: () => camera.moveToNextPosition() }, 'next')
+ console.log('center', center)
+ const viewprojBindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [{
+ binding: 0, // viewproj
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.VERTEX | GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ buffer: {}
+ }]
+ })
+ // two mat4s = 32 floats
+ const viewprojData = new Float32Array(32)
+ const viewprojBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, viewprojData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST)
+ const viewprojBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: viewprojBindGroupLayout,
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: viewprojBuffer } }
+ ]
+ })
+ const shader = `
+ struct Uniforms {
+ projection: mat4x4,
+ view: mat4x4
+ };
+ @group(0) @binding(0) var uniforms: Uniforms;
+ struct Output {
+ @builtin(position) position: vec4,
+ @location(0) color: vec4
+ };
+ @vertex
+ fn mainVertex(
+ @location(0) position: vec3
+ ) -> Output {
+ let p = position;
+ let t = smoothstep(-40, 500, p.z);
+ var color = vec4f(0.4, 0.4, 0.55, 1) + vec4f(0.2, 0.3, 0.35, 0) * t;
+ var output: Output;
+ output.color = color;
+ output.position = uniforms.projection * uniforms.view * vec4(p, 1);
+ return output;
+ }
+ @fragment
+ fn mainFragment(@location(0) color: vec4) -> @location(0) vec4 {
+ return color;
+ }`
+ const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({ code: shader })
+ const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: device.createPipelineLayout({
+ bindGroupLayouts: [viewprojBindGroupLayout]
+ }),
+ vertex: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainVertex',
+ buffers: [
+ {
+ arrayStride: 12,
+ attributes: [
+ {
+ shaderLocation: 0,
+ format: 'float32x3' as GPUVertexFormat,
+ offset: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainFragment',
+ targets: [{ format: curTexture.format }]
+ },
+ primitive: {
+ topology: 'triangle-list',
+ frontFace: 'ccw',
+ cullMode: 'back'
+ },
+ depthStencil: {
+ format: 'depth24plus',
+ depthWriteEnabled: true,
+ depthCompare: 'less'
+ }
+ })
+ const depthTexture = device.createTexture({
+ size: { width: curTexture.width, height: curTexture.height },
+ format: 'depth24plus',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT
+ })
+ let projMatrix = mat4.create()
+ const indexGroupCount = 10000
+ const indexGroups = getIndexGroups(indexGroupCount, result.data.positions, result.data.indexes)
+ const culler = createGpuCuller(device, indexGroups, viewprojBindGroupLayout)
+ const indirectBuffer = culler.indirectDrawParamsBuffer
+ const mainRenderBundleEncoder = device.createRenderBundleEncoder({
+ colorFormats: ['bgra8unorm' as const],
+ depthStencilFormat: 'depth24plus' as const
+ })
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setPipeline(pipeline)
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setBindGroup(0, viewprojBindGroup)
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setVertexBuffer(0, buffers.positions)
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setIndexBuffer(buffers.indexes, 'uint32')
+ for (let i = 0; i < indexGroupCount; i++) {
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.drawIndexedIndirect(indirectBuffer, 20 * i)
+ }
+ const mainRenderBundle = mainRenderBundleEncoder.finish()
+ const prepassTexture = device.createTexture({
+ label: 'prepassTexture',
+ size: { width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height },
+ format: 'bgra8unorm',
+ })
+ const prepassDepthTexture = device.createTexture({
+ label: 'prepassDepthTexture',
+ size: { width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height },
+ format: 'depth24plus',
+ })
+ const postProcessRender = createPostProcessRenderer(device)
+ requestAnimationFrame(function loop() {
+ const { width, height } = canvas // using canvas width/height because on safari the width/height of the texture doesn't seem to update when resizing
+ camera._camera.up = [0, 0, 1]
+ camera.tick(settings.stiffness, settings.damping)
+ mat4.perspective(projMatrix, Math.PI / 8, width / height, 1, 1000000)
+ const view = camera.getMatrix()
+ isCameraMoving = !mat4.equals(viewprojData.subarray(16), view) || !mat4.equals(viewprojData, projMatrix)
+ const isDirty = isCameraMoving
+ if (isDirty) {
+ console.log('rendering')
+ viewprojData.set(projMatrix, 0)
+ viewprojData.set(view, 16)
+ device.queue.writeBuffer(viewprojBuffer, 0, viewprojData, 0, viewprojData.length)
+ const curTexture = context.getCurrentTexture()
+ const curTextureView = curTexture.createView()
+ const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder()
+ culler.cullGroups(commandEncoder, viewprojBindGroup)
+ const prepassRenderPass = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [{
+ view: prepassTexture.createView(),
+ clearValue: { r: 0.02, g: 0, b: 0.1, a: 1 },
+ loadOp: 'clear' as const,
+ storeOp: 'store' as const
+ }],
+ depthStencilAttachment: {
+ view: prepassDepthTexture.createView(),
+ depthClearValue: 1.0,
+ depthLoadOp: 'clear',
+ depthStoreOp: 'store'
+ }
+ })
+ prepassRenderPass.executeBundles([mainRenderBundle])
+ prepassRenderPass.end()
+ const postRenderPass = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [{
+ view: curTextureView,
+ loadOp: 'load' as const,
+ storeOp: 'store' as const
+ }]
+ })
+ postProcessRender(postRenderPass, prepassTexture, prepassDepthTexture, [canvas.width, canvas.height], [0, 0])
+ postRenderPass.end()
+ device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()])
+ }
+ requestAnimationFrame(loop)
+ })
+function createGpuCuller(device: GPUDevice, indexGroups: IndexGroup[], viewProjBindGroupLayout: GPUBindGroupLayout) {
+ const indirectDrawParams = new Uint32Array(5 * indexGroups.length)
+ const bBoxData = new Float32Array(indexGroups.length * 8) // minxyz_, maxxyz_
+ const indexGroupDrawData = new Uint32Array(indexGroups.length) // indexCount
+ let i = 0
+ for (const indexGroup of indexGroups) {
+ indirectDrawParams[i * 5] = indexGroup.indexCount
+ indirectDrawParams[i * 5 + 1] = 1
+ indirectDrawParams[i * 5 + 2] = indexGroup.indexOffset
+ bBoxData.set(indexGroup.min, i * 8)
+ bBoxData.set(indexGroup.max, i * 8 + 4)
+ indexGroupDrawData[i] = indexGroup.indexCount
+ i++
+ }
+ const bBoxBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, bBoxData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE)
+ const indexGroupDrawBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, indexGroupDrawData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE)
+ const indirectDrawParamsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, indirectDrawParams.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.INDIRECT)
+ const shader = `
+ struct Box {
+ min: vec3,
+ max: vec3,
+ }
+ struct Plane {
+ normal: vec3,
+ distance: f32,
+ }
+ fn get_plane(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, w: f32) -> Plane {
+ let normal = vec3(x, y, z);
+ let inverse_normal_length = 1.0 / length(normal);
+ return Plane(
+ normal * inverse_normal_length,
+ w * inverse_normal_length
+ );
+ }
+ fn get_planes(m: mat4x4) -> array {
+ return array(
+ // right
+ get_plane(m[0][3] - m[0][0], m[1][3] - m[1][0], m[2][3] - m[2][0], m[3][3] - m[3][0]),
+ // left
+ get_plane(m[0][3] + m[0][0], m[1][3] + m[1][0], m[2][3] + m[2][0], m[3][3] + m[3][0]),
+ // bottom
+ get_plane(m[0][3] + m[0][1], m[1][3] + m[1][1], m[2][3] + m[2][1], m[3][3] + m[3][1]),
+ // top
+ get_plane(m[0][3] - m[0][1], m[1][3] - m[1][1], m[2][3] - m[2][1], m[3][3] - m[3][1]),
+ // z-far
+ get_plane(m[0][3] - m[0][2], m[1][3] - m[1][2], m[2][3] - m[2][2], m[3][3] - m[3][2]),
+ // z-near
+ get_plane(m[0][3] + m[0][2], m[1][3] + m[1][2], m[2][3] + m[2][2], m[3][3] + m[3][2])
+ );
+ }
+ fn distance_to_point(plane: Plane, p: vec3) -> f32 {
+ return dot(plane.normal, p) + plane.distance;
+ }
+ fn intersects_box(matrix: mat4x4, box: Box) -> bool {
+ let planes = get_planes(matrix);
+ for (var i: u32 = 0u; i < 6u; i++) {
+ let plane = planes[i];
+ // corner at max distance
+ let p = vec3(
+ select(box.min.x, box.max.x, plane.normal.x > 0.0),
+ select(box.min.y, box.max.y, plane.normal.y > 0.0),
+ select(box.min.z, box.max.z, plane.normal.z > 0.0)
+ );
+ if (distance_to_point(plane, p) < 0.0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ struct InputBbox {
+ min: vec4,
+ max: vec4,
+ };
+ struct Uniforms {
+ projection: mat4x4,
+ view: mat4x4
+ };
+ @group(0) @binding(0) var uniforms: Uniforms;
+ @group(1) @binding(1) var indexCounts: array;
+ @group(1) @binding(2) var boxes: array;
+ @group(1) @binding(3) var results: array;
+ @compute @workgroup_size(64)
+ fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3) {
+ let index = global_id.x;
+ if (index >= arrayLength(&boxes)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let matrix = uniforms.projection * uniforms.view;
+ let box = boxes[index];
+ let indexCount = indexCounts[index];
+ let isVisible = intersects_box(matrix, Box(box.min.xyz, box.max.xyz));
+ results[index * 5] = select(0u, indexCount, isVisible);
+ }
+ `
+ const indexGroupsBindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [
+ {
+ binding: 1,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ buffer: { type: 'read-only-storage' as const }
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 2,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ buffer: { type: 'read-only-storage' as const }
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 3,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ buffer: { type: 'storage' as const }
+ }
+ ]
+ })
+ const computePipeline = device.createComputePipeline({
+ layout: device.createPipelineLayout({
+ bindGroupLayouts: [viewProjBindGroupLayout, indexGroupsBindGroupLayout]
+ }),
+ compute: {
+ module: device.createShaderModule({ code: shader }),
+ entryPoint: 'main'
+ }
+ })
+ const indexGroupsBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: indexGroupsBindGroupLayout,
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 1, resource: { buffer: indexGroupDrawBuffer } },
+ { binding: 2, resource: { buffer: bBoxBuffer } },
+ { binding: 3, resource: { buffer: indirectDrawParamsBuffer } }
+ ]
+ })
+ function cullGroups(commandEncoder: GPUCommandEncoder, viewProjBindGroup: GPUBindGroup) {
+ const computePass = commandEncoder.beginComputePass()
+ computePass.setPipeline(computePipeline)
+ computePass.setBindGroup(0, viewProjBindGroup)
+ computePass.setBindGroup(1, indexGroupsBindGroup)
+ computePass.dispatchWorkgroups(Math.ceil(indexGroups.length / 64))
+ computePass.end()
+ }
+ return { cullGroups, indirectDrawParamsBuffer }
+type IndexGroup = {
+ indexCount: number
+ indexOffset: number
+ min: [number, number, number]
+ max: [number, number, number]
+function getIndexGroups(groupCount: number, vertices: Float32Array, indexes: Uint32Array): IndexGroup[] {
+ const indexCountPerDraw = Math.ceil(indexes.length / groupCount / 3) * 3
+ const indexGroups = new Array()
+ let indexOffset = 0
+ for (let i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) {
+ const indexCount = Math.min(indexCountPerDraw, indexes.length - indexOffset)
+ const min: [number, number, number] = [Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]
+ const max: [number, number, number] = [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]
+ for (let j = 0; j < indexCount; j++) {
+ const idx = indexes[indexOffset + j] * 3
+ min[0] = Math.min(min[0], vertices[idx])
+ min[1] = Math.min(min[1], vertices[idx + 1])
+ min[2] = Math.min(min[2], vertices[idx + 2])
+ max[0] = Math.max(max[0], vertices[idx])
+ max[1] = Math.max(max[1], vertices[idx + 1])
+ max[2] = Math.max(max[2], vertices[idx + 2])
+ }
+ indexGroups.push({ indexCount, indexOffset, min, max })
+ indexOffset += indexCountPerDraw
+ }
+ return indexGroups
+// buildings data streamer
+type BuildingsData = {
+ indexCount: number
+ extent: {
+ min: [number, number, number]
+ max: [number, number, number]
+ }
+ data: {
+ buildingIds: Uint32Array
+ positions: Float32Array
+ indexes: Uint32Array
+ }
+ buffers: {
+ positions: GPUBuffer
+ indexes: GPUBuffer
+ buildingIds: GPUBuffer
+ }
+export const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES = 268435456 // 256MiB
+export const MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = Math.floor(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES / 4 / 3 / 32) * 3
+if (MAX_ARRAY_SIZE % 3 !== 0) throw new Error('Array size is not divisible by 3, which is required for triangle lists')
+async function getBuildingsData (device: GPUDevice, url: string): Promise {
+ const response = await fetch(url)
+ if (!response.body) {
+ throw new Error('Unable to fetch data. No response.body.')
+ }
+ const decoder = new StreamDecoder()
+ const reader = response.body.getReader()
+ while (true) {
+ const result = await reader.read()
+ if (result?.value) decoder.onChunk(result.value)
+ if (result.done) break
+ }
+ const { vertices, buildingIds, indexes, buildingCount, triangleCount, version, extent } = decoder.getCurrentResult()!
+ const positionsSample = vertices.slice(0, 18)
+ const indexSample = indexes.slice(0, 9)
+ const buildingIdsSample = buildingIds.slice(0, 18)
+ console.log({ buildingCount, triangleCount, version, positionsSample, indexSample, buildingIdsSample })
+ const positionsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, vertices.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX)
+ const buildingIdsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, buildingIds.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX)
+ const indexesBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, indexes.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.INDEX)
+ return {
+ indexCount: triangleCount * 3,
+ extent,
+ data: {
+ buildingIds,
+ positions: vertices,
+ indexes
+ },
+ buffers: {
+ buildingIds: buildingIdsBuffer,
+ positions: positionsBuffer,
+ indexes: indexesBuffer
+ }
+ }
+Client-side code for decoding the following data format in Uint8 chunks.
+const decoder = new StreamDecoder()
+decoder.onChunk(uint8Array) // call on every chunk (whether loading from a Socket or a BodyReader stream, etc)
+const result: Result = decoder.getCurrentResult()
+decoder.done // this will be true when all data expected from the header is done processing
+Data format (v0.1.0):
+---- HEADER ----
+version major - u8
+version minor - u8
+version patch - u8
+empty - u8
+vertexCount - uint32
+triangleCount - uint32
+buildingCount - uint32
+buildingByteLength - uint32
+buildingId - uint32
+vertexCount - uint32
+vertexA - float32x3
+vertexB - float32x3
+triangleCount - uint32
+triA - uint8x3 (or uint16x3 if vertexCount > 255)
+triB - uint8x3 (or uint16x3 if vertexCount > 255)
+Possible padding here to make this list align to 4bytes
+repeat with next building
+type Result = {
+ vertices: Float32Array
+ indexes: Uint32Array
+ buildingIds: Uint32Array
+ buildingsProcessed: number
+ trianglesProcessed: number
+ verticesProcessed: number
+ buildingCount: number
+ triangleCount: number
+ version: string
+ extent: {
+ min: [number, number, number]
+ max: [number, number, number]
+ }
+const HEADER_SIZE = 16
+class StreamDecoder {
+ private result: Result | null = null
+ private leftoverChunk: Uint8Array | null = null
+ public done: Boolean = false
+ public onChunk (chunk: Uint8Array): void {
+ chunk = this.mergeWithLeftoverChunk(chunk)
+ const needsHeader = this.result === null
+ if (needsHeader) {
+ if (chunk.length < HEADER_SIZE) {
+ this.leftoverChunk = chunk.slice() // TODO: DO I NEED TO COPY THIS?
+ return
+ }
+ this.processHeader(new Uint8Array(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset, HEADER_SIZE))
+ chunk = new Uint8Array(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset + HEADER_SIZE)
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ if (chunk.length === 0) break
+ const dataview = new DataView(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset)
+ const buildingByteLength = dataview.getUint32(0, true)
+ // see if this chunk contains the data for the entire building (minus 4 bytes for the
+ // buildingByteLength uint32 - which isn't included in the count)
+ // if not, then stick all of it in the leftoverChunk and try again on the next tick
+ if (chunk.length < buildingByteLength + 4) {
+ this.leftoverChunk = chunk.slice() // TODO: DO I NEED TO COPY THIS?
+ break
+ }
+ this.processBuilding(new Uint8Array(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset + 4, buildingByteLength))
+ chunk = new Uint8Array(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset + 4 + buildingByteLength)
+ }
+ if (this.result && this.result.buildingsProcessed === this.result.buildingCount) {
+ this.done = true
+ if (chunk.length !== 0) throw new Error('Decoding data failed: processed all buildings with data left over')
+ }
+ }
+ private mergeWithLeftoverChunk (chunk: Uint8Array): Uint8Array {
+ if (!this.leftoverChunk || this.leftoverChunk.length === 0) {
+ return chunk
+ }
+ const newChunk = new Uint8Array(this.leftoverChunk.length + chunk.length)
+ newChunk.set(this.leftoverChunk, 0)
+ newChunk.set(chunk, this.leftoverChunk.length)
+ this.leftoverChunk = null
+ return newChunk
+ }
+ private processBuilding (chunk: Uint8Array): void {
+ if (!this.result) throw new Error('Decoding data failed: tried processing building before header')
+ const dataview = new DataView(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset, chunk.byteLength)
+ let i = 0
+ const buildingId = dataview.getUint32(i, true)
+ const vertexCount = dataview.getUint32(i + 4, true)
+ const vertices = new Float32Array(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset + 8, vertexCount * 3)
+ i += 8 + vertices.byteLength
+ const triangleCount = dataview.getUint32(i, true)
+ i += 4
+ const TypedArray = vertexCount > 255 ? Uint16Array : Uint8Array
+ const triangles = new TypedArray(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset + i, triangleCount * 3)
+ const triangleListInBytes = TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * triangleCount * 3
+ const expectedPadding = (4 - triangleListInBytes % 4) % 4
+ // the chunk should have been completely consumed after the list of triangles + expectedPadding
+ if (chunk.byteLength !== i + triangles.byteLength + expectedPadding) {
+ throw new Error('Decoding data failed: building data has leftover bytes after processing')
+ }
+ const lastVertex = this.result.verticesProcessed
+ const lastVertexIdx = lastVertex * 3
+ this.result.vertices.set(vertices, lastVertexIdx)
+ for (let k = 0; k < vertexCount; k++) {
+ this.result.extent.min[0] = Math.min(vertices[k * 3], this.result.extent.min[0])
+ this.result.extent.min[1] = Math.min(vertices[k * 3 + 1], this.result.extent.min[1])
+ this.result.extent.min[2] = Math.min(vertices[k * 3 + 2], this.result.extent.min[2])
+ this.result.extent.max[0] = Math.max(vertices[k * 3], this.result.extent.max[0])
+ this.result.extent.max[1] = Math.max(vertices[k * 3 + 1], this.result.extent.max[1])
+ this.result.extent.max[2] = Math.max(vertices[k * 3 + 2], this.result.extent.max[2])
+ }
+ for (let k = 0; k < vertexCount; k++) {
+ this.result.buildingIds[this.result.verticesProcessed + k] = buildingId
+ }
+ this.result.verticesProcessed += vertexCount
+ for (let j = 0; j < triangles.length; j += 3) {
+ const idx = this.result.trianglesProcessed * 3
+ this.result.indexes[idx] = triangles[j] + lastVertex
+ this.result.indexes[idx + 1] = triangles[j + 1] + lastVertex
+ this.result.indexes[idx + 2] = triangles[j + 2] + lastVertex
+ this.result.trianglesProcessed += 1
+ }
+ this.result.buildingsProcessed += 1
+ }
+ private processHeader (chunk: Uint8Array): void {
+ const dataview = new DataView(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset, chunk.byteLength)
+ const version = `${chunk[0]}.${chunk[1]}.${chunk[2]}`
+ if (chunk[3] !== 0) throw new Error('Decoding data failed: invalid header')
+ const vertexCount = dataview.getUint32(4, true)
+ const triangleCount = dataview.getUint32(8, true)
+ const buildingCount = dataview.getUint32(12, true)
+ const indexCount = triangleCount * 3
+ console.log({ version, triangleCount, buildingCount, vertexCount, indexCount })
+ this.result = {
+ vertices: new Float32Array(vertexCount * 3),
+ indexes: new Uint32Array(indexCount),
+ buildingIds: new Uint32Array(vertexCount),
+ buildingsProcessed: 0,
+ trianglesProcessed: 0,
+ verticesProcessed: 0,
+ buildingCount,
+ triangleCount,
+ version,
+ extent: {
+ min: [Infinity, Infinity, Infinity],
+ max: [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public getCurrentResult (): Result | null {
+ return this.result
+ }
+function createGPUBuffer(
+ device: GPUDevice,
+ data: ArrayBuffer,
+ usageFlag: GPUBufferUsageFlags,
+ byteOffset = 0,
+ byteLength = data.byteLength
+) {
+ const buffer = device.createBuffer({
+ size: byteLength,
+ usage: usageFlag,
+ mappedAtCreation: true
+ })
+ new Uint8Array(buffer.getMappedRange()).set(
+ new Uint8Array(data, byteOffset, byteLength)
+ )
+ buffer.unmap()
+ return buffer
+async function setupWebGPU(canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement) {
+ if (!window.navigator.gpu) {
+ const message = `
+ Your current browser does not support WebGPU! Make sure you are on a system
+ with WebGPU enabled, e.g. Chrome or Safari (with the WebGPU flag enabled).
+ `
+ document.body.innerText = message
+ throw new Error(message)
+ }
+ const adapter = await window.navigator.gpu.requestAdapter()
+ if (!adapter) throw new Error('Failed to requestAdapter()')
+ const device = await adapter.requestDevice()
+ if (!device) throw new Error('Failed to requestDevice()')
+ if (!canvas) {
+ canvas = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('canvas'))
+ window.addEventListener('resize', fit(canvas, document.body, window.devicePixelRatio), false)
+ }
+ const context = canvas.getContext('webgpu')
+ if (!context) throw new Error('Failed to getContext("webgpu")')
+ context.configure({
+ device: device,
+ format: navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat(),
+ alphaMode: 'opaque'
+ })
+ return { device, context }
+function fit(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, parent: HTMLElement, scale = 1) {
+ const p = parent
+ canvas.style.position = canvas.style.position || 'absolute'
+ canvas.style.top = '0'
+ canvas.style.left = '0'
+ return resize()
+ function resize() {
+ let width = window.innerWidth
+ let height = window.innerHeight
+ if (p && p !== document.body) {
+ const bounds = p.getBoundingClientRect()
+ width = bounds.width
+ height = bounds.height
+ }
+ canvas.width = width * scale
+ canvas.height = height * scale
+ canvas.style.width = `${width}px`
+ canvas.style.height = `${height}px`
+ return resize
+ }
+type RoamingCameraOpts = {
+ canvas: HTMLCanvasElement
+ zoomSpeed: number
+ center: number[]
+ eye: number[]
+ getCameraPosition: () => { center: number[], height: number, distance: number, angle: number }
+ damping: number
+ stiffness: number
+ moveEveryNFrames?: number
+function createRoamingCamera(opts: RoamingCameraOpts) {
+ const { canvas, zoomSpeed, center, eye, getCameraPosition, damping, stiffness, moveEveryNFrames } = opts
+ let isRoaming = false
+ let frameCount = 0
+ canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', stopRoaming)
+ const camera = createCamera(canvas, {
+ zoomSpeed: zoomSpeed
+ })
+ const values = getAnimatingValues(eye, center)
+ const centerSpring = createSpring(stiffness, damping, center)
+ const heightSpring = createSpring(stiffness, damping, values.height)
+ const distanceSpring = createSpring(stiffness, damping, values.distance)
+ const angleSpring = createSpring(stiffness, damping, values.angle)
+ camera.lookAt(
+ eye,
+ center,
+ [0, 0, 1]
+ )
+ camera.tick()
+ setRandomCameraPosition()
+ function setRandomCameraPosition () {
+ const { center, height, distance, angle } = getCameraPosition()
+ centerSpring.setDestination(center)
+ heightSpring.setDestination(height)
+ distanceSpring.setDestination(distance)
+ angleSpring.setDestination(angle)
+ frameCount = 0
+ }
+ function tick (s?: number, d?: number) {
+ if (isRoaming) {
+ centerSpring.tick(s, d)
+ heightSpring.tick(s, d)
+ distanceSpring.tick(s, d)
+ angleSpring.tick(s, d)
+ const eye = getEyeFromAnimatingValues(
+ centerSpring.getCurrentValue(),
+ heightSpring.getCurrentValue(),
+ distanceSpring.getCurrentValue(),
+ angleSpring.getCurrentValue()
+ )
+ camera.lookAt(
+ eye,
+ centerSpring.getCurrentValue(),
+ [0, 0, 1]
+ )
+ frameCount += 1
+ if (moveEveryNFrames && frameCount >= moveEveryNFrames) {
+ setRandomCameraPosition()
+ }
+ }
+ camera.tick()
+ }
+ function getMatrix () {
+ return new Float32Array(camera.matrix)
+ }
+ function getCenter () {
+ return new Float32Array(camera.center)
+ }
+ function stopRoaming () {
+ isRoaming = false
+ frameCount = 0
+ }
+ function startRoaming () {
+ setSpringsToCurrentCameraValues()
+ setRandomCameraPosition()
+ isRoaming = true
+ }
+ function setSpringsToCurrentCameraValues () {
+ const values = getAnimatingValues(camera.eye, camera.center)
+ centerSpring.setDestination(camera.center, false)
+ heightSpring.setDestination(values.height, false)
+ distanceSpring.setDestination(values.distance, false)
+ angleSpring.setDestination(values.angle, false)
+ }
+ (window as any).camera = camera
+ return {
+ tick,
+ getMatrix,
+ getCenter,
+ startRoaming,
+ stopRoaming,
+ _camera: camera,
+ moveToNextPosition: () => {
+ if (isRoaming) setRandomCameraPosition()
+ else startRoaming()
+ }
+ }
+function getAnimatingValues(eye: number[], center: number[]): { height: number, distance: number, angle: number } {
+ const height = eye[2] - center[2]
+ const distance = vec2.dist([eye[0], eye[1]], [center[0], center[1]])
+ const angle = Math.atan2(eye[1] - center[1], eye[0] - center[0])
+ return { height, distance, angle }
+function getEyeFromAnimatingValues(center: number[], height: number, distance: number, angle: number): number[] {
+ return [
+ center[0] + Math.cos(angle) * distance,
+ center[1] + Math.sin(angle) * distance,
+ center[2] + height
+ ]
+function createPostProcessRenderer(device: GPUDevice) {
+ const shader = `
+ struct VertexOutput {
+ @builtin(position) position: vec4f,
+ @location(0) texCoord: vec2f,
+ }
+ @vertex
+ fn mainVertex(@builtin(vertex_index) VertexIndex: u32) -> VertexOutput {
+ var positions = array(
+ vec2f(-1, -1),
+ vec2f(-1, 1),
+ vec2f(1, -1),
+ vec2f(1, 1)
+ );
+ let p = positions[VertexIndex];
+ let c = (vec2f(0, 1) - (p * 0.5 + 0.5)) * vec2f(-1, 1);
+ var output: VertexOutput;
+ output.position = vec4f(p, 0, 1);
+ output.texCoord = c;
+ return output;
+ }
+ @group(0) @binding(0) var dimensions: vec2f;
+ @group(0) @binding(1) var texSampler: sampler;
+ @group(0) @binding(2) var tex: texture_2d;
+ @group(0) @binding(3) var depth: texture_depth_2d;
+ @fragment
+ fn mainFragment(@location(0) texCoord: vec2f) -> @location(0) vec4f {
+ var minValue = 1.0;
+ var maxValue = 0.0;
+ const radius = 1.0;
+ for (var x = -radius; x <= radius; x += 1.0) {
+ for (var y = -radius; y <= radius; y += 1.0) {
+ let sample: f32 = textureLoad(depth, vec2(texCoord * dimensions + vec2f(x, y)), 0);
+ if (sample < minValue) {
+ minValue = sample;
+ }
+ if (sample > maxValue) {
+ maxValue = sample;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let depth: f32 = textureLoad(depth, vec2(texCoord * dimensions), 0);
+ let color = textureSample(tex, texSampler, texCoord);
+ let diff = maxValue - minValue;
+ let a = mix(vec3f(0), color.rgb * 0.8, 1.0 - smoothstep(0.00001, 0.0001, diff));
+ let b = color.rgb * 1.5;
+ let c = mix(a, b, smoothstep(0.0000005, 0.000005, diff));
+ return vec4f(c, color.a);
+ }
+ `
+ const bindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ label: 'post-processing',
+ entries: [
+ {
+ binding: 0,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ buffer: {},
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 1,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ sampler: {},
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 2,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ texture: {},
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 3,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ texture: {
+ sampleType: 'depth' as const,
+ viewDimension: '2d' as const,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({ code: shader })
+ const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
+ label: 'post-processing',
+ layout: device.createPipelineLayout({
+ label: 'post-processing',
+ bindGroupLayouts: [bindGroupLayout],
+ }),
+ vertex: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainVertex',
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainFragment',
+ targets: [{ format: 'bgra8unorm' as const }]
+ },
+ primitive: {
+ topology: 'triangle-strip',
+ },
+ })
+ const sampler = device.createSampler({
+ magFilter: 'linear',
+ minFilter: 'linear',
+ })
+ const bindGroupsByTexture = new Map()
+ return function renderBg(renderPass: GPURenderPassEncoder, texture: GPUTexture, depthTexture: GPUTexture, dimensions: [number, number], offset: [number, number] = [0, 0]) {
+ if (!bindGroupsByTexture.has(texture)) {
+ const dimensionsData = new Float32Array(dimensions)
+ console.log('dimensions:', dimensionsData)
+ const dimensionsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, dimensionsData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM)
+ bindGroupsByTexture.set(texture, device.createBindGroup({
+ label: 'post-processing-bind-group',
+ layout: bindGroupLayout,
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: dimensionsBuffer } },
+ { binding: 1, resource: sampler },
+ { binding: 2, resource: texture.createView() },
+ { binding: 3, resource: depthTexture.createView() },
+ ]
+ }))
+ }
+ const bindGroup = bindGroupsByTexture.get(texture)!
+ renderPass.setPipeline(pipeline)
+ renderPass.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup)
+ renderPass.setViewport(offset[0], offset[1], dimensions[0], dimensions[1], 0, 1)
+ renderPass.draw(4)
+ }
diff --git a/sketches/2024.09.23-19.03.49.ts b/sketches/2024.09.23-19.03.49.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eabe80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sketches/2024.09.23-19.03.49.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1228 @@
+// WebGPU demo
+// NOTE: you must visit this on localhost or webgpu won't work
+ *
+ *
+ */
+import * as createCamera from '3d-view-controls'
+import { createSpring } from 'spring-animator'
+import { mat4, vec2 } from 'gl-matrix'
+import { GUI } from 'dat-gui'
+const BUILDINGS_DATA_URL = 'resources/data/nyc-buildings/lower-manhattan-sorted.bin'
+async function main() {
+ const { device, context } = await setupWebGPU()
+ const canvas = context.canvas as HTMLCanvasElement
+ const curTexture = context.getCurrentTexture()
+ let isCameraMoving = false
+ console.log('loading buildings data...')
+ const result = await getBuildingsData(BUILDINGS_DATA_URL)
+ const { data, extent } = result
+ console.log('building data loaded')
+ // add two empty vertices to the beginning and end of the index array
+ const indexesData = new Uint32Array(data.indexes.length + 4)
+ indexesData.set(data.indexes, 2)
+ const positionsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, data.positions.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE)
+ const indexesBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, indexesData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX)
+ const center = [
+ (extent.min[0] + extent.max[0]) / 2,
+ (extent.min[1] + extent.max[1]) / 2
+ ]
+ const cameraEye = [center[0] - 4, center[1], 70000]
+ const cameraCenter = [center[0], center[1], 0]
+ const settings = {
+ cameraDist: 20000,
+ stiffness: 0.0005,
+ damping: 0.04,
+ outlineAmount: 0.5,
+ outlineThresholdMin: 0.000001,
+ outlineThresholdMax: 0.000002,
+ inlineAmount: 0.1,
+ inlineThresholdMin: 1.2,
+ inlineThresholdMax: 2.5
+ }
+ const camera = createRoamingCamera({
+ zoomSpeed: 4,
+ canvas,
+ center: cameraCenter,
+ eye: cameraEye,
+ damping: settings.damping,
+ stiffness: settings.stiffness,
+ getCameraPosition: () => ({
+ center: [...center.map(v => v + (Math.random() - 0.5) * settings.cameraDist), Math.random() * 400],
+ height: Math.random() * 10000 + 500,
+ distance: Math.random() * 10000 + 1000,
+ angle: (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * Math.PI
+ })
+ })
+ let settingsChanged = false
+ const gui = new GUI()
+ gui.add(settings, 'cameraDist', 0, 100000).onChange(() => settingsChanged = true)
+ gui.add(settings, 'stiffness', 0, 0.001).step(0.0001).onChange(() => settingsChanged = true)
+ gui.add(settings, 'damping', 0, 0.1).step(0.01).onChange(() => settingsChanged = true)
+ gui.add(settings, 'outlineAmount', 0, 1).step(0.01).onChange(() => settingsChanged = true)
+ gui.add(settings, 'outlineThresholdMin', 0, 0.000001).step(0.0000001).onChange(() => settingsChanged = true)
+ gui.add(settings, 'outlineThresholdMax', 0, 0.00001).step(0.0000001).onChange(() => settingsChanged = true)
+ gui.add(settings, 'inlineAmount', 0, 1).step(0.01).onChange(() => settingsChanged = true)
+ gui.add(settings, 'inlineThresholdMin', 0, 10).step(0.1).onChange(() => settingsChanged = true)
+ gui.add(settings, 'inlineThresholdMax', 0, 10).step(0.1).onChange(() => settingsChanged = true)
+ gui.add({ next: () => camera.moveToNextPosition() }, 'next')
+ console.log('center', center)
+ const viewprojBindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [{
+ binding: 0, // viewproj
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.VERTEX | GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ buffer: {}
+ }]
+ })
+ const positionsBindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [{
+ binding: 1, // positions
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.VERTEX,
+ buffer: { type: 'read-only-storage' as const }
+ }]
+ })
+ // two mat4s = 32 floats
+ const viewprojData = new Float32Array(32)
+ const viewprojBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, viewprojData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST)
+ const viewprojBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: viewprojBindGroupLayout,
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: viewprojBuffer } }
+ ]
+ })
+ const positionsBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: positionsBindGroupLayout,
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 1, resource: { buffer: positionsBuffer } }
+ ]
+ })
+ const shader = `
+ struct Uniforms {
+ projection: mat4x4,
+ view: mat4x4
+ };
+ @group(0) @binding(0) var uniforms: Uniforms;
+ @group(1) @binding(1) var positions: array;
+ struct VertexOutput {
+ @builtin(position) position: vec4,
+ @location(0) color: vec4,
+ @location(1) @interpolate(flat) normal: vec3
+ };
+ fn getNormal(p1: vec3, p2: vec3, p3: vec3) -> vec3 {
+ let e1 = p2 - p1;
+ let e2 = p3 - p1;
+ return normalize(cross(e1, e2));
+ }
+ @vertex
+ fn mainVertex(
+ @location(0) idxA: u32,
+ @location(1) idxB: u32,
+ @location(2) idxC: u32,
+ @location(3) idxD: u32,
+ @location(4) idxE: u32,
+ @builtin(vertex_index) vertexIndex: u32
+ ) -> VertexOutput {
+ // 0th, 1st, or 2nd vertex of the triangle
+ let triIdx = vertexIndex % 3;
+ // get the three vertices of the triangle
+ let indices = array(idxA, idxB, idxC, idxD, idxE);
+ let p1Idx = indices[2 - triIdx];
+ let p2Idx = indices[3 - triIdx];
+ let p3Idx = indices[4 - triIdx];
+ let p1 = vec3f(positions[p1Idx * 3], positions[p1Idx * 3 + 1], positions[p1Idx * 3 + 2]);
+ let p2 = vec3f(positions[p2Idx * 3], positions[p2Idx * 3 + 1], positions[p2Idx * 3 + 2]);
+ let p3 = vec3f(positions[p3Idx * 3], positions[p3Idx * 3 + 1], positions[p3Idx * 3 + 2]);
+ var n = getNormal(p1, p2, p3);
+ let p = vec3f(positions[idxC * 3], positions[idxC * 3 + 1], positions[idxC * 3 + 2]);
+ let t = smoothstep(-40, 500, p.z);
+ var color = vec4f(0.4, 0.4, 0.55, 1) + vec4f(0.2, 0.3, 0.35, 0) * t;
+ var output: VertexOutput;
+ output.color = color;
+ output.position = uniforms.projection * uniforms.view * vec4(p, 1);
+ output.normal = n;
+ return output;
+ }
+ struct FragOutput {
+ @location(0) color: vec4,
+ @location(1) normal: vec4
+ };
+ @fragment
+ fn mainFragment(
+ @location(0) color: vec4,
+ @location(1) @interpolate(flat) normal: vec3
+ ) -> FragOutput {
+ var output: FragOutput;
+ output.color = vec4(color.rgb, 1);
+ output.normal = vec4(normal, 1);
+ return output;
+ }`
+ const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({ code: shader })
+ const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: device.createPipelineLayout({
+ bindGroupLayouts: [
+ viewprojBindGroupLayout,
+ positionsBindGroupLayout
+ ]
+ }),
+ vertex: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainVertex',
+ buffers: [
+ {
+ arrayStride: 4,
+ attributes: [{
+ shaderLocation: 0,
+ format: 'uint32' as GPUVertexFormat,
+ offset: 0
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ arrayStride: 4,
+ attributes: [{
+ shaderLocation: 1,
+ format: 'uint32' as GPUVertexFormat,
+ offset: 0
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ arrayStride: 4,
+ attributes: [{
+ shaderLocation: 2,
+ format: 'uint32' as GPUVertexFormat,
+ offset: 0
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ arrayStride: 4,
+ attributes: [{
+ shaderLocation: 3,
+ format: 'uint32' as GPUVertexFormat,
+ offset: 0
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ arrayStride: 4,
+ attributes: [{
+ shaderLocation: 4,
+ format: 'uint32' as GPUVertexFormat,
+ offset: 0
+ }]
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainFragment',
+ targets: [
+ { format: 'bgra8unorm' as const },
+ { format: 'bgra8unorm' as const }
+ ]
+ },
+ primitive: {
+ topology: 'triangle-list',
+ // frontFace: 'ccw',
+ // cullMode: 'back'
+ },
+ depthStencil: {
+ format: 'depth24plus',
+ depthWriteEnabled: true,
+ depthCompare: 'less'
+ }
+ })
+ let projMatrix = mat4.create()
+ const indexGroupCount = 2000
+ const indexGroups = getIndexGroups(indexGroupCount, result.data.positions, result.data.indexes)
+ const culler = createGpuCuller(device, indexGroups, viewprojBindGroupLayout)
+ const indirectBuffer = culler.indirectDrawParamsBuffer
+ const mainRenderBundleEncoder = device.createRenderBundleEncoder({
+ colorFormats: ['bgra8unorm' as const, 'bgra8unorm' as const],
+ depthStencilFormat: 'depth24plus' as const
+ })
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setPipeline(pipeline)
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setBindGroup(0, viewprojBindGroup)
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setBindGroup(1, positionsBindGroup)
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setVertexBuffer(0, indexesBuffer)
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setVertexBuffer(1, indexesBuffer, 4)
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setVertexBuffer(2, indexesBuffer, 8)
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setVertexBuffer(3, indexesBuffer, 12)
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.setVertexBuffer(4, indexesBuffer, 16)
+ for (let i = 0; i < indexGroupCount; i++) {
+ mainRenderBundleEncoder.drawIndirect(indirectBuffer, 16 * i)
+ }
+ const mainRenderBundle = mainRenderBundleEncoder.finish()
+ const prepassTexture = device.createTexture({
+ label: 'prepassTexture',
+ size: { width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height },
+ format: 'bgra8unorm',
+ })
+ const prepassNormalTexture = device.createTexture({
+ label: 'prepassNormalTexture',
+ size: { width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height },
+ format: 'bgra8unorm',
+ })
+ const prepassDepthTexture = device.createTexture({
+ label: 'prepassDepthTexture',
+ size: { width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height },
+ format: 'depth24plus',
+ })
+ const postProcessRender = createPostProcessRenderer(device)
+ requestAnimationFrame(function loop() {
+ const { width, height } = canvas // using canvas width/height because on safari the width/height of the texture doesn't seem to update when resizing
+ camera._camera.up = [0, 0, 1]
+ camera.tick(settings.stiffness, settings.damping)
+ mat4.perspective(projMatrix, Math.PI / 8, width / height, 1, 1000000)
+ const view = camera.getMatrix()
+ isCameraMoving = !mat4.equals(viewprojData.subarray(16), view) || !mat4.equals(viewprojData, projMatrix)
+ const isDirty = isCameraMoving || settingsChanged
+ settingsChanged = false
+ if (isDirty) {
+ console.log('rendering')
+ viewprojData.set(projMatrix, 0)
+ viewprojData.set(view, 16)
+ device.queue.writeBuffer(viewprojBuffer, 0, viewprojData, 0, viewprojData.length)
+ const curTexture = context.getCurrentTexture()
+ const curTextureView = curTexture.createView()
+ const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder()
+ culler.cullGroups(commandEncoder, viewprojBindGroup)
+ const prepassRenderPass = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [
+ {
+ view: prepassTexture.createView(),
+ clearValue: { r: 0.02, g: 0, b: 0.1, a: 1 },
+ loadOp: 'clear' as const,
+ storeOp: 'store' as const
+ },
+ {
+ view: prepassNormalTexture.createView(),
+ clearValue: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 },
+ loadOp: 'clear' as const,
+ storeOp: 'store' as const
+ }
+ ],
+ depthStencilAttachment: {
+ view: prepassDepthTexture.createView(),
+ depthClearValue: 1.0,
+ depthLoadOp: 'clear',
+ depthStoreOp: 'store'
+ }
+ })
+ prepassRenderPass.executeBundles([mainRenderBundle])
+ prepassRenderPass.end()
+ const postRenderPass = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [{
+ view: curTextureView,
+ loadOp: 'load' as const,
+ storeOp: 'store' as const
+ }]
+ })
+ const { outlineAmount, outlineThresholdMin, outlineThresholdMax, inlineAmount, inlineThresholdMin, inlineThresholdMax } = settings
+ const inlineOutlineSettings: InlineOutlineVals = { outlineAmount, outlineThresholdMin, outlineThresholdMax, inlineAmount, inlineThresholdMin, inlineThresholdMax }
+ postProcessRender(postRenderPass, prepassTexture, prepassNormalTexture, prepassDepthTexture, inlineOutlineSettings, [canvas.width, canvas.height], [0, 0])
+ postRenderPass.end()
+ device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()])
+ }
+ requestAnimationFrame(loop)
+ })
+function createGpuCuller(device: GPUDevice, indexGroups: IndexGroup[], viewProjBindGroupLayout: GPUBindGroupLayout) {
+ const indirectDrawParams = new Uint32Array(4 * indexGroups.length)
+ const bBoxData = new Float32Array(indexGroups.length * 8) // minxyz_, maxxyz_
+ const indexGroupDrawData = new Uint32Array(indexGroups.length) // indexCount
+ let i = 0
+ for (const indexGroup of indexGroups) {
+ indirectDrawParams[i * 4] = indexGroup.indexCount // vertexCount
+ indirectDrawParams[i * 4 + 1] = 1 // instanceCount
+ indirectDrawParams[i * 4 + 2] = indexGroup.indexOffset // firstVertex
+ bBoxData.set(indexGroup.min, i * 8)
+ bBoxData.set(indexGroup.max, i * 8 + 4)
+ indexGroupDrawData[i] = indexGroup.indexCount
+ i++
+ }
+ // mainRenderBundleEncoder.drawIndexed(indexCount, instanceCount, firstIndex, baseVertex, firstInstance)
+ // mainRenderBundleEncoder.draw(vertexCount, instanceCount, firstVertex, firstInstance)
+ const bBoxBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, bBoxData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE)
+ const indexGroupDrawBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, indexGroupDrawData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE)
+ const indirectDrawParamsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, indirectDrawParams.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.INDIRECT)
+ const shader = `
+ struct Box {
+ min: vec3,
+ max: vec3,
+ }
+ struct Plane {
+ normal: vec3,
+ distance: f32,
+ }
+ fn get_plane(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, w: f32) -> Plane {
+ let normal = vec3(x, y, z);
+ let inverse_normal_length = 1.0 / length(normal);
+ return Plane(
+ normal * inverse_normal_length,
+ w * inverse_normal_length
+ );
+ }
+ fn get_planes(m: mat4x4) -> array {
+ return array(
+ // right
+ get_plane(m[0][3] - m[0][0], m[1][3] - m[1][0], m[2][3] - m[2][0], m[3][3] - m[3][0]),
+ // left
+ get_plane(m[0][3] + m[0][0], m[1][3] + m[1][0], m[2][3] + m[2][0], m[3][3] + m[3][0]),
+ // bottom
+ get_plane(m[0][3] + m[0][1], m[1][3] + m[1][1], m[2][3] + m[2][1], m[3][3] + m[3][1]),
+ // top
+ get_plane(m[0][3] - m[0][1], m[1][3] - m[1][1], m[2][3] - m[2][1], m[3][3] - m[3][1]),
+ // z-far
+ get_plane(m[0][3] - m[0][2], m[1][3] - m[1][2], m[2][3] - m[2][2], m[3][3] - m[3][2]),
+ // z-near
+ get_plane(m[0][3] + m[0][2], m[1][3] + m[1][2], m[2][3] + m[2][2], m[3][3] + m[3][2])
+ );
+ }
+ fn distance_to_point(plane: Plane, p: vec3) -> f32 {
+ return dot(plane.normal, p) + plane.distance;
+ }
+ fn intersects_box(matrix: mat4x4, box: Box) -> bool {
+ let planes = get_planes(matrix);
+ for (var i: u32 = 0u; i < 6u; i++) {
+ let plane = planes[i];
+ // corner at max distance
+ let p = vec3(
+ select(box.min.x, box.max.x, plane.normal.x > 0.0),
+ select(box.min.y, box.max.y, plane.normal.y > 0.0),
+ select(box.min.z, box.max.z, plane.normal.z > 0.0)
+ );
+ if (distance_to_point(plane, p) < 0.0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ struct InputBbox {
+ min: vec4,
+ max: vec4,
+ };
+ struct Uniforms {
+ projection: mat4x4,
+ view: mat4x4
+ };
+ @group(0) @binding(0) var uniforms: Uniforms;
+ @group(1) @binding(1) var indexCounts: array;
+ @group(1) @binding(2) var boxes: array;
+ @group(1) @binding(3) var results: array;
+ @compute @workgroup_size(64)
+ fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3) {
+ let index = global_id.x;
+ if (index >= arrayLength(&boxes)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let matrix = uniforms.projection * uniforms.view;
+ let box = boxes[index];
+ let indexCount = indexCounts[index];
+ let isVisible = intersects_box(matrix, Box(box.min.xyz, box.max.xyz));
+ results[index * 4] = select(0u, indexCount, isVisible);
+ }
+ `
+ const indexGroupsBindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [
+ {
+ binding: 1,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ buffer: { type: 'read-only-storage' as const }
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 2,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ buffer: { type: 'read-only-storage' as const }
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 3,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ buffer: { type: 'storage' as const }
+ }
+ ]
+ })
+ const computePipeline = device.createComputePipeline({
+ layout: device.createPipelineLayout({
+ bindGroupLayouts: [viewProjBindGroupLayout, indexGroupsBindGroupLayout]
+ }),
+ compute: {
+ module: device.createShaderModule({ code: shader }),
+ entryPoint: 'main'
+ }
+ })
+ const indexGroupsBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: indexGroupsBindGroupLayout,
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 1, resource: { buffer: indexGroupDrawBuffer } },
+ { binding: 2, resource: { buffer: bBoxBuffer } },
+ { binding: 3, resource: { buffer: indirectDrawParamsBuffer } }
+ ]
+ })
+ function cullGroups(commandEncoder: GPUCommandEncoder, viewProjBindGroup: GPUBindGroup) {
+ const computePass = commandEncoder.beginComputePass()
+ computePass.setPipeline(computePipeline)
+ computePass.setBindGroup(0, viewProjBindGroup)
+ computePass.setBindGroup(1, indexGroupsBindGroup)
+ computePass.dispatchWorkgroups(Math.ceil(indexGroups.length / 64))
+ computePass.end()
+ }
+ return { cullGroups, indirectDrawParamsBuffer }
+type IndexGroup = {
+ indexCount: number
+ indexOffset: number
+ min: [number, number, number]
+ max: [number, number, number]
+function getIndexGroups(groupCount: number, vertices: Float32Array, indexes: Uint32Array): IndexGroup[] {
+ const indexCountPerDraw = Math.ceil(indexes.length / groupCount / 3) * 3
+ const indexGroups = new Array()
+ let indexOffset = 0
+ for (let i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) {
+ const indexCount = Math.min(indexCountPerDraw, indexes.length - indexOffset)
+ const min: [number, number, number] = [Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]
+ const max: [number, number, number] = [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]
+ for (let j = 0; j < indexCount; j++) {
+ const idx = indexes[indexOffset + j] * 3
+ min[0] = Math.min(min[0], vertices[idx])
+ min[1] = Math.min(min[1], vertices[idx + 1])
+ min[2] = Math.min(min[2], vertices[idx + 2])
+ max[0] = Math.max(max[0], vertices[idx])
+ max[1] = Math.max(max[1], vertices[idx + 1])
+ max[2] = Math.max(max[2], vertices[idx + 2])
+ }
+ indexGroups.push({ indexCount, indexOffset, min, max })
+ indexOffset += indexCountPerDraw
+ }
+ return indexGroups
+// buildings data streamer
+type BuildingsData = {
+ indexCount: number
+ extent: {
+ min: [number, number, number]
+ max: [number, number, number]
+ }
+ data: {
+ positions: Float32Array
+ indexes: Uint32Array
+ }
+export const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES = 268435456 // 256MiB
+export const MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = Math.floor(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES / 4 / 3 / 32) * 3
+if (MAX_ARRAY_SIZE % 3 !== 0) throw new Error('Array size is not divisible by 3, which is required for triangle lists')
+async function getBuildingsData (url: string): Promise {
+ const response = await fetch(url)
+ if (!response.body) {
+ throw new Error('Unable to fetch data. No response.body.')
+ }
+ const decoder = new StreamDecoder()
+ const reader = response.body.getReader()
+ while (true) {
+ const result = await reader.read()
+ if (result?.value) decoder.onChunk(result.value)
+ if (result.done) break
+ }
+ const { vertices, buildingIds, indexes, buildingCount, triangleCount, version, extent } = decoder.getCurrentResult()!
+ const positionsSample = vertices.slice(0, 18)
+ const indexSample = indexes.slice(0, 9)
+ const buildingIdsSample = buildingIds.slice(0, 18)
+ console.log({ buildingCount, triangleCount, version, positionsSample, indexSample, buildingIdsSample })
+ return {
+ indexCount: triangleCount * 3,
+ extent,
+ data: {
+ positions: vertices,
+ indexes
+ }
+ }
+Client-side code for decoding the following data format in Uint8 chunks.
+const decoder = new StreamDecoder()
+decoder.onChunk(uint8Array) // call on every chunk (whether loading from a Socket or a BodyReader stream, etc)
+const result: Result = decoder.getCurrentResult()
+decoder.done // this will be true when all data expected from the header is done processing
+Data format (v0.1.0):
+---- HEADER ----
+version major - u8
+version minor - u8
+version patch - u8
+empty - u8
+vertexCount - uint32
+triangleCount - uint32
+buildingCount - uint32
+buildingByteLength - uint32
+buildingId - uint32
+vertexCount - uint32
+vertexA - float32x3
+vertexB - float32x3
+triangleCount - uint32
+triA - uint8x3 (or uint16x3 if vertexCount > 255)
+triB - uint8x3 (or uint16x3 if vertexCount > 255)
+Possible padding here to make this list align to 4bytes
+repeat with next building
+type Result = {
+ vertices: Float32Array
+ indexes: Uint32Array
+ buildingIds: Uint32Array
+ buildingsProcessed: number
+ trianglesProcessed: number
+ verticesProcessed: number
+ buildingCount: number
+ triangleCount: number
+ version: string
+ extent: {
+ min: [number, number, number]
+ max: [number, number, number]
+ }
+const HEADER_SIZE = 16
+class StreamDecoder {
+ private result: Result | null = null
+ private leftoverChunk: Uint8Array | null = null
+ public done: Boolean = false
+ public onChunk (chunk: Uint8Array): void {
+ chunk = this.mergeWithLeftoverChunk(chunk)
+ const needsHeader = this.result === null
+ if (needsHeader) {
+ if (chunk.length < HEADER_SIZE) {
+ this.leftoverChunk = chunk.slice() // TODO: DO I NEED TO COPY THIS?
+ return
+ }
+ this.processHeader(new Uint8Array(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset, HEADER_SIZE))
+ chunk = new Uint8Array(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset + HEADER_SIZE)
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ if (chunk.length === 0) break
+ const dataview = new DataView(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset)
+ const buildingByteLength = dataview.getUint32(0, true)
+ // see if this chunk contains the data for the entire building (minus 4 bytes for the
+ // buildingByteLength uint32 - which isn't included in the count)
+ // if not, then stick all of it in the leftoverChunk and try again on the next tick
+ if (chunk.length < buildingByteLength + 4) {
+ this.leftoverChunk = chunk.slice() // TODO: DO I NEED TO COPY THIS?
+ break
+ }
+ this.processBuilding(new Uint8Array(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset + 4, buildingByteLength))
+ chunk = new Uint8Array(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset + 4 + buildingByteLength)
+ }
+ if (this.result && this.result.buildingsProcessed === this.result.buildingCount) {
+ this.done = true
+ if (chunk.length !== 0) throw new Error('Decoding data failed: processed all buildings with data left over')
+ }
+ }
+ private mergeWithLeftoverChunk (chunk: Uint8Array): Uint8Array {
+ if (!this.leftoverChunk || this.leftoverChunk.length === 0) {
+ return chunk
+ }
+ const newChunk = new Uint8Array(this.leftoverChunk.length + chunk.length)
+ newChunk.set(this.leftoverChunk, 0)
+ newChunk.set(chunk, this.leftoverChunk.length)
+ this.leftoverChunk = null
+ return newChunk
+ }
+ private processBuilding (chunk: Uint8Array): void {
+ if (!this.result) throw new Error('Decoding data failed: tried processing building before header')
+ const dataview = new DataView(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset, chunk.byteLength)
+ let i = 0
+ const buildingId = dataview.getUint32(i, true)
+ const vertexCount = dataview.getUint32(i + 4, true)
+ const vertices = new Float32Array(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset + 8, vertexCount * 3)
+ i += 8 + vertices.byteLength
+ const triangleCount = dataview.getUint32(i, true)
+ i += 4
+ const TypedArray = vertexCount > 255 ? Uint16Array : Uint8Array
+ const triangles = new TypedArray(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset + i, triangleCount * 3)
+ const triangleListInBytes = TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * triangleCount * 3
+ const expectedPadding = (4 - triangleListInBytes % 4) % 4
+ // the chunk should have been completely consumed after the list of triangles + expectedPadding
+ if (chunk.byteLength !== i + triangles.byteLength + expectedPadding) {
+ throw new Error('Decoding data failed: building data has leftover bytes after processing')
+ }
+ const lastVertex = this.result.verticesProcessed
+ const lastVertexIdx = lastVertex * 3
+ this.result.vertices.set(vertices, lastVertexIdx)
+ for (let k = 0; k < vertexCount; k++) {
+ this.result.extent.min[0] = Math.min(vertices[k * 3], this.result.extent.min[0])
+ this.result.extent.min[1] = Math.min(vertices[k * 3 + 1], this.result.extent.min[1])
+ this.result.extent.min[2] = Math.min(vertices[k * 3 + 2], this.result.extent.min[2])
+ this.result.extent.max[0] = Math.max(vertices[k * 3], this.result.extent.max[0])
+ this.result.extent.max[1] = Math.max(vertices[k * 3 + 1], this.result.extent.max[1])
+ this.result.extent.max[2] = Math.max(vertices[k * 3 + 2], this.result.extent.max[2])
+ }
+ for (let k = 0; k < vertexCount; k++) {
+ this.result.buildingIds[this.result.verticesProcessed + k] = buildingId
+ }
+ this.result.verticesProcessed += vertexCount
+ for (let j = 0; j < triangles.length; j += 3) {
+ const idx = this.result.trianglesProcessed * 3
+ this.result.indexes[idx] = triangles[j] + lastVertex
+ this.result.indexes[idx + 1] = triangles[j + 1] + lastVertex
+ this.result.indexes[idx + 2] = triangles[j + 2] + lastVertex
+ this.result.trianglesProcessed += 1
+ }
+ this.result.buildingsProcessed += 1
+ }
+ private processHeader (chunk: Uint8Array): void {
+ const dataview = new DataView(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset, chunk.byteLength)
+ const version = `${chunk[0]}.${chunk[1]}.${chunk[2]}`
+ if (chunk[3] !== 0) throw new Error('Decoding data failed: invalid header')
+ const vertexCount = dataview.getUint32(4, true)
+ const triangleCount = dataview.getUint32(8, true)
+ const buildingCount = dataview.getUint32(12, true)
+ const indexCount = triangleCount * 3
+ console.log({ version, triangleCount, buildingCount, vertexCount, indexCount })
+ this.result = {
+ vertices: new Float32Array(vertexCount * 3),
+ indexes: new Uint32Array(indexCount),
+ buildingIds: new Uint32Array(vertexCount),
+ buildingsProcessed: 0,
+ trianglesProcessed: 0,
+ verticesProcessed: 0,
+ buildingCount,
+ triangleCount,
+ version,
+ extent: {
+ min: [Infinity, Infinity, Infinity],
+ max: [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public getCurrentResult (): Result | null {
+ return this.result
+ }
+function createGPUBuffer(
+ device: GPUDevice,
+ data: ArrayBuffer & { buffer?: never }, // make sure this is NOT a TypedArray
+ usageFlag: GPUBufferUsageFlags,
+ byteOffset = 0,
+ byteLength = data.byteLength
+) {
+ const buffer = device.createBuffer({
+ size: byteLength,
+ usage: usageFlag,
+ mappedAtCreation: true
+ })
+ new Uint8Array(buffer.getMappedRange()).set(
+ new Uint8Array(data, byteOffset, byteLength)
+ )
+ buffer.unmap()
+ return buffer
+async function setupWebGPU(canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement) {
+ if (!window.navigator.gpu) {
+ const message = `
+ Your current browser does not support WebGPU! Make sure you are on a system
+ with WebGPU enabled, e.g. Chrome or Safari (with the WebGPU flag enabled).
+ `
+ document.body.innerText = message
+ throw new Error(message)
+ }
+ const adapter = await window.navigator.gpu.requestAdapter()
+ if (!adapter) throw new Error('Failed to requestAdapter()')
+ const device = await adapter.requestDevice()
+ if (!device) throw new Error('Failed to requestDevice()')
+ if (!canvas) {
+ canvas = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('canvas'))
+ window.addEventListener('resize', fit(canvas, document.body, window.devicePixelRatio), false)
+ }
+ const context = canvas.getContext('webgpu')
+ if (!context) throw new Error('Failed to getContext("webgpu")')
+ context.configure({
+ device: device,
+ format: navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat(),
+ alphaMode: 'opaque'
+ })
+ return { device, context }
+function fit(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, parent: HTMLElement, scale = 1) {
+ const p = parent
+ canvas.style.position = canvas.style.position || 'absolute'
+ canvas.style.top = '0'
+ canvas.style.left = '0'
+ return resize()
+ function resize() {
+ let width = window.innerWidth
+ let height = window.innerHeight
+ if (p && p !== document.body) {
+ const bounds = p.getBoundingClientRect()
+ width = bounds.width
+ height = bounds.height
+ }
+ canvas.width = width * scale
+ canvas.height = height * scale
+ canvas.style.width = `${width}px`
+ canvas.style.height = `${height}px`
+ return resize
+ }
+type RoamingCameraOpts = {
+ canvas: HTMLCanvasElement
+ zoomSpeed: number
+ center: number[]
+ eye: number[]
+ getCameraPosition: () => { center: number[], height: number, distance: number, angle: number }
+ damping: number
+ stiffness: number
+ moveEveryNFrames?: number
+function createRoamingCamera(opts: RoamingCameraOpts) {
+ const { canvas, zoomSpeed, center, eye, getCameraPosition, damping, stiffness, moveEveryNFrames } = opts
+ let isRoaming = false
+ let frameCount = 0
+ canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', stopRoaming)
+ const camera = createCamera(canvas, {
+ zoomSpeed: zoomSpeed
+ })
+ const values = getAnimatingValues(eye, center)
+ const centerSpring = createSpring(stiffness, damping, center)
+ const heightSpring = createSpring(stiffness, damping, values.height)
+ const distanceSpring = createSpring(stiffness, damping, values.distance)
+ const angleSpring = createSpring(stiffness, damping, values.angle)
+ camera.lookAt(
+ eye,
+ center,
+ [0, 0, 1]
+ )
+ camera.tick()
+ setRandomCameraPosition()
+ function setRandomCameraPosition () {
+ const { center, height, distance, angle } = getCameraPosition()
+ centerSpring.setDestination(center)
+ heightSpring.setDestination(height)
+ distanceSpring.setDestination(distance)
+ angleSpring.setDestination(angle)
+ frameCount = 0
+ }
+ function tick (s?: number, d?: number) {
+ if (isRoaming) {
+ centerSpring.tick(s, d)
+ heightSpring.tick(s, d)
+ distanceSpring.tick(s, d)
+ angleSpring.tick(s, d)
+ const eye = getEyeFromAnimatingValues(
+ centerSpring.getCurrentValue(),
+ heightSpring.getCurrentValue(),
+ distanceSpring.getCurrentValue(),
+ angleSpring.getCurrentValue()
+ )
+ camera.lookAt(
+ eye,
+ centerSpring.getCurrentValue(),
+ [0, 0, 1]
+ )
+ frameCount += 1
+ if (moveEveryNFrames && frameCount >= moveEveryNFrames) {
+ setRandomCameraPosition()
+ }
+ }
+ camera.tick()
+ }
+ function getMatrix () {
+ return new Float32Array(camera.matrix)
+ }
+ function getCenter () {
+ return new Float32Array(camera.center)
+ }
+ function stopRoaming () {
+ isRoaming = false
+ frameCount = 0
+ }
+ function startRoaming () {
+ setSpringsToCurrentCameraValues()
+ setRandomCameraPosition()
+ isRoaming = true
+ }
+ function setSpringsToCurrentCameraValues () {
+ const values = getAnimatingValues(camera.eye, camera.center)
+ centerSpring.setDestination(camera.center, false)
+ heightSpring.setDestination(values.height, false)
+ distanceSpring.setDestination(values.distance, false)
+ angleSpring.setDestination(values.angle, false)
+ }
+ (window as any).camera = camera
+ return {
+ tick,
+ getMatrix,
+ getCenter,
+ startRoaming,
+ stopRoaming,
+ _camera: camera,
+ moveToNextPosition: () => {
+ if (isRoaming) setRandomCameraPosition()
+ else startRoaming()
+ }
+ }
+function getAnimatingValues(eye: number[], center: number[]): { height: number, distance: number, angle: number } {
+ const height = eye[2] - center[2]
+ const distance = vec2.dist([eye[0], eye[1]], [center[0], center[1]])
+ const angle = Math.atan2(eye[1] - center[1], eye[0] - center[0])
+ return { height, distance, angle }
+function getEyeFromAnimatingValues(center: number[], height: number, distance: number, angle: number): number[] {
+ return [
+ center[0] + Math.cos(angle) * distance,
+ center[1] + Math.sin(angle) * distance,
+ center[2] + height
+ ]
+function createPostProcessRenderer(device: GPUDevice) {
+ const shader = `
+ struct VertexOutput {
+ @builtin(position) position: vec4f,
+ @location(0) texCoord: vec2f,
+ }
+ @vertex
+ fn mainVertex(@builtin(vertex_index) VertexIndex: u32) -> VertexOutput {
+ var positions = array(
+ vec2f(-1, -1),
+ vec2f(-1, 1),
+ vec2f(1, -1),
+ vec2f(1, 1)
+ );
+ let p = positions[VertexIndex];
+ let c = (vec2f(0, 1) - (p * 0.5 + 0.5)) * vec2f(-1, 1);
+ var output: VertexOutput;
+ output.position = vec4f(p, 0, 1);
+ output.texCoord = c;
+ return output;
+ }
+ struct InlineOutlineVals {
+ outlineAmount: f32,
+ outlineThresholdMin: f32,
+ outlineThresholdMax: f32,
+ inlineAmount: f32,
+ inlineThresholdMin: f32,
+ inlineThresholdMax: f32,
+ }
+ @group(0) @binding(0) var dimensions: vec2f;
+ @group(0) @binding(1) var texSampler: sampler;
+ @group(0) @binding(2) var tex: texture_2d;
+ @group(0) @binding(3) var normalTex: texture_2d;
+ @group(0) @binding(4) var depthTex: texture_depth_2d;
+ @group(1) @binding(5) var inlineOutlineVals: InlineOutlineVals;
+ @fragment
+ fn mainFragment(@location(0) texCoord: vec2f) -> @location(0) vec4f {
+ let normal = textureSample(normalTex, texSampler, texCoord);
+ var normalDelta = vec3f(0);
+ var minDepthValue = 1.0;
+ var maxDepthValue = 0.0;
+ const radius = 1.0;
+ for (var x = -radius; x <= radius; x += 1.0) {
+ for (var y = -radius; y <= radius; y += 1.0) {
+ let normalSample = textureSample(normalTex, texSampler, texCoord + vec2f(x, y) / dimensions);
+ let sample: f32 = textureLoad(depthTex, vec2(texCoord * dimensions + vec2f(x, y)), 0);
+ if (sample < minDepthValue) {
+ minDepthValue = sample;
+ }
+ if (sample > maxDepthValue) {
+ maxDepthValue = sample;
+ }
+ normalDelta += abs(normalSample.xyz - normal.xyz);
+ }
+ }
+ let depth: f32 = textureLoad(depthTex, vec2(texCoord * dimensions), 0);
+ let color = textureSample(tex, texSampler, texCoord);
+ let diff = maxDepthValue - minDepthValue;
+ let normalDiff = length(normalDelta);
+ let MIN_MULT = 0.85;
+ let OUTLINE_AMOUNT = inlineOutlineVals.outlineAmount;
+ let OUTLINE_THRESHOLD_MIN = inlineOutlineVals.outlineThresholdMin;
+ let OUTLINE_THRESHOLD_MAX = inlineOutlineVals.outlineThresholdMax;
+ let outlined = color.rgb * mix(MIN_MULT, MIN_MULT + OUTLINE_AMOUNT, smoothstep(OUTLINE_THRESHOLD_MIN, OUTLINE_THRESHOLD_MAX, diff));
+ let INLINE_AMOUNT = inlineOutlineVals.inlineAmount;
+ let INLINE_THRESHOLD_MIN = inlineOutlineVals.inlineThresholdMin;
+ let INLINE_THRESHOLD_MAX = inlineOutlineVals.inlineThresholdMax;
+ let inlined = mix(outlined, outlined + vec3f(INLINE_AMOUNT), smoothstep(INLINE_THRESHOLD_MIN, INLINE_THRESHOLD_MAX, normalDiff));
+ return vec4f(inlined, color.a);
+ }
+ `
+ const bindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ label: 'post-processing',
+ entries: [
+ {
+ binding: 0,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ buffer: {},
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 1,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ sampler: {},
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 2,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ texture: {},
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 3,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ texture: {},
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 4,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ texture: {
+ sampleType: 'depth' as const,
+ viewDimension: '2d' as const,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ });
+ const inlineOutlineBindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ label: 'post-processing-inline-outline-vals',
+ entries: [
+ {
+ binding: 5,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ buffer: {},
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({ code: shader })
+ const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
+ label: 'post-processing',
+ layout: device.createPipelineLayout({
+ label: 'post-processing',
+ bindGroupLayouts: [bindGroupLayout, inlineOutlineBindGroupLayout],
+ }),
+ vertex: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainVertex',
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainFragment',
+ targets: [{ format: 'bgra8unorm' as const }]
+ },
+ primitive: {
+ topology: 'triangle-strip',
+ },
+ })
+ const sampler = device.createSampler({
+ magFilter: 'linear',
+ minFilter: 'linear',
+ })
+ const inlineOutlineValsData = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
+ const inlineOutlineBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, inlineOutlineValsData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST)
+ const inlineOutlineValsBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
+ label: 'post-processing-inline-outline-vals-bind-group',
+ layout: inlineOutlineBindGroupLayout,
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 5, resource: { buffer: inlineOutlineBuffer } },
+ ]
+ })
+ const bindGroupsByTexture = new Map()
+ return function renderBg(renderPass: GPURenderPassEncoder, texture: GPUTexture, normalTexture: GPUTexture, depthTexture: GPUTexture, inlineOutlineVals: InlineOutlineVals, dimensions: [number, number], offset: [number, number] = [0, 0]) {
+ if (!bindGroupsByTexture.has(texture)) {
+ const dimensionsData = new Float32Array(dimensions)
+ console.log('dimensions:', dimensionsData)
+ const dimensionsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, dimensionsData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM)
+ bindGroupsByTexture.set(texture, device.createBindGroup({
+ label: 'post-processing-bind-group',
+ layout: bindGroupLayout,
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: dimensionsBuffer } },
+ { binding: 1, resource: sampler },
+ { binding: 2, resource: texture.createView() },
+ { binding: 3, resource: normalTexture.createView() },
+ { binding: 4, resource: depthTexture.createView() },
+ ]
+ }))
+ }
+ const bindGroup = bindGroupsByTexture.get(texture)!
+ inlineOutlineValsData[0] = inlineOutlineVals.outlineAmount
+ inlineOutlineValsData[1] = inlineOutlineVals.outlineThresholdMin
+ inlineOutlineValsData[2] = inlineOutlineVals.outlineThresholdMax
+ inlineOutlineValsData[3] = inlineOutlineVals.inlineAmount
+ inlineOutlineValsData[4] = inlineOutlineVals.inlineThresholdMin
+ inlineOutlineValsData[5] = inlineOutlineVals.inlineThresholdMax
+ device.queue.writeBuffer(inlineOutlineBuffer, 0, inlineOutlineValsData)
+ renderPass.setPipeline(pipeline)
+ renderPass.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup)
+ renderPass.setBindGroup(1, inlineOutlineValsBindGroup)
+ renderPass.setViewport(offset[0], offset[1], dimensions[0], dimensions[1], 0, 1)
+ renderPass.draw(4)
+ }
+type InlineOutlineVals = {
+ outlineAmount: number
+ outlineThresholdMin: number
+ outlineThresholdMax: number
+ inlineAmount: number
+ inlineThresholdMin: number
+ inlineThresholdMax: number
diff --git a/sketches/2024.10.06-20.20.46.ts b/sketches/2024.10.06-20.20.46.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4868aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sketches/2024.10.06-20.20.46.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+// WebGPU demo
+// NOTE: you must visit this on localhost or webgpu won't work
+import { createSpring } from 'spring-animator'
+import { vec2 } from 'gl-matrix'
+import { GUI } from 'dat-gui'
+import * as Delaunator from 'delaunator'
+async function main() {
+ const { device, context } = await setupWebGPU()
+ const settings = {}
+ const gui = new GUI()
+ const pts: [number, number][] = [
+ // [-1, -1],
+ // [-1, 1],
+ // [1, -1],
+ // [1, 1],
+ ]
+ const colors: [number, number, number, number][] = [
+ // [0, 0, 0, 1],
+ // [0, 0, 0, 1],
+ // [0, 0, 0, 1],
+ // [0, 0, 0, 1],
+ ]
+ let aspect = context.canvas.width / context.canvas.height
+ const ptCountWidth = 20 // of width
+ const ptCountHeight = Math.round(ptCountWidth / aspect)
+ for (let i = 0; i <= ptCountWidth; i++) {
+ for (let j = 0; j <= ptCountHeight; j++) {
+ const offset = i % 2 === 0 ? 0 : (2 / (ptCountHeight - 1) / 2)
+ pts.push([i / ptCountWidth * 2 - 1, j / ptCountHeight * 2 - 1 + offset])
+ // colors.push([Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.5, Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.5, Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.5, 1])
+ colors.push(Math.random() < 0.5 ? [Math.random() * 0.2 * 5, Math.random() * 0.1 * 5, Math.random() * 0.3 * 5, 1] : [0, 0, 0, 1])
+ }
+ }
+ const ptsData = new Float32Array(flatten(pts))
+ const ptsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, ptsData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX)
+ const colorsData = new Float32Array(flatten(colors))
+ const colorsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, colorsData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX)
+ const triangles = Delaunator.from(pts).triangles
+ const indexBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, triangles.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.INDEX)
+ console.log(triangles)
+ const shader = `
+ struct VertexOutput {
+ @builtin(position) position: vec4,
+ @location(0) color: vec4,
+ };
+ @vertex
+ fn mainVertex(
+ @location(0) position: vec2f,
+ @location(1) color: vec4f
+ ) -> VertexOutput {
+ var output: VertexOutput;
+ output.color = color;
+ output.position = vec4f(position, 0, 1);
+ return output;
+ }
+ @fragment
+ fn mainFragment(
+ @location(0) color: vec4
+ ) -> @location(0) vec4f {
+ return color;
+ }`
+ const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({ code: shader })
+ const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: 'auto',
+ vertex: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainVertex',
+ buffers: [
+ {
+ arrayStride: 8,
+ attributes: [{
+ shaderLocation: 0,
+ format: 'float32x2' as const,
+ offset: 0
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ arrayStride: 16,
+ attributes: [{
+ shaderLocation: 1,
+ format: 'float32x4' as const,
+ offset: 0
+ }]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainFragment',
+ targets: [{ format: 'bgra8unorm' as const }]
+ },
+ primitive: {
+ topology: 'triangle-list',
+ // topology: 'point-list',
+ }
+ })
+ requestAnimationFrame(function loop() {
+ const curTexture = context.getCurrentTexture()
+ const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder()
+ const renderPass = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [
+ {
+ view: curTexture.createView(),
+ clearValue: { r: 0.02, g: 0, b: 0.1, a: 1 },
+ loadOp: 'clear' as const,
+ storeOp: 'store' as const
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ renderPass.setPipeline(pipeline)
+ renderPass.setVertexBuffer(0, ptsBuffer)
+ renderPass.setVertexBuffer(1, colorsBuffer)
+ renderPass.setIndexBuffer(indexBuffer, 'uint32')
+ renderPass.drawIndexed(triangles.length, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+ renderPass.end()
+ device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()])
+ requestAnimationFrame(loop)
+ })
+function createGPUBuffer(
+ device: GPUDevice,
+ data: ArrayBuffer & { buffer?: never }, // make sure this is NOT a TypedArray
+ usageFlag: GPUBufferUsageFlags,
+ byteOffset = 0,
+ byteLength = data.byteLength
+) {
+ const buffer = device.createBuffer({
+ size: byteLength,
+ usage: usageFlag,
+ mappedAtCreation: true
+ })
+ new Uint8Array(buffer.getMappedRange()).set(
+ new Uint8Array(data, byteOffset, byteLength)
+ )
+ buffer.unmap()
+ return buffer
+async function setupWebGPU(canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement) {
+ if (!window.navigator.gpu) {
+ const message = `
+ Your current browser does not support WebGPU! Make sure you are on a system
+ with WebGPU enabled, e.g. Chrome or Safari (with the WebGPU flag enabled).
+ `
+ document.body.innerText = message
+ throw new Error(message)
+ }
+ const adapter = await window.navigator.gpu.requestAdapter()
+ if (!adapter) throw new Error('Failed to requestAdapter()')
+ const device = await adapter.requestDevice()
+ if (!device) throw new Error('Failed to requestDevice()')
+ if (!canvas) {
+ canvas = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('canvas'))
+ window.addEventListener('resize', fit(canvas, document.body, window.devicePixelRatio), false)
+ }
+ const context = canvas.getContext('webgpu')
+ if (!context) throw new Error('Failed to getContext("webgpu")')
+ context.configure({
+ device: device,
+ format: navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat(),
+ alphaMode: 'opaque'
+ })
+ return { device, context }
+function fit(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, parent: HTMLElement, scale = 1) {
+ const p = parent
+ canvas.style.position = canvas.style.position || 'absolute'
+ canvas.style.top = '0'
+ canvas.style.left = '0'
+ return resize()
+ function resize() {
+ let width = window.innerWidth
+ let height = window.innerHeight
+ if (p && p !== document.body) {
+ const bounds = p.getBoundingClientRect()
+ width = bounds.width
+ height = bounds.height
+ }
+ canvas.width = width * scale
+ canvas.height = height * scale
+ canvas.style.width = `${width}px`
+ canvas.style.height = `${height}px`
+ return resize
+ }
+function flatten(arr: T[][]): T[] {
+ return arr.reduce((flat, toFlatten) => {
+ return flat.concat(toFlatten)
+ }, [])
diff --git a/sketches/2024.10.12-14.17.05.ts b/sketches/2024.10.12-14.17.05.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43c3ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sketches/2024.10.12-14.17.05.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+// WebGPU demo
+// NOTE: you must visit this on localhost or webgpu won't work
+import { mat4 } from 'gl-matrix'
+import { GUI } from 'dat-gui'
+async function main() {
+ const { device, context } = await setupWebGPU()
+ const settings = {}
+ const gui = new GUI()
+ const positions: number[] = []
+ const colors: number[] = []
+ const size = 20
+ const spacing = 1
+ const rows = 50
+ const cols = 200
+ const totalWidth = cols * (size + spacing) + spacing
+ const totalHeight = rows * (size + spacing) + spacing
+ for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
+ // each position is the center of a cell, and there is spacing between cells and around the outside
+ const x = i * (size + spacing) + spacing + size / 2
+ const y = j * (size + spacing) + spacing + size / 2
+ positions.push(x - totalWidth / 2, y - totalHeight / 2)
+ colors.push(Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.4, Math.random() * 0.2 + 0.2, Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.5, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ const verticesData = new Float32Array([-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1])
+ const verticesBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, verticesData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX)
+ const positionsData = new Float32Array(positions)
+ const positionsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, positionsData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX)
+ const colorsData = new Float32Array(colors)
+ const colorsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, colorsData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX)
+ const projectionMatrix = mat4.ortho(
+ mat4.create(),
+ -context.canvas.width / 2,
+ context.canvas.width / 2,
+ -context.canvas.height / 2,
+ context.canvas.height / 2,
+ -1, 1
+ )
+ const shader = `
+ struct VertexOutput {
+ @builtin(position) position: vec4,
+ @location(0) color: vec4,
+ };
+ struct Uniforms {
+ projectionMatrix: mat4x4,
+ size: f32,
+ };
+ @group(0) @binding(0) var uniforms: Uniforms;
+ @vertex
+ fn mainVertex(
+ @location(0) pt: vec2f,
+ @location(1) position: vec2f,
+ @location(2) color: vec4f
+ ) -> VertexOutput {
+ let p = uniforms.size * 0.5 * pt + position;
+ var output: VertexOutput;
+ output.color = color;
+ output.position = uniforms.projectionMatrix * vec4f(p, 0, 1);
+ return output;
+ }
+ @fragment
+ fn mainFragment(
+ @location(0) color: vec4
+ ) -> @location(0) vec4f {
+ return color;
+ }`
+ const projectionMatrixData = new Float32Array(projectionMatrix)
+ const bufferData = new Float32Array(projectionMatrixData.length + 4)
+ bufferData.set(projectionMatrixData)
+ bufferData[projectionMatrixData.length] = size
+ const projectionMatrixUniform = createGPUBuffer(device, bufferData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM)
+ const projectionGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [{
+ binding: 0,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.VERTEX,
+ buffer: {}
+ }]
+ })
+ const bufferGroup = device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: projectionGroupLayout,
+ entries: [{ binding: 0, resource: { buffer: projectionMatrixUniform } }]
+ })
+ const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({ code: shader })
+ const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: device.createPipelineLayout({
+ bindGroupLayouts: [projectionGroupLayout]
+ }),
+ vertex: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainVertex',
+ buffers: [
+ {
+ arrayStride: 8,
+ stepMode: 'vertex' as const,
+ attributes: [{
+ shaderLocation: 0,
+ format: 'float32x2' as const,
+ offset: 0
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ arrayStride: 8,
+ stepMode: 'instance' as const,
+ attributes: [{
+ shaderLocation: 1,
+ format: 'float32x2' as const,
+ offset: 0
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ arrayStride: 16,
+ stepMode: 'instance' as const,
+ attributes: [{
+ shaderLocation: 2,
+ format: 'float32x4' as const,
+ offset: 0
+ }]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainFragment',
+ targets: [{ format: 'bgra8unorm' as const }]
+ },
+ primitive: {
+ topology: 'triangle-strip',
+ }
+ })
+ requestAnimationFrame(function loop() {
+ const curTexture = context.getCurrentTexture()
+ const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder()
+ const renderPass = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [
+ {
+ view: curTexture.createView(),
+ clearValue: { r: 0.02, g: 0, b: 0.1, a: 1 },
+ loadOp: 'clear' as const,
+ storeOp: 'store' as const
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ renderPass.setPipeline(pipeline)
+ renderPass.setBindGroup(0, bufferGroup)
+ renderPass.setVertexBuffer(0, verticesBuffer)
+ renderPass.setVertexBuffer(1, positionsBuffer)
+ renderPass.setVertexBuffer(2, colorsBuffer)
+ renderPass.draw(4, rows * cols)
+ renderPass.end()
+ device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()])
+ requestAnimationFrame(loop)
+ })
+function createGPUBuffer(
+ device: GPUDevice,
+ data: ArrayBuffer & { buffer?: never }, // make sure this is NOT a TypedArray
+ usageFlag: GPUBufferUsageFlags,
+ byteOffset = 0,
+ byteLength = data.byteLength
+) {
+ const buffer = device.createBuffer({
+ size: byteLength,
+ usage: usageFlag,
+ mappedAtCreation: true
+ })
+ new Uint8Array(buffer.getMappedRange()).set(
+ new Uint8Array(data, byteOffset, byteLength)
+ )
+ buffer.unmap()
+ return buffer
+async function setupWebGPU(canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement) {
+ if (!window.navigator.gpu) {
+ const message = `
+ Your current browser does not support WebGPU! Make sure you are on a system
+ with WebGPU enabled, e.g. Chrome or Safari (with the WebGPU flag enabled).
+ `
+ document.body.innerText = message
+ throw new Error(message)
+ }
+ const adapter = await window.navigator.gpu.requestAdapter()
+ if (!adapter) throw new Error('Failed to requestAdapter()')
+ const device = await adapter.requestDevice()
+ if (!device) throw new Error('Failed to requestDevice()')
+ if (!canvas) {
+ canvas = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('canvas'))
+ window.addEventListener('resize', fit(canvas, document.body, window.devicePixelRatio), false)
+ }
+ const context = canvas.getContext('webgpu')
+ if (!context) throw new Error('Failed to getContext("webgpu")')
+ context.configure({
+ device: device,
+ format: navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat(),
+ alphaMode: 'opaque'
+ })
+ return { device, context }
+function fit(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, parent: HTMLElement, scale = 1) {
+ const p = parent
+ canvas.style.position = canvas.style.position || 'absolute'
+ canvas.style.top = '0'
+ canvas.style.left = '0'
+ return resize()
+ function resize() {
+ let width = window.innerWidth
+ let height = window.innerHeight
+ if (p && p !== document.body) {
+ const bounds = p.getBoundingClientRect()
+ width = bounds.width
+ height = bounds.height
+ }
+ canvas.width = width * scale
+ canvas.height = height * scale
+ canvas.style.width = `${width}px`
+ canvas.style.height = `${height}px`
+ return resize
+ }
+function flatten(arr: T[][]): T[] {
+ return arr.reduce((flat, toFlatten) => {
+ return flat.concat(toFlatten)
+ }, [])
diff --git a/sketches/2024.10.18-11.56.38.ts b/sketches/2024.10.18-11.56.38.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0662604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sketches/2024.10.18-11.56.38.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+// WebGPU demo
+// NOTE: you must visit this on localhost or webgpu won't work
+import { mat4 } from 'gl-matrix'
+import { GUI } from 'dat-gui'
+const palettes = [
+ [166, 124, 135, 255],
+ [63, 85, 115, 255],
+ [106, 138, 166, 255],
+ [218, 182, 182, 255],
+ [242, 228, 228, 255],
+ [101, 105, 117, 255],
+ [116, 93, 113, 255]
+const MAX_GRID_DIM_SIZE = 64
+// --------------------------------------
+// - use different bind groups for uniforms and cells
+// - make a uniforms manager that can create uniforms buffers and update them
+// and create bind groups / layouts and maybe even keep the WGSL shader code
+// uniforms struct in sync with the uniforms manager
+// - add animations for cell size and color
+// - improve performance by rendering each cell as an instance
+// --------------------------------------
+async function main() {
+ const { device, context } = await setupWebGPU()
+ const settings = {
+ gridWidth: 8,
+ gridHeight: 9,
+ cellSize: 60,
+ cellSpacing: 105,
+ squircleK: 3.7,
+ curColIdx: 0
+ }
+ const gui = new GUI()
+ gui.add(settings, 'gridWidth', 1, MAX_GRID_DIM_SIZE).name('Grid Width').step(1)
+ gui.add(settings, 'gridHeight', 1, MAX_GRID_DIM_SIZE).name('Grid Height').step(1)
+ gui.add(settings, 'cellSize', 1, 400).name('Cell Size').step(1)
+ gui.add(settings, 'cellSpacing', 0, 400).name('Cell Spacing').step(1)
+ gui.add(settings, 'squircleK', 1, 20).name('Squircle K').step(0.1)
+ gui.add(settings, 'curColIdx', 0, 32).name('Current Column').step(1)
+ const verticesData = new Float32Array([-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1])
+ const verticesBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, verticesData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX)
+ const shader = `
+ struct VertexOutput {
+ @builtin(position) position: vec4,
+ };
+ struct Uniforms {
+ dimensions: vec2f,
+ gridDimensions: vec2f,
+ cellSize: f32,
+ cellSpacing: f32,
+ squircleK: f32,
+ curColIdx: f32,
+ palettes: array,
+ };
+ @group(0) @binding(0) var uniforms: Uniforms;
+ @group(0) @binding(1) var cells: array>;
+ @vertex
+ fn mainVertex(
+ @location(0) position: vec2f
+ ) -> @builtin(position) vec4 {
+ return vec4f(position, 0, 1);
+ }
+ fn getCellPosition(ij: vec2f) -> vec2f {
+ return ij * uniforms.cellSpacing + uniforms.cellSize / 2.0;
+ }
+ fn squircle(p: vec2f, center: vec2f, size: vec2f, k: f32) -> f32 {
+ let q = abs(p - center) / size;
+ return pow(pow(q.x, k) + pow(q.y, k), 1.0 / k);
+ }
+ @fragment
+ fn mainFragment(
+ @builtin(position) position: vec4
+ ) -> @location(0) vec4f {
+ // grid is just cell spacing * grid dimensions - 1 + cell size
+ let gridDims = uniforms.cellSize + (uniforms.gridDimensions - 1.0) * uniforms.cellSpacing;
+ let gridOffset = (uniforms.dimensions - gridDims) / 2.0;
+ let cellDims = vec2f(uniforms.cellSize, uniforms.cellSize);
+ let gridBuffer = gridDims * 0.1;
+ let minXY = gridOffset - gridBuffer;
+ let maxXY = gridOffset + gridDims + gridBuffer;
+ // if position is outside of grid, return white
+ if (position.x < minXY.x || position.x > maxXY.x || position.y < minXY.y || position.y > maxXY.y) {
+ return vec4f(1.0);
+ }
+ // rgb is weighted sum of colors, a is sum of weights
+ var color: vec4f = vec4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01);
+ for (var i = 0.0; i < uniforms.gridDimensions.x; i += 1.0) {
+ let isCur: f32 = step(abs(i - uniforms.curColIdx), 0.001);
+ for (var j = 0.0; j < uniforms.gridDimensions.y; j += 1.0) {
+ let cellIdx = u32(j * uniforms.gridDimensions.x + i);
+ let cell = cells[cellIdx];
+ let cellColor: vec4f = uniforms.palettes[cell.y];
+ let fadedColor = vec4f(mix(vec3f(1.0), cellColor.rgb, 0.4), 1.0);
+ let cellPosition = getCellPosition(vec2f(i, j)) + gridOffset;
+ let t = squircle(position.xy, cellPosition, cellDims, uniforms.squircleK);
+ let weight = 1.0 - smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, t);
+ let curColor = mix(fadedColor, cellColor, isCur);
+ color += curColor * weight * f32(cell.x);
+ }
+ }
+ let breakpoint = 0.12;
+ let fade = 0.008;
+ return mix(vec4f(1.0), color / color.a, smoothstep(breakpoint - fade, breakpoint + fade, color.a));
+ }`
+ const cellData = new Uint32Array(MAX_GRID_DIM_SIZE * MAX_GRID_DIM_SIZE * 2)
+ let n = 0
+ while (n < cellData.length) {
+ // on or off
+ cellData[n++] = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.0
+ // palette color index
+ cellData[n++] = Math.random() * palettes.length | 0
+ }
+ console.log(cellData)
+ const cellBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, cellData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST)
+ const uniformsData = new Float32Array([
+ context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height,
+ settings.gridWidth, settings.gridHeight,
+ settings.cellSize, settings.cellSpacing,
+ settings.squircleK, settings.curColIdx % settings.gridWidth,
+ ...flatten(palettes).map(c => c / 255)
+ ])
+ const uniformsBuffer = createGPUBuffer(device, uniformsData.buffer, GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST)
+ const uniformsGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: [{
+ binding: 0,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ buffer: { type: 'uniform' as const }
+ }, {
+ binding: 1,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ buffer: { type: 'read-only-storage' as const }
+ }]
+ })
+ const bindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: uniformsGroupLayout,
+ entries: [
+ { binding: 0, resource: { buffer: uniformsBuffer } },
+ { binding: 1, resource: { buffer: cellBuffer } }
+ ]
+ })
+ const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({ code: shader })
+ const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: device.createPipelineLayout({
+ bindGroupLayouts: [uniformsGroupLayout]
+ }),
+ vertex: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainVertex',
+ buffers: [{
+ arrayStride: 8,
+ stepMode: 'vertex' as const,
+ attributes: [{
+ shaderLocation: 0,
+ format: 'float32x2' as const,
+ offset: 0
+ }]
+ }]
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'mainFragment',
+ targets: [{ format: 'bgra8unorm' as const }]
+ },
+ primitive: {
+ topology: 'triangle-strip',
+ }
+ })
+ requestAnimationFrame(function loop() {
+ // for (let i = 0; i < cellData.length; i++) {
+ // cellData[i] = Math.random()
+ // }
+ // device.queue.writeBuffer(cellBuffer, 0, cellData)
+ // update uniforms
+ uniformsData[0] = context.canvas.width
+ uniformsData[1] = context.canvas.height
+ uniformsData[2] = settings.gridWidth
+ uniformsData[3] = settings.gridHeight
+ uniformsData[4] = settings.cellSize
+ uniformsData[5] = settings.cellSpacing
+ uniformsData[6] = settings.squircleK
+ uniformsData[7] = settings.curColIdx % settings.gridWidth
+ device.queue.writeBuffer(uniformsBuffer, 0, uniformsData)
+ const curTexture = context.getCurrentTexture()
+ const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder()
+ const renderPass = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [
+ {
+ view: curTexture.createView(),
+ clearValue: { r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1 },
+ loadOp: 'clear' as const,
+ storeOp: 'store' as const
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ renderPass.setPipeline(pipeline)
+ renderPass.setBindGroup(0, bindGroup)
+ renderPass.setVertexBuffer(0, verticesBuffer)
+ renderPass.draw(4)
+ renderPass.end()
+ device.queue.submit([commandEncoder.finish()])
+ requestAnimationFrame(loop)
+ })
+function createGPUBuffer(
+ device: GPUDevice,
+ data: ArrayBuffer & { buffer?: never }, // make sure this is NOT a TypedArray
+ usageFlag: GPUBufferUsageFlags,
+ byteOffset = 0,
+ byteLength = data.byteLength
+) {
+ const buffer = device.createBuffer({
+ size: byteLength,
+ usage: usageFlag,
+ mappedAtCreation: true
+ })
+ new Uint8Array(buffer.getMappedRange()).set(
+ new Uint8Array(data, byteOffset, byteLength)
+ )
+ buffer.unmap()
+ return buffer
+async function setupWebGPU(canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement) {
+ if (!window.navigator.gpu) {
+ const message = `
+ Your current browser does not support WebGPU! Make sure you are on a system
+ with WebGPU enabled, e.g. Chrome or Safari (with the WebGPU flag enabled).
+ `
+ document.body.innerText = message
+ throw new Error(message)
+ }
+ const adapter = await window.navigator.gpu.requestAdapter()
+ if (!adapter) throw new Error('Failed to requestAdapter()')
+ const device = await adapter.requestDevice()
+ if (!device) throw new Error('Failed to requestDevice()')
+ if (!canvas) {
+ canvas = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('canvas'))
+ window.addEventListener('resize', fit(canvas, document.body, window.devicePixelRatio), false)
+ }
+ const context = canvas.getContext('webgpu')
+ if (!context) throw new Error('Failed to getContext("webgpu")')
+ context.configure({
+ device: device,
+ format: navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat(),
+ alphaMode: 'opaque'
+ })
+ return { device, context }
+function fit(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, parent: HTMLElement, scale = 1) {
+ const p = parent
+ canvas.style.position = canvas.style.position || 'absolute'
+ canvas.style.top = '0'
+ canvas.style.left = '0'
+ return resize()
+ function resize() {
+ let width = window.innerWidth
+ let height = window.innerHeight
+ if (p && p !== document.body) {
+ const bounds = p.getBoundingClientRect()
+ width = bounds.width
+ height = bounds.height
+ }
+ canvas.width = width * scale
+ canvas.height = height * scale
+ canvas.style.width = `${width}px`
+ canvas.style.height = `${height}px`
+ return resize
+ }
+function flatten(arr: T[][]): T[] {
+ return arr.reduce((flat, toFlatten) => {
+ return flat.concat(toFlatten)
+ }, [])